Comments on Profile Post by StarfletcherBANNED

  1. Hasan
    No more Beta Testers are being accepted, there are already about 50, and there is no need to have more.
    Mar 4, 2014
  2. StarfletcherBANNED
    Oh ok, I'll still help find bugs in the game and send them to Dtrshock.
    Mar 4, 2014
  3. Hasan
    If you keep bugging him by asking to be a beta tester, he might ban you! Lol! Its from experience! I kept bugging him to get to be one again, because I called him on Skype, but we're friends now! Right drtshock?
    Mar 4, 2014
  4. StarfletcherBANNED
    Thanks for explaining this to me. Case closed.
    Mar 4, 2014