I think i might have been DDoS'ed

Discussion in 'Help & Donation Issues Archives' started by Jess, Nov 9, 2013.

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  1. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Not really sure where to put this, so i guess this is the best section.
    Let me start by saying I haven't had any experience with such things, so I'm not "SURE" that someone DDoS'ed me. It is also possible that it was some random freak occurance related to the extreme amounts of lag the prison server has been experiencing recently. However, if you ask me it seemed targeted and with malicious intent.
    So here it is, I was pvping someone near the spawn on the prison server, when everyone randomly froze (at this point i thought it was yet another all to common lag-spike, as this happens about once every few minutes), but then the connection died and i got an error message:
    - "The server host has disconnected".
    When i tried to log back on i couldn't, i kept getting another error message:
    - "No further information is available [contents of these brackets were an ip address I've never seen before]"
    ( if i remembered the ip address i would have put it in as it may be relavent). By the time i could finally log back in i had died and some random kid made off with all my stuff :(.
    I know there may not be anything that you can do about this occurance, but i just felt the need to report this as it was very strange and suspicious.

    P.S. Is there ever gonna be a fix for all this lag? Not to sound pushy or anything, but the lag is really starting to get annoying.
  2. Collin

    Collin Retired Owner

    Sep 25, 2013
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    That is rather odd. Did you just get disconnected from the server and then could log back into Minetime, or was your home internet down altogether? By "lag", do you mean client-side lag or server-side lag?
  3. evilman53

    evilman53 New Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    The 1.7 update has introduced a lot of lag to the server. Sometimes i crash because its to laggy, sometimes it is my internet yes, but mostly the 1.7 because it has added a lot of features. I Have also died with good stuff while pvping because of lag. I Hope this 1.7 ag doesn't last forever

    From, evilman53
  4. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I was unable to do anything online for a few minutes, it was like my router/modem just blew up for no apparent reason, i went down stairs to see if the interned service light was off (meaning the internet went down on the service providers side) but according to what i saw i still should have had internet service. Also, all the lights indicating network communication were flashing rapidly as if a large volume of data was being transmitted/recieved.
    I'm not really an expert on lag, but i experienced very little lag until the 1.7 update (or there about), and my computer still runs even intense multiplayer games without lagging, so (like i said, i don't really know much about these things, so i may be wrong) my thought is that it either has something to do with 1.7, or maybe just the large volume of people on prison in the past few weeks.
    #4 Jess, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2013
  5. Joeseph Stiener

    Joeseph Stiener New Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    What exactly is DDoS, i mean i know it stands for direct denial of service, and that it is some kind of cyber attack thing.... but what exactly does it do?
    (other that directly deny you service)
  6. Collin

    Collin Retired Owner

    Sep 25, 2013
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  7. Joeseph Stiener

    Joeseph Stiener New Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    lol @ let me google that for you, ty collin :)
    @ jess and wow, that sounds like the textbook definition of a ddos to me.
  8. Jess

    Jess Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I was just looking over what changes that 1.7 made and it said "network code has been rewritten", maybe that has something to do with it? like maybe the way servers and clients communicate or something? idk, just a guess/speculation.
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