Comments on Profile Post by SAM_777

  1. Kyleep
    That lava monster last time was savage! Lol. I probably won't play prison until the next reset or something. I think it's quite boring because everyone is too rich so it'll be hard for me to get going again.
    Aug 20, 2015
  2. Kyleep
    P.s Lava doesn't flow in the end which is where i would most likely build my base anyway. :p
    Aug 20, 2015
  3. SAM_777
    Agreed.. remember that massive obsidian base you made in the end that everybody tried to raid at the start of last reset, I remember trying to raid that for days
    Aug 20, 2015
  4. Kyleep
    I'm pretty sure that was the one with the MASSIVE enderman farm ontop, right? lol. But yes, i do remember everyone trying to get in, it was intense.
    Aug 20, 2015