Comments on Profile Post by GameWorld426

  1. Jess
    Yes GameWorld426, we all know that you don't like the new forums, chill.
    Some people do like it though, so stop acting like your the only one that uses the forums.
    Mar 20, 2014
  2. GameWorld426
    I'm not saying I'm the only who uses the forums k so stop misinterpreting my words
    Mar 20, 2014
  3. Jess
    I'm not "misrepresenting your words". I'm representing your actions. Yes I get that you and a few others don't like the new theme, but you don't need to spam that everywhere. you have already made a vast amount of posts on it.
    Mar 20, 2014
  4. GameWorld426
    I made like 5
    Mar 20, 2014
  5. Jess
    I disagree with your estimating skills, but whatever. Perhaps we should stop making conversation on drtshock's profile page.
    Mar 20, 2014
  6. GameWorld426
    Arguing over
    You have your likes n dislikes n I do to
    Mar 20, 2014