Prefer Game

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Chipemunk, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Chipemunk

    Chipemunk Expert Member

    Oct 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    So I thought it would be fun to see what people prefer, vitani briefly had this in one of her threads so I wanted to go into more detail I thought it would be intresting to see the results and compare them so I made this list you don't have to answer all of them,

    IPhone or Android- Android
    Xbox or PlayStation- Xbox
    cat or dog- cat
    Coke or Pepsi- coke
    Pool or beach- beach
    City or countryside- city
    Pizza or pasta- Pizza
    McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's
    Nike or Adidas- Adidas
    Vans or Converse- Converse
    Book or Kindle- book
    Football or athletics- athletics
    Math or english- english
    Sweets or chocolate- chocolate
    Dancing or singing- dancing
    Summer or winter- summer
    Book or the movie- the movie
    Phone or camera- phone
    Shower or bath- shower
    PC or Games console- PC
    Monitor/PC or laptop- laptop
    Headphones or earphones- headphones
    Camping or hotel- hotel
    Rock or pop- pop
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift- katy perry
    Mall or retail park- mall
    Online shopper or in store- in store
    Call or text- call
    Water park or theme park- waterpark
    Blinds or curtains- curtains
    Conacts or glasses- glasses
    Rain or snow- snow
    Swing or slides- swings
    Orange or apple juice- orange juice
    Jogging or walking- jogging
    Blue or yellow- blue
    Cold drinks or walm drinks- cold drinks
    Exterior or interior- both
    Boat or plane- plane
    Frisbee or ball- frisbee
    Old or modern houses- modern
    Full name or nickname- nickname
    Train or bus- train
    Perfume or deodorant- deodorant
    Apartment or house- house
    Netflix or Spotify- Spotify
    Felt tips or crayons- crayons
    Cd or vinal- cd
    Newspaper or magazine- magazine
    Indoors or outdoors- both
    Coffee or hot chocolate- hot chocolate
    Windows or Mac- Windows
    Superman or batman- superman
    Marvel or DC- Marvel
    Starwars or Star trek- Star wars
    Glass or mug- glass
    Pringles or crisps- pringles
    World edit or Voxel- Voxel
    Concert or cinema- cinema
    Sripe or dot- dot
    Esculator or elevator- Esculator
    Watch or smartwatch- smartwatch
    Vest or shirt- shirt
    Wetsuit or trunks- trunks
    AMD or Intel- Intel
    Wallet or purse- wallet
    Sneakers or boots- sneakers
    Snake or spider- snake
    Wonsey or Pyjamas
    Tie or bow tie- tie
    Zoo or safari park- zoo
    Lion or tiger- tiger
    #1 Chipemunk, Jul 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
  2. ReBull

    ReBull Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 29, 2013
    Likes Received:
    IPhone or Android- iPhone
    Xbox or PlayStation- Playstation
    cat or dog- cat
    Coke or Pepsi- pepsi
    Pool or beach- pool
    City or countryside- city
    Pizza or pasta- Pizza
    McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's
    Nike or Adidas- Nike
    Vans or Converse- Converse
    Book or Kindle- Book
    Football or athletics- athletics
    Math or english- english
    Sweets or chocolate- chocolate
    Dancing or singing- singing
    Summer or winter- winter
    Book or the movie- the movie
    Phone or camera- phone
    Shower or bath- shower
    PC or Games console- console
    Monitor/PC or laptop- laptop
    Headphones or earphones- headphones
    Camping or hotel- hotel
    Rock or pop- pop
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift- katy perry
    Mall or retail park- mall
    Online shopper or in store-online shopper
    Call or text- text
    Water park or theme park- theme park
    Blinds or curtains- curtains
    Conacts or glasses- glasses
    Rain or snow- snow
    Swing or slides- swings
    Orange or apple juice- apple juice
    Jogging or walking- jogging
    Blue or yellow- blue
    Cold drinks or walm drinks- cold drinks
    Exterior or interior- interior
    Boat or plane- boat
    Frisbee or ball- ball
    Old or modern houses- modern
    Full name or nickname- nickname
    Train or bus- train
    Perfume or deodorant- deodorant
    Apartment or house- house
    Netflix or Spotify- Spotify
    Felt tips or crayons- felt tips
    Cd or vinal- cd
    Newspaper or magazine- magazine
    Indoors or outdoors- indoors
    Coffee or hot chocolate- coffee
    Windows or Mac- Windows
    Superman or batman- superman
    Marvel or DC- Marvel
    Starwars or Star trek- Star wars
    Glass or mug- glass
    Pringles or crisps- pringles
    World edit or Voxel- Voxel
    Concert or cinema- cinema
    Sripe or dot- dot
    Esculator or elevator- Esculator
    Watch or smartwatch- watch
    Vest or shirt- shirt
    Wetsuit or trunks- trunks
    AMD or Intel- Intel
    Wallet or purse- wallet
    Sneakers or boots- sneakers
    Snake or spider- snake
    Wonsey or Pyjamas - PJS
    Tie or bow tie- tie
    Zoo or sifari park- zoo
    Lion or tiger- tiger
  3. Mark

    Mark New Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IPhone or Android- Android
    Xbox or PlayStation- PlayStation
    cat or dog- Dog
    Coke or Pepsi- Coke
    Pool or beach- Pool
    City or countryside- Countryside
    Pizza or pasta- Pizza
    McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's
    Nike or Adidas- Nike
    Vans or Converse- Vans
    Book or Kindle- book
    Football or athletics- Athletics
    Math or english- Math
    Sweets or chocolate- Chocolate
    Dancing or singing- Singing
    Summer or winter- Summer
    Book or the movie- The movie
    Phone or camera- Phone
    Shower or bath- Bath
    PC or Games console- PC
    Monitor/PC or laptop- Laptop
    Headphones or earphones- Headphones
    Camping or hotel- Camping
    Rock or pop- Pop
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift- Katy Perry
    Mall or retail park- Mall
    Online shopper or in store- Online shopper
    Call or text- Call
    Water park or theme park- Theme park
    Blinds or curtains- curtains
    Conacts or glasses- Contacts
    Rain or snow- Rain
    Swing or slides- Slides
    Orange or apple juice- Orange juice
    Jogging or walking- Jogging
    blue or yellow- Blue
    Cold drinks or warm drinks- Cold drinks
    Boat or plane- Plane
    Frisbee or ball- Ball
    Old or modern houses- Modern
    Full name or nickname- Nickname
    Train or bus- Train
    Perfume or deodorant- Deodorant
    Apartment or house- House
    Netflix or Spotify- Netflix
    Felt tips or crayons- crayons
    Cd or vinal- Cd
    Newspaper or magazine- Magazine
    Indoors or outdoors- Both
    Coffee or hot chocolate- Coffe
    Windows or Mac- Windows
    Superman or batman- Superman
    Marvel or DC- Marvel
    Starwars or Star trek- Star wars
    Glass or mug- Glass
    Pringles or crisps- Pringles
    World edit or Voxel- World edit
    Concert or cinema- Cinema
    Sripe or dot- dot
    Esculator or elevator- Elevator
    Watch or smartwatch- Smartwatch
    Vest or shirt- Shirt
    Wetsuit or trunks- Trunks
    AMD or Intel- Intel
    Wallet or purse- wallet
    Sneakers or boots- sneakers
    Snake or spider- snake
    Wonsey or Pyjamas
    Tie or bow tie- tie
    Zoo or sifari park- zoo
    Lion or tiger- tiger
  4. botdf

    botdf Forum Enthusiast

    Nov 15, 2013
    Likes Received:
    IPhone or Android- iPhone
    Xbox or PlayStation- Xbox
    cat or dog- Dog
    Coke or Pepsi- coke
    Pool or beach- beach
    City or countryside- city
    Pizza or pasta- Pizza
    McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's
    Nike or Adidas- Nike
    Vans or Converse- Vans
    Book or Kindle- book
    Football or athletics- athletics
    Math or english- Math
    Sweets or chocolate- Sweets
    Dancing or singing- Singing
    Summer or winter- Winter
    Book or the movie- Movie
    Phone or camera- Phone
    Shower or bath- shower
    PC or Games console- PC
    Monitor/PC or laptop- PC
    Headphones or earphones- headphones
    Camping or hotel- Camping
    Rock or pop- Rock (Unless it's k-pop)
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift- katy perry
    Mall or retail park- mall
    Online shopper or in store- in store
    Call or text- Call
    Water park or theme park- waterpark
    Blinds or curtains- curtains
    Conacts or glasses- Contacts
    Rain or snow- Rain
    Swing or slides- Swings
    Orange or apple juice- Apple juice
    Jogging or walking- Walking
    Blue or yellow- blue
    Cold drinks or warm drinks- cold drinks
    Exterior or interior- Interior
    Boat or plane- Boat
    Frisbee or ball- frisbee
    Old or modern houses- modern
    Full name or nickname- Nickname
    Train or bus- Train
    Perfume or deodorant- Both
    Apartment or house- house
    Netflix or Spotify- Netflix
    Felt tips or crayons- Felt tips
    Cd or vinyl- CD
    Newspaper or magazine- magazine
    Indoors or outdoors- Indoors
    Coffee or hot chocolate- Coffee
    Windows or Mac- Windows
    Superman or batman- Batman
    Marvel or DC- Marvel (^Weird right)
    Starwars or Star trek- Star wars
    Glass or mug- Mug
    Pringles or crisps- pringles
    World edit or Voxel- World edit
    Concert or cinema- Concert
    Stripe or dot- dot
    Escalatoror elevator- Escalator
    Watch or smartwatch- smartwatch
    Vest or shirt- shirt
    Wetsuit or trunks- Wetsuit
    AMD or Intel- Intel
    Wallet or purse- Both?
    Sneakers or boots- Sneakers
    Snake or spider- snake
    Onesie or Pajamas- Onesie
    Tie or bow tie- Bow tie
    Zoo or safari park- zoo
    Lion or tiger- tiger
  5. Disgusting

    Disgusting Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IPhone or Android- iPhone
    Xbox or PlayStation- Xbox
    cat or dog- Cat, TOTALLY!
    Coke or Pepsi- (Diet) Pepsi
    Pool or beach- Beach
    City or countryside- City
    Pizza or pasta- PASTA!
    McDonald's or KFC- KFC, but really, none.
    Nike or Adidas- I don't care.
    Vans or Converse- Converse
    Book or Kindle- Book
    Football or athletics- Athletics
    Math or english- Math
    Sweets or chocolate- Sweets (Meaning, Mousse, Cake or something like that for me :).)
    Dancing or singing- Singing.
    Summer or winter- Winter for LYFE!
    Book or the movie- Book
    Phone or camera- Camera
    Shower or bath- Bath
    PC or Games console- PC
    Monitor/PC or laptop- Matters.
    Headphones or earphones- Headphones
    Camping or hotel- Hotel
    Rock or pop- Pop (Don't like either really).
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift-Katy!!!!!!!
    Mall or retail park- Mall
    Online shopper or in store- In store.
    Call or text- Call.
    Water park or theme park- Theme park (I've been to Waldameer, I was born near there, :) Love that place).
    Blinds or curtains- Curtains.
    Conacts or glasses- Glasses.
    Rain or snow- Rain (Sometimes).
    Swing or slides- Swings.
    Orange or apple juice- Cranberry Juice, it's better then water :).
    Jogging or walking- Jogging.
    Blue or yellow- (lol weird question) Blue.
    Cold drinks or walm drinks- Cold Drinks (Sweetened/Iced Green Tea, love it).
    Exterior or interior- Both
    Boat or plane- Plane
    Frisbee or ball- Ball (I don't know how to throw a frisbee).
    Old or modern houses- Old-looking i'd say, not like old like 1879 and almost falling apart.
    Full name or nickname- Nickname. (Nisaki - Meaning Islet in Greek).
    Train or bus- Train.
    Perfume or deodorant- Perfume.
    Apartment or house- House.
    Netflix or Spotify- Netflix.
    Felt tips or crayons- Felt tips.
    Cd or vinal- Cd.
    Newspaper or magazine- Magazine.
    Indoors or outdoors- Both (Mostly Outdoors).
    Coffee or hot chocolate- Coffee (Cappuchino or Expresso).
    Windows or Mac- Mac mostly.
    Superman or batman- Superman.
    Marvel or DC- Marvel.
    Starwars or Star trek- Neither.
    Glass or mug- Mug.
    Pringles or crisps- Crisps.
    World edit or Voxel- World Edit.
    Concert or cinema- Cinema.
    Sripe or dot- Stripe.
    Esculator or elevator- Stairs.
    Watch or smartwatch- Watch (Don't waste your money, you have a smartphone you only need a watch not a smartwatched, WASTE!)
    Vest or shirt- Shirt.
    Wetsuit or trunks- Neither.
    AMD or Intel- Intel.
    Wallet or purse- Purse.
    Sneakers or boots- Boots.
    Snake or spider- Spiders (Not afraid of spiders).
    Wonsey or Pyjamas- Pyjamas.
    Tie or bow tie- Bow tie.
    Zoo or safari park- Neither, treat their animals like crap.
    Lion or tiger- Lions.
  6. idk

    idk Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 30, 2016
    Likes Received:

    1. Phone or Android- IPhone
      Xbox or PlayStation- Xbox
      cat or dog- dog
      Coke or Pepsi- coke
      Pool or beach- pool
      City or countryside- city
      Pizza or pasta- Pizza
      McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's
      Nike or Adidas- Adidas
      Vans or Converse- Converse
      Book or Kindle- book
      Football or athletics- football
      Math or english- math
      Sweets or chocolate- chocolate
      Dancing or singing- dancing
      Summer or winter- Winter
      Book or the movie- the movie
      Phone or camera- both
      Shower or bath- bath
      PC or Games console- PC
      Monitor/PC or laptop- laptop
      Headphones or earphones- both
      Camping or hotel- hotel
      Rock or pop-
      Katy perry or Taylor Swift- Tay
      Mall or retail park- Mall
      Online shopper or in store- both but mostly in store
      Call or text- text
      Water park or theme park- waterpark
      Blinds or curtains- Blinds
      Conacts or glasses- I don't wear any so.. I don't know
      Rain or snow- snow
      Swing or slides- swings
      Orange or apple juice- orange juice
      Jogging or walking- jogging
      Blue or yellow- blue
      Cold drinks or walm drinks- cold drinks
      Exterior or interior- both
      Boat or plane- plane
      Frisbee or ball- ball
      Old or modern houses- modern
      Full name or nickname- nickname
      Train or bus- train
      Perfume or deodorant- Perfume
      Apartment or house- house
      Netflix or Spotify- Netflix
      Felt tips or crayons- felt tips
      Cd or vinal- cd
      Newspaper or magazine- magazine
      Indoors or outdoors- both...indoors mostly
      Coffee or hot chocolate- Coffee
      Windows or Mac- Mac
      Superman or batman- Batman
      Marvel or DC- Marvel
      Starwars or Star trek- Star wars
      Glass or mug- mug
      Pringles or crisps- crisps
      World edit or Voxel-
      Concert or cinema- cinema
      Sripe or dot- stripe
      Esculator or elevator- elevator
      Watch or smartwatch- smartwatch
      Vest or shirt- shirt
      Wetsuit or trunks- trunks
      AMD or Intel-
      Wallet or purse- both
      Sneakers or boots- sneakers
      Snake or spider- snake
      Wonsey or Pyjamas- Onsie
      Tie or bow tie- bow tie
      Zoo or safari park- zoo
      Lion or tiger- tiger
  7. xl_Dan_lx

    xl_Dan_lx Active Member

    Dec 27, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IPhone or Android- Android
    Xbox or PlayStation- PS
    cat or dog- Dog
    Coke or Pepsi- Coke
    Pool or beach- Both
    City or countryside- City
    Pizza or pasta- Pizza
    McDonald's or KFC- McDonald's with KFC
    Nike or Adidas- Adidas
    Vans or Converse- Vans
    Book or Kindle- I don't know how to read
    Football or athletics- Football
    Math or english- English
    Sweets or chocolate- Chocolate with Sweets
    Dancing or singing- Dancing
    Summer or winter- Winter
    Book or the movie- The movie
    Phone or camera- Phone
    Shower or bath- Shower
    PC or Games console- PC
    Monitor/PC or laptop- Laptop
    Headphones or earphones- Headphones
    Camping or hotel- Hotel
    Rock or pop- Rock
    Katy perry or Taylor Swift- They both should kill themselfs
    Mall or retail park- Mall
    Online shopper or in store- In store is better since I can actually see the profuct if it's good
    Call or text- Text
    Water park or theme park- water Park
    Blinds or curtains- Blinds
    Conacts or glasses- I don't use any so I wouldn't know
    Rain or snow- Don't have snow :(
    Swing or slides- Slides
    Orange or apple juice- Apple Juice
    Jogging or walking- I don't wish to do any of those.
    Blue or yellow- Black and Yellow
    Cold drinks or warm drinks- Warm Drinks
    Exterior or interior- Both
    Boat or plane- Boat
    Frisbee or ball- Ball
    Old or modern houses- Modern
    Full name or nickname- Nickname
    Train or bus- Train
    Perfume or deodorant- Both
    Apartment or house- House
    Netflix or Spotify- None
    Felt tips or crayons- Felt Tips
    Cd or vinyl- Vinyl
    Newspaper or magazine- None
    Indoors or outdoors- Both
    Coffee or hot chocolate- Depends
    Windows or Mac- Windows
    Superman or batman- Batman
    Marvel or DC- Marvel
    Starwars or Star trek- Star Wars
    Glass or mug- Mug
    Pringles or crisps- Pringles
    World edit or Voxel- I use both since they are really good and Voxel adds things that W/E does not have and so is the other way around.
    Concert or cinema- Cinema
    Sripe or dot- I don't even know..
    Esculator or elevator- Elevator
    Watch or smartwatch- Watch
    Vest or shirt- Shirt
    Wetsuit or trunks- I don't even know..
    AMD or Intel- Intel
    Wallet or purse- Wallet
    Sneakers or boots- Depends on the weather man lol
    Snake or spider- Hate both
    Wonsey or Pajamas- I sleep with only underwear
    Tie or bow tie- Tie
    Zoo or safari park- Zoo
    Lion or tiger- Lion
  8. Jack

    Jack Forum Fanatic

    Jan 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Vitani stole the idea from me because she's an a$$, and I took it from @DEXsta101 . Not blaming you, just saying.

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