Sleep Deprivation

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by KyotoInRevolt, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. KyotoInRevolt

    KyotoInRevolt Active Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    So, looking back at this whole entire year, Iv'e had such bad habits and issues with sleeping schedules and sleeping in general. From the beginning of the year I would sleep at around 1am - 2am, and as time passed it gradually got worse. I would later sleep at 2am - 3am and so on. I am currently writing this blog at 4:14am.
    I'm just afraid that it will never stop and I can feel my health growing worse.

    I need advice and I intend to read every single one. Iv'e had someone tell me that one trick is to not sleep, wait till the next day, then sleep at the exact time you want to go to bed. Iv'e researched online and found some tips telling me to take 20 minute rests and try to set myself on a strict sleeping schedule to balance myself out again (Obviously did not work). My manager even told me: "Live it up dude, you're young, you won't get that chance when you get older" Pfft. Nope.

    Keep in mind a lot of things happened this year that made life really difficult for me both mentally and emotionally AND physically. Maybe I need motivation or just good tips to make myself sleepy at the time I need to go to bed. If you've read to this point, thank you and I hope I can have a regular sleeping schedule some time soon before I grow old.
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  2. Parker

    Parker Retired Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I don't really have any tips and/or tricks, but studies prove you should get around eight hours of sleep a night, not that I do that myself, but that is recommended.
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  3. Saskia

    Saskia New Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I'm not a doctor or anything, but I can recommend staying away from screens and bright things towards the time you want to start sleeping. If you do something like turn off all electronics that may distract you an hour or so before your ideal sleeping time, it does help. Try drinking something warm too, whether it be tea, milk etc. I had a problem like yours a few years ago, and what I did was listen to white noise/natural noises. Though it may sound odd or cheesy, it does help a lot. I find it really relaxing too, even if I don't want to be sleeping.
    If you're really having trouble and need to start doing something fast and try to adjust, start changing your eating times too. Eating an hour or so before bed can cause troubles in your sleep, so maybe start eating it earlier. This is all I can really suggest, and I did all some of these things a few years back and they worked out pretty well. If it starts to get really bad, and you know it's affecting you in a negative way, see a doctor. Hope all goes well.
    Edit: watch some of my tips be repeated in the future posts lol
    #3 Saskia, Jun 4, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
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  4. Fantasy

    Fantasy Expert Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I don't really have any good advice, but getting back into a normal sleeping pattern when you have something to get up for (e.g. school) regularly helps me fit back into schedule. In the school holidays, I usually stay up till crazy hours of the night, because I find enjoyment in doing that and everything is funnier at 2am+ for me. I have sleeping schedules like 4am-1pm in the afternoon, giving me enough sleep for a while. To get back in a regular pattern, I go to sleep anywhere between 12am-4am, and wake up at normal times that my parents would (e.g. 10-11am) and have a nap in the afternoon (1-2 hours). This usually spans out my sleeping hours and forces me to learn to wake up at earlier times again.

    To fall asleep, I usually do something that I find fun, and uses up a lot of energy. This could include playing with my pets, going for a walk earlier in the afternoon/night, or I just sit in bed on my phone (that doesn't use much energy but looking at social media somehow helps me sleep).
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    ILOVEMONEY1536 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I also have this. It started about 2 months or so ago, and I'm currently staying up to 11 PM - 3 AM, so I totally get what you mean...

    But, I suggest staying away from lights and keeping your electronics out of your room, so you won't be tempted to go on them. Hope this helps ;)

    (These tricks may only work for me though, lol)
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  6. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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    burn your electronics. worked for me

    On a serious note, try going camping/not using any electronics for a week, it should automatically reset your sleep schedule
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  7. ReBull

    ReBull Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I was in a similar situation. My main tip is to actually do stuff such as exercise, go to bed when you're tired but don't touch electronics as they interfer with your brain. Don't stay in bed all day as then your mind won't associate your bed with sleep. A tight sleep schedule won't always work as you can't drastically shift your body-clock. I recommend waking up earlier instead of going to bed earlier but the key is to stay out of bed during the day and to actually do stuff. of course i may be completely wrong but hard to tell from what youve put (assuming youve experienced slight depression)
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  8. TheLastStraw

    TheLastStraw Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 26, 2014
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    It's your phone that's making you sleep late isn't it? Put it away and you'll find that sleeping will be much easier.
    'later sleep at 2am - 3am and so on. I am currently writing this blog at 4:14am.'
  9. Yoowy

    Yoowy Expert Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I'm not a sleep specialist or anything, but I have a few tips I use to get a good nights sleep. I don't know if I'd be much help or not because I can barely stay up past 12, and on school nights I'm exhausted around 9:30 :p.

    What I usually do is try to go to bed around 10:30 on school nights for a 5:30 wakeup. I constantly have bags under my eyes no matter how much sleep I get, and in school I get tired a lot, so I'm always trying to go to bed on time. I guess some people stay more awake than others.

    To wake up so early in the morning, I've gotten into the habit of putting a small, cheap alarm clock across the room from my bed. This way, instead of just turning my alarm off on my nightstand and going back to sleep, I have to physically get out of bed and snooze a few times.

    Like I said, I'm a big sleep hog so I don't have much advice about how to fix ones sleep schedule, but I have a few methods I use to doze off. First of all, when I'm on my phone before bed (literally everybody does it, it's so addictive), I use Night Shift on my iPhone. It helps change blue lights to a more relaxing orange to help relax your eyes, since blue light usually makes our eyes more awakened. If you don't have an iPhone, theres a similar app that does this called Flux.

    I tend to watch a few of my favorite YouTubers videos before falling asleep. I've noticed that when I'm laying down watching a video, my eyes slowly start to doze off. Right when the video is done, I put my phone on the charger and sleep.
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  10. crypika_

    crypika_ Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Well ppl say that reading a few pages from a book in a dark corner inside ur room every night if one of ur conditions r u cant sleep at normal sleeping times (11-12am)

    RIP my English and grammar ^_^
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  11. crypika_

    crypika_ Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hope dat kinda helped and good luck wif ur sleep deprivation ! @KyotoInRevolt
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  12. gte_

    gte_ Forum Enthusiast

    May 11, 2016
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    reading a book helps
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  13. Chipemunk

    Chipemunk Expert Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I've had this problem alot lately but trying this would knock your sleeping schedule off completely.
    what I suggest is to follow some of these tips.
    • Try to think about what you want to do tommrow and maybe decide to meet up with some friends or go out shopping this may sound cheesy but it works.
    • Instead of turing to technology, turn to a book and keep technology out of your room to avoid temptation.
    • Listern to nature sounds to relax your self. There are apps that you can set timers and choose your sound or you can use YouTube if you prefer.
    Hope these tips helped :)
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  14. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Count sheep. Works every time.

    EDIT: No but seriously, try thinking about things that make you happy for a while before bed. Also try to see if you can lucid dream, I am a pro at that, see if you can lucid dream which makes sleeping comfortable and easy.
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  15. crypika_

    crypika_ Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    the "count sheep" technique doesn't rly work for me idk why ;(
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  16. Teeeb

    Teeeb Active Member

    May 22, 2016
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    I have this issue too.

    What helps me is a little weird so, :p.

    My old sleep routine was me staying up blogging for around 3-4 hours a night, and it wasn't healthy at all.

    Here's how I go to sleep, even though it's very hard for me.

    Lowering brightness on Electronics.
    While most people say to turn them off completely, I can't get myself to turn it off. So I lower the brightness, and blog some more and eventually my eyes get very very tired, and that helps me sleep sometimes.

    Taking organic melatonin.
    I take an organic peppermint melatonin 2 days a week. Mainly Sunday & Wednesday. Organic? Well it doesn't have a lot of chemicals in it :p. PM me if you'd like to know exactly where to get what I have.

    Turning all the lights off
    The dark may seem spooky, but turning all your lights off will help a lot. If you don't like sleeping in the dark, then get a dim night light.

    Here's the weird part :')

    So every night I use this lotion from Bath & Bodyworks. It's their sleep lotion, and it actually works lol. It's like 12.99$ USD a bottle, just use it on your pillow or face, and it'll knock you out eventually.

    hope this helps <3
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  17. rainbowpuppy152

    rainbowpuppy152 Dedicated Minetimer

    May 26, 2014
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    im no expert but I would get a white noise app on my phone and listen to that while you sleep, and stay away from bright screens at least half an hour before you go to sleep
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  18. Chipemunk

    Chipemunk Expert Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Yeah this is what I said in my tips, it really helps you relax.
  19. rainbowpuppy152

    rainbowpuppy152 Dedicated Minetimer

    May 26, 2014
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    my mom had this problem dome point in life and this is what she did. I didn't read anything before i wrote my thing :p
  20. KyotoInRevolt

    KyotoInRevolt Active Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    Valgo Iv'e actually done research on lucid dreaming, and the risks scare me tbh haha

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