Comments on Profile Post by Sir-Teabag

  1. militia81
    The first name is impersonating staff, & thr other one is making fun of something else. (E.g thedark- thedork-).
    Dec 1, 2015
  2. TheLastStraw
    Right on for the first one... but not for the second reason. It's because thedorknight13 is cheating by using his alt to gain kill points.
    Credits to ZeusNerox
    Dec 1, 2015
  3. Sheldon
    Thedorkknight13 was banned for making a chargeback. It's not inappropriate nor was he banned for farming his alt for kills.
    Dec 1, 2015
  4. TheLastStraw
    But isn't it also bannable?
    Dec 1, 2015
  5. Kyleep
    The reason MinetimeSupp0rt was banned due to impersonation of staff. A simple username change and an appeal will get this account unbanned. However, as @AgentScreem said, Thedorkknight13 was banned for making a chargeback. It's not inappropriate nor was he banned for farming his alt for kills.
    Dec 1, 2015