Can Someone Explain How am0d works?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Someone01wow, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Someone01wow

    Someone01wow New Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    Hey guys, I've been browsing the internet for quite a bit now, and I've stumbled across am0d. I've seen quite a few threads about this client, and I have a few questions to ask. It'd be great if anyone could help answer my questions. To give back I could pay you in game. Just msg me in game when you see me. I'm Someone01wow, alternatives are [VIP] jerryysw, and HunterCalvin (friend accounts). So here are my questions:
    1.How good is this client compared to others such as Metro and Huzuni?

    2.What is the difference between v16 and v17?

    3.Is this a dead project?

    4.What is unique about this client that people like it?

    5.Where did people get this client originally?

    6.I heard that you have to have some sort of permission to use this client, is this true?

    7.If true for #6, how can I get that permission/account? Is anyone willing to share with me?

    Thank you to anyone who responds. As mentioned, I will thank you by paying in game. Thanks!
  2. JJoshh

    JJoshh New Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    I don't really hack, and the only client I use is Wolfram, so can't help. Sorry.
  3. ADAMATOR1234

    ADAMATOR1234 Expert Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Hey, here's what I know/99% positive about.

    1) it's more PvP based, it comes down to personal preference a bit. What you're most comfortable using, are you familiar with toggling/changing modifiers that'll best suit your situation. I prefer am0d out of these.

    2) not much I believe. I'm sure there were only some bug fixes/adding more glitches.

    3) all I know is the access has been revoked from those with the legit client. So possibly.

    4) I certainly like the fact that there is no GUI. It's easy to toggle mods and what not, and the mods actually work (most of them). That's always a plus.

    5) going to guess it was leaked.

    6) well now that no one can use it, people are using Volts (some copy of am0d (nothing different)). I think there is a "fixed" version out there, but I have no clue.

    7) ask here for someone to send you volts. While it's no different, it'll work.

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I have the original am0d v16!:p The owner sent me it & it works fine
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  5. Someone01wow

    Someone01wow New Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    Thanks! Helped me a lot!!! One more thing, can you send me volts?
  6. Blue_Belt

    Blue_Belt Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 12, 2015
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    i dont hack

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