
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by LifePxl, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. LifePxl

    LifePxl New Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    My IGN is LifePxl and I play with my friend DeathPxl. We're the owners of PxlAdopt and have very specific rules set to our warp. One of the rules is to not ask to be added to the plot, to help prevent griefing. Many people still ask and when I tell them no, they understand and move on. One girl named PonyButterfly has asked many times and gotten aggressive with my answer. She is the type of girl to pretend to be your friend, but when you don't give her what she wants she gets mad. She has called me different things, including "weirdo" and "b**ch". She has said numerous times that she dislikes me, but still acts like my friend to try and be added.

    She also recently bought an Executive rank and auto teleported to me. I was in the process of building something and didn't want anyone there, so I politely said "please leave, were still building you can't be here". She then tried to say to me "you can't tell an Executive that". She tries to use her rank to control me. Once I told her I don't have to treat her any differently, she told me to "stop acting like a mouse" (idk why a mouse). I also saw in public chat that she called a guy a weirdo because he was going to buy Premium, and not a higher up rank (such as Executive like her). She makes fun of people for buying lower ranks. I banned her from my plot but she continues to message me and say stuff in the chat about me. I have dealed with a lot from her, and have finally had it. She always says she's going to quit Minecraft because I won't add her, but will come back and bother us more. I added photos to show how she will act and call me "b**ch". (Sorry for the one blurry photo). I'm sorry this is so long, thank you for your time.

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  2. Lewis

    Lewis Judas

    Nov 13, 2014
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    Rage xD
  3. ADAMATOR1234

    ADAMATOR1234 Expert Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Hi Life, I'm Russel the community manager here at Minetime. We have strict policies against any form of bullying that has occurred on our server and forums. In this case, I cannot compile enough evidence to use against this player. However, we use a plugin that allows for players to use /ignore <name>. Hopefully this will sort most of your problems out. It's best to stay away from people who you find rude or annoying, as this will make them tired, maybe even leading them to a halt. Do not hesitate to private message me, or even another member of staff for that matter, containing more evidence. If you have any other concerns, I'm always open.

    I hope you found this response helpful.

    Kind regards,
    Russell - Comunity Manager

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    My name is not Russel, nor do I have such position on any of Minetime's services.
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  4. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Well in the last one, she said she didn't like your adoption center even though she wanted to be added.

    My guess is that she's an 8 year old with no real world perception and manners, probably a spoiled brat used to getting stuff she wants like Executive. Also, what she has done, including bullying others for less paid ranks, is something called rankism.

    You could've just done /ignore, though it is completely acceptable to report them because bullying is strictly prohibited on Minetime anyway.

    I hope she is dealt with by staff. You're lucky to have taken those pictures with your phone however, because computer screenshots can be forged by hacked clients.

    Tbh, I think she deserves a temp or perm mute but that's not my decision to make. ;)

  5. KyotoInRevolt

    KyotoInRevolt Active Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    You can also do /p Deny (player) so next time she auto tp to you she won't be able to reach you within the plot.
  6. KyotoInRevolt

    KyotoInRevolt Active Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    Oo...this is emberrasing, yeah should have really read the second paragraph before posting, i'm a good example of what not to be DD:
  7. Voids

    Voids New Member

    Sep 27, 2013
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  8. Voids

    Voids New Member

    Sep 27, 2013
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    This should also be in the "Player Reports" section if you're making a report, secondly you can easily /ignore her.
  9. Shadow_Wolf_123

    Shadow_Wolf_123 New Member

    May 17, 2014
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    Lel Wat ^ BTW are you serious about the "Not enough evidence for ban" thingy, PLEASE DON'T BE SERIOUS :C
  10. ADAMATOR1234

    ADAMATOR1234 Expert Member

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Well the images don't show the full screen, so the player could be using a hacked client to fake message. Also just a couple of rude words isn't going to get someone banned.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Bullying at that level is bannable, especially if @LifePxl's story was true and there was swearing involved.
  12. LifePxl

    LifePxl New Member

    Apr 13, 2015
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    I took the photos with my phone, so I dont see how I could of edited the photos. And I do understand that it doesn't show the whole screen, but I was hurrying to take those pictures before the chat went through and I couldn't see it anymore. Lastly, because we denied her from our plot, she has started to build almost an exact replica called "PenguinAdopt". I understand that is not as big of a deal as her calling me the names, but it is still something that bothers me.
    First photo- her calling me a "weirdo"
    (She had messaged me while I was building asking to be added. I replied back with "I don't add random people to the plot, I'm sorry". But then she tried twisting it on me by saying "I don't either, and why are you messaging me? Weirdo"
    Second and Third Photos- PxlAdopt
    Fourth and Fifth Photos- PenguinAdopt
    (used for comparison)

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  13. Sun_Pixel

    Sun_Pixel Dedicated Minetimer

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Well try using the /ignore and /p deny (player) usually works
  14. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Well... that is considered bullying, but the only way staff will believe you is if you had taken a video with your phone of her insults.
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