lets talk about the past

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by gwace, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. gwace

    gwace Forum Enthusiast

    Apr 16, 2016
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    yo type any memory you had from minetime that was gr8 or horrible idc but i remember on winter high i was a school shooter and i got denied but then i started my old plot with the nice board and it got super fun and then i cleared it but then i stayed on minetime for like 16 hours at a time just goofing around it was so great :'-) the nostalgia
  2. baileyy

    baileyy Dedicated Minetimer

    May 22, 2016
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    i found the little secret entrance of barriers at lobby where you can walk across the sky

    that is a moment i will always remember
  3. Angel

    Angel Expert Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I am about to write a lot, so I will separate every story into spoilers.
    In 2014 I was really into factions, but I was also really into dating guys from factions. After being part of a faction that my friend Eddie owned, and actually dating him, my irl friend and I got his Minecraft password. After breaking up, and beginning to have a feud with him, her and I remembered that we had his Minecraft account info. However, he was using another account at the time, but his original account was still in his faction with moderator. So her and I logged onto his account, stole all his stuff, kicked everyone who wasn't mod and stole his bases and his spawn base which was right up front. I was then ddosed for the first time. Spawn bases were a really big deal at the time. If we had access to his account he was using at the time, we would've disbanded his whole faction lol but we didn't so we worked with what we had.
    In the 1.7 reset of factions, I was really into it. 2014 was when I was into Minetime the most I think, but I was a no rank and nobody really knew me. I played mostly with my two IRL friends, and it really played with our friendships because our irl friendships kind of relied on Minecraft trust. My friend Brady (TheBakedBrownie/BRADYswag) and I were really close, but at that specific time he quit Minetime because nobody on there liked him. He was going to return back to factions the next week. He trusted me to take over his faction for him and run things and own them. A couple weeks previous, he raided the faction FDB and stole all their p4, there were about 6 dubs of each piece. So my friend and I, being complete savages, decided to steal all his p4, put it in a base of our own and not tell him, then tell him we were inside raided. When he came back, her and I planned to keep on the lie that he was inside raided by someone we don't know, but I felt so guilty, I took all of his p4 and gave it all back. I am a good friend.
    In 2015, I was also really into factions. This was after I got my first rank and after factions reset into 1.8, but a couple months before I first got helper. My friends I was talking about in the story above, we were still frequently playing. Our way of trusting each other was actually very smart at the time. In order to get mod in his faction after continuously betraying him, we had to /msg him a ddos threat so if we betrayed him, he could get us perm banned. However, we were smart and told him that they would only accept the screenshot if he took a picture of his screen with his iPod, and posted that screenshot as proof just so we could inside him. So we threatened to ddos him, and this thread was made about me. No, it wasn't fake.
    At about the same time the story above happened, my friends and I were all good and I was in a faction with them. We had a feud with Eddie, who owned the faction Azero at the time. He was my ex boyfriend, and I stole his spawn bases in a previous story. We all hated him for some reason, I forget what for. Because we were super smart and super savage, we decided to completely roast him in the chat. We had a 30 minute battle, until xBMAN got on and muted us. The arguments we made were actually very racist towards Mexicans, and we even went as far as to make a creative warp called /warp arrrriba and /warp taco, and made a huge taco making fun of him. Brady also ended up changing his IGN to ARRRRIBA just because it was funny to us. If Donald Trump and the election was going on at that time, I don't know how many more terrible racist jokes we could've made. For sure not my proudest moment.
    At this point in the stories, I have helper. Nothing very big or funny happened in late 2015/early 2016 when I had my helper rank. However, A little bit before Minetime shut down and I was probably staff for about a year, I was still playing factions but not very seriously like I was before. I was mostly playing Minetime for the fact that I had helper and I had friends on there. I was friends with @Anders/Behemothic who was also helper at the time. He was terrible at being a staff member though lol but he was awesome i miss you. He let me join cats with styles and matt and all of them. For some reason that I really do forget, anders and I had an inside joke that him and I were king and queen fish. So I stayed up all night with him creating this large house on factions, calling it our #FishCrib and it was so lit omg it was so cool. Then Will/Ha_Im_White blew it up because he hated me.
    If there are other stories, I forgot them or I know them but are too inappropriate for the forums. Most of these stories were from when I was 12/13 years old, and before I was ever a staff member on here. I would include staff memories, but they were all in a staff chat on Skype and don't really have much business being on this thread. Most of my good memories in game were before I had staff, and could actually have fun in-game. I hope you enjoyed my stories lol.
  4. Espresso

    Espresso Forum Fanatic

    Jun 14, 2014
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    i said there are only two genders and everyone on creative got all triggered and mad
  5. Pablo

    Pablo Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 2, 2014
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    One of my favorite memories is learning on infection on how to fly and glide to separate maps without getting boosted. I remember Fuso17 taught me how too and like 2 days later he got banned for a ddos threat so I was the only one on the server who could switch maps for 2 weeks before I told people how to do it lol.
  6. Fanny@

    Fanny@ Dedicated Minetimer

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I actually have a weird story I been on minetime for like 7 years so it was a long while back. So I was enemies with this one guy and we completely disliked each other. One Day, he asked to be my friend I was like what the heck and this was after I raided him but, we became best friends we are still friends today.
  7. Deer

    Deer Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 9, 2014
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    I specifically remember how it was my first time getting on a server with more than 100 people overall. I got on and the first thing I heard was a deafening amount of footsteps in the lobby. It was daunting for awhile but after a few weeks I got used to it and realized everyone there was just as, if not more immature as on the small servers. I was a sixth grader doing roleplays and wondering why everyone didn't know how to type a grammatically correct sentence.

    I miss the big city Minetime I joined into.
  8. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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    i first joined jan 2015 or something just as empires was finishing so that was sad because everyone told me it was good
  9. Sir-Teabag

    Sir-Teabag Forum Fanatic

    Sep 2, 2014
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    -On about 3 or 4 occasions I managed to trick everyone into thinking I was a female.
    -Staying online skyblock for almost two day with only taking breaks when I was forced outside.
    -When I was poor af on Skyblock and gave @Sheldon a bunch of my quartz, and he gave me $500 in-game in return.
    -When Tyler thanked me. Can't remember why but it's in my PM's somewhere.
    -When I got banned for a stupid reason, then unbanned like a minute before Skyblock was reopened after a Reset, getting me /warp Minecraft and /warp Minetime
    -When someone (can't remember his name sorry) built me an awesome farm island for $5k.
    -Somehow getting my kit executive twice within 10 minutes on Skyblock.
    -Finding how to bypass the anti-cheat and flying around Skyblock.
    -When there was a spawner glitch which ruined the economy to the point where people would drop like 20 spawners at giveaways.

    There's lots of fun memories of Skyblock before cyp ruined it. These are the ones which I remember best.

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