Comments on Profile Post by CurlyFries

  1. Tyler
    That is a weird question. Assuming you mean because I am an administrator? If so, then no. I didn't get this rank to boost my ego, but instead to benefit Minetime.
    Jul 26, 2015
  2. CurlyFries
    yeah, i meant since your admin. I didnt mean powerful like you wanna take over the world. I just meant powerful, like you have a higher authority
    Jul 26, 2015
  3. CurlyFries
    ik you didnt get it for your ego, you got it cause you deserved it. Even without it you are still a great staff member.
    thats why i made that song
    Jul 26, 2015
  4. Tyler
    Jul 26, 2015
  5. CurlyFries
    Jul 26, 2015