Block Market - Our Town (part 2/idk)

Discussion in 'Builds' started by Qurp, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Qurp

    Qurp Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Welcome to part 2! Lets get started!

    2015-08-17_19.06.40.png 2015-08-17_19.06.19.png These are the 2 prisons, dominic and I had debate on who could build a better one, I built the top one, and dominic built the one above this text, but in the end we decided to keep both.

    2015-08-17_19.05.57.png lol this guillotine was used to punish people who did things..... idk why its here actually, built by: Minecraftmstr48

    2015-08-17_19.05.50.png gay pride house: built by xmankiller5, nough said (used for making colored armour)

    2015-08-17_19.05.46.png vincents house:eek:bviously built by minecraftmstr48

    thanks for watching part 2! more builds coming!
  2. Scottie

    Scottie New Member

    May 22, 2014
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    The second part of your town is also coming along. I really like your use of color throughout the town and the different styles of building's you use. Keep up the great work and cant wait to see more soon!

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