Comments on Profile Post by General_Grievous

  1. Salty_Pretzel
    Actually, Noah was at first telling to STOP spamming. Then you got mad.
    Oct 18, 2015
  2. General_Grievous
    Dude it wasn't spam in the first place.
    Also, read my status.
    Oct 18, 2015
  3. Dude9
    People like this guy give me real facepalms
    Oct 18, 2015
  4. Salty_Pretzel
    Look at your posts and tell me that it wasn't spam. You posted at least 3 times without anyone replying yet. Just edit next time please.
    Oct 18, 2015
  5. Tyler
    I suggest taking your game to a private message with people that are wanting to join. It seems to me just a way to increase your forum post count.
    Oct 18, 2015
  6. Dude9
    Also note that he locked the forums because he said it was a "petty little way of increasing messages"
    A.K.A. spam
    Oct 18, 2015
  7. General_Grievous
    I want to kill myself 3:
    Oct 18, 2015
  8. Dude9
    Did anyone notice he got like 20 messages in 3 minutes
    Oct 18, 2015
  9. Tyler
    We don't take suicide lightly around here, General_Grievous. If you continue, you will be permanently banned. I suggest talking to someone if you are feeling this way, such as a parent or guardian.
    Oct 18, 2015