Comments on Profile Post by StarfletcherBANNED

  1. xXaToMiiCzXx
    I tried dude, i tried, but everytime i wish peace on factions, i get spammed with about 20 hate messages, i'm willing to stop, but these people have just started something new.
    Jan 17, 2015
  2. StarfletcherBANNED
    You don't need to get revenge on them. They made their own mistake and will suffer for it in later life. You don't need to be the person making them suffer. You just need to let it go and don't hold it back anymore (frozen). Maybe, even change your IGN, play as someone else. You don't need to get revenge on them.
    Jan 17, 2015
  3. xXaToMiiCzXx
    IGN changing? Sure.
    I not planning on a revenge, but now im constantly being abused for joking about cancer which i did not do, as i have proof.
    Hmu with the ign change, and im all ears, until then, im not taking abuse for something i didnt do.
    Jan 17, 2015
  4. StarfletcherBANNED
    Good. You might want to get in touch with mojang and consider them changing your IGN to such a thing.
    Don't let anyone pull you around, life wont get any easier we are all brothers and sisters in one way. We are all together as one. People that don't understand that don't deserve to be here.
    Jan 17, 2015
  5. xXaToMiiCzXx
    Ill most likely try that.
    Thanks for this, i just started this because my gf almost died from something he is now joking about, and i dont really take things like that lightly.
    Jan 17, 2015
  6. xXaToMiiCzXx
    But yea, thanks.
    Your a good guy
    Jan 17, 2015
  7. StarfletcherBANNED
    You're welcome. And I know that, people just don't see the lighter side of me because they don't deserve to (Lucifer, hasan and more...). If you ever need more help, I'm here. I'll be here for anyone on these forums.
    Jan 17, 2015