Comments on Profile Post by Richiecat62

  1. Jess
    Well, for starters, (No offense if you do) I don't really consider friends on games or the internet to be real friends. They are more like circumstantial friends. They'll be your friend as long as you play that game and are on "their side" with any issues.
    Jul 22, 2014
  2. Richiecat62
    In real life. *cough* lol
    Jul 22, 2014
  3. Jess
    Yeah, there isn't really much of a way to tell besides the passing of time and obstacles. Generally, anyone that I consider to be a true friend will make time to hang out even if circumstances don't put us anywhere near each other.
    Jul 22, 2014
  4. Jess
    Like when you go to college on one side of the state and your friend goes to college on the other side of the state. You don't have the chance to talk to him all school year, but when you go home for the summer and hang out it's like you were never apart.
    Jul 22, 2014
  5. Richiecat62
    Life is tough until school is over. Man if you think about it you're in school from 2-20 or higher. So you're in school 1/4 of you're life and life is short. Basically you're in school for 18-20+ years of you're life. Again 1/4 of your life. 20 years of trouble. MATH and thanks for the kind paragraph :)
    Jul 22, 2014
  6. Richiecat62
    Yah. My "bestie" is going to another school and since summer started we never talked. I texted her asking her why I wasn't in her bio and she said we never hangout. Then I wrote a detailed paragraph and she read it and never responded. I guess our friendship is </3
    Jul 22, 2014
  7. Jess
    Yeah, assuming I stop at 4 years of college, I'll be in school until I'm 22. Of course, being an electrical engineer I'll probably go back for my masters degree, so that'l be yet another year or two after that. :)
    Jul 22, 2014
  8. Richiecat62
    Wow, you sound really smart though. It would surely be a walk in the park for you. :)
    Jul 22, 2014
  9. Jess
    Jul 22, 2014