Minetime Helper Applications

Discussion in 'Announcements Archive' started by Collin, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. blackcat233

    blackcat233 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Wellington, New Zealand.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    From about 10am to 4pm .

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing minecraft for arounf 3 years and I play a lot.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Once for saying "the hell".

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Normally on pvpfest.com or I'll play with my friends on their severs.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I was head girl at my Primary school.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Any where from 1-5 hours.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am not sadly.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    I started playing on your sever about a year ago but I made this account on your website about 20 minutes ago so I could write this applacation. :)

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I'm a pretty good builder, I love building castles and things like that. No plugin experience

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would tell them nothing is impossible, keep trying untill you can not try any more.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Ummmm I think I have coved it all! Thanks for reaing this and I hope you pick me!
  2. zarraf

    zarraf New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Im often online at 4:30pm - 8:00pm.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    About a year.Yes I play most of the time.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Nope I never get in trouble I always follow the rules.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    hunger games, zombie infection, skywars and kit pvp.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes I took part in fundraising and spending over $40 at high school,my school raised over $9000
    for the charity Children in need.No lie, at school we have over 2000 children.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    3 hours or more

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yep, Enhanced

    When did you first join Minetime?
    approximately 08/2013

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am good at building I get loads of ideas. Especially houses :).

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would help them accomplish their task.What I think is nothing is impossible.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I do have Skype and I do have a microphone.I use Skype to play minecraft together.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    well all I can say is Minetime is awesome! :D
    #322 zarraf, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  3. lambo_deo

    lambo_deo New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
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    What is your Minecraft username? Lambo_Deo

    How old are you? 13 years old

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? New York, U.S

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? According to my time zone, I am pretty often. The time I am online is uncertain, but it is certain that I get on daily. I usually get home around 3:00 PM Eastern, then afterwards, I complete my homework. Doing this gives my computer availability from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM or so. I am not going to lie. I am in a school with a heavy workload, but I instantly start the work that I must do when I get home, and after that, I do gaming. Though it is hard balancing this, I am active in Minecraft daily with my friends and do my best to contribute to the community standards I hold, or will soon hold. I take this responsibility seriously, and will be active daily if I do get chosen.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft since September 2013. Though you may consider this early, Minecraft has become a hobby of mine. After I'm done with other priorities, Minecraft is something I focus on. I have logged on everyday since I've bought this game, and I've improved everyday. This was one of the first sand-box games I've played, so it is very enjoyable to be free and do what I please, while still having the joy and ease of playing a game. Minecraft doesn't have rules, and that's one of the main reasons I decided to play. Now that I play immensely, and have indeed improved crafting, mining, and all that good stuff, I see why my friends recommended this game to me. It's pure fun.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I'll be honest. Sometimes things slip, or we experience a bad game, and we say thing's we sincerely don't mean. That was me when I first got Minecraft. I didn't realize that the majority of the audience are kids. I played on servers where cursing wasn't censored, and after time, I became uncomfortable. I realized "this isn't something I would like to be a part of". My friends and I did server-searching and came across Minetime, and I realized what Minecraft really was supposed to be about - playing in harmony with no swearing or bad figures. This is one of my favorite parts about Minetime. Swearing is censored. Everyone is protected. Everyone is having fun.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Skywars is by far my favorite server. It has the aspect of Survival Games, but being in the sky gives it a more enjoyable, risky, more entertaining feel. I love the competitiveness and the aspect of 8 and 19 games. This guarantees that each game will be nothing like the other. Working hard enough I've earned more than 1,000 points a few days ago, something I gave myself a good pat on the back for. I also play factions with my friend's from time to time, but if you log onto Minecraft and look for Deo, you'll definitely find him somewhere in the PvP section. Haha.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". Definitely. I was the president of my school's Honor Society, giving me an image of what responsibility truly looks like. As an authoritative figure, I am an example, and I am aware other's may look up at me and witness what they want to be when they grow older. As this exemplary figure, I have to respect myself, and other's, by behaving well and sticking to the rules whether I like them or not. Everyone is equal in my eyes, and this philosophy originated from having a role in this Honor Society. If you break the rules, regardless of your rank, your role in society, nothing can escape the fact that you broke the rules. This has been something that really bothered me in past servers, where moderators could swear freely without experiencing any consequences. If I do get the job, it is my duty to view everyone equally, and not take advantage of the power I've been given. I am also a moderator on a now inactive server, and participate in community service whenever I have time to do so.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Minetime is my most visited server. I mostly spend on time on it because of the variety of minigames, and all the nice people you'll meet. My favorite part of Minecraft servers are PvP, and Minetime has plenty of this and lots of varieties. Sometimes this can become a bit addicting, haha. (Skywars!)

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am currently not a donator, but this is definitely a goal of mine.

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime with my friends soon after my discovery of Minecraft, perhaps two or three weeks after I purchased it. This means I may have started Minetime sometime in October. Though this my seem like a small amount of time, I have spent enough time on the server daily to recognize it's rules, the server's, and other essentials.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I love building! When I first got Minecraft I couldn't get away from singleplayer. The variety of blocks and maps gives me the ability to go beyond my creative horizons. The creativity that Minecraft has in store for anyone of any age is pretty fascinating. I look at Youtube tutorials and always try to mimic certain sculptures to expand my knowledge of building. This can be a good thing, or bad thing. I am sad to say I am perfectionist, and when something doesn't look like the image I had in my mind, it's not pretty. I would spend hours on a project until it look's exactly like this perfect image in my brain. Also, as I've said before, I have been moderator on other servers, so I know the plugin essentials. I am also willing to learn whenever. Commands are commonly tricky, but I get them eventually! I am a wonderful teacher when I know the material, and this will only expand my horizon enough to expand my teaching ability as well, haha.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Nothing is impossible. As cliché this may sound, I would want them to keep trying until they accomplish this task. Everyone experiences tasks in which we think we might not succeed, but this negativity only makes the situation worse. Whether applying for a job, or even playing a game on Skywars, your mentality must always be positive. I would tell this younger person to pursue this task, and even if it impossible, keep your mindset positive. You never know, you can be the first person to do something. Ever!

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I do have a Skype, with a mic. I Skype with my friends about daily to team on some Minetime games, haha. :)

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I know that being a moderator takes the ability to be patient and help those in need. As I know that people look up to the staff, I will use this power to help those who truly need help. I've been playing Minecraft for months now, and I am knowledgeable on many thing's, and I will use this knowledge only to my advantage. I am a firm believer that everyone has the right to be respected, and should be treated how one would like to be treated. I will treat everyone equally, as I've stated before, with respect, kindness, and wisdom. I would like to thank you, Emily and Drake, and want to wish you the best. Thank you for this opportunity. Even if I do not get the rank, it was an honor making this application. The fact that you'r reading this is amazing, so thanks!
  4. tommoy23

    tommoy23 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Minecraft Username: tommoy23.
    I'm going to be completely honest with you I am fourteen, don't judge me by my age.
    I live in the United States in Virginia.
    On weekends I am on from 9:00 A.m to 4:00 PM and sometimes 10:00 P.M, on weekdays I'm on from 3:00 to 7:00.
    I have been playing minecraft for about two years; I play a lot.
    I have not been banned on any server.
    I usually play on the Prison server on MineTime.
    I help out at church and I am also on my schools Safety Patrol Team.
    I usually play on MineTime for about 4 hours on weekdays and 6 on weekends.
    I am not a donor, but I would love to be one:).
    I joined MineTime 6 months ago.
    I have am really good with plugins, (I was the Plugins Master on two servers).
    I would say to them "If you try your best you will most likely succeed.
    Yes I have a skype and a mic.
    I love you're server, it's amazing!!!! :)
  5. buleberry13

    buleberry13 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? My In game username is buleberry13.

    How old are you? I am 13 and turning 14 in about 7 months which is in August.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in NEW YORK, USA. To specify, I live in New York City.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am on a lot of hours. When It's a weekday and I get home from school, depending on how much homework I have, I will play at least 5-7 Hours On Minecraft. On weekends, I usually am on at 8AM (EST) to Around 11PM (EST). I usually take breaks in between these times so I won't get to addicted to the computer. The breaks are usually a hour to two hours. When these hours/hour are up I will get back on my computer, and play Minecraft.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been on Minecaft since 1.2.4 . I play Minecraft a lot. Whenever, I get home and have completed my homework, I will get on to play Minecraft. If I have spare time on hand, I will find a computer to play Minecraft on. At first, My friends said that Minecraft is really boring, but I beg to differ. I tell them It's exciting and the experience of playing Minecraft is great.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? Yes, I have been on punished and a lot of servers to admit. I have been punished and muted for cussing. I have some problems regarding raging in Minecraft. I rage whenever someone kills me on Skywars because I usually have better armor, better weapons. I know some people say I might not be good at Mod, but their opinions are motivation. It makes me strive to be better and improve myself altogether. Right now, I am trying to get my act together to stop cussing, and getting mad at little things. I will try harder to improve this awful behavior.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I play on Skywars the most, It is really fun and most of all I enjoy Skywars. Skywars gets me relaxed and excited, even though I rage sometimes. One time , I spent 1 hour on that parkour or whatever it's called trying to figure it out. It wasn't a waste of my time, but I figured how to get across from it.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". One in mind, is a lifeguard. When I was like 4 My dad kept encouraging me to swim, so in a situation where someone drowns or I drown , I can save myself or save the other person that's drowning. From 2004, I joined a program that will help me swim. I'll be honest I was not good at all , I was very stubborn to get in the water. As years pasts, I got better. In around 2005-06 I learned to breathe underwater and stay up using a technique or style called "doggypattle". At around 2007 , I learned to do 2 strokes, and some part of diving. In around 2009-10 I had learned everything, I was prepared. In 2011, I practiced , practiced to get better. After school, I would go to the pool and swim. At late 2011 I was a lifeguard for some period of time.It was a good experience when it lasted. It was a pretty fun job to be honest. I got to help out a lot of people that needed help swimming and telling people to not swim on this lane. It was a very cool job but also an important job. I needed to help the people that were drowning or needed help to stay in the water. Luckily, no one drowned. In addition, I also had to teach the smaller kids how to swim. To wrap it up, It was a fun, important job because you needed to take responsibility for it.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? I spend 4-5 Hours a day on Minetime, I usually go on Skywars to play with my friends. If I am not on skywars, I am on Prison, because It's pretty enjoyable in my opinion.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? Yes, I am a donator. My rank currently is [Premium] , I'm planning to upgrade to [Enhanced].

    When did you first join Minetime? I joined Minetime around Late October or somewhere in November. I'm positive it's around these time periods.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I have a lot of skills in Minecraft. One of them is definitely building. I love building Mansions, houses, apartments, planes, and much more. In A lot of servers (not mentioning names) I have built really great spawns. They look amazing, and beautiful. I have began to work on a project involving cities in singer player. I am hoping to make a great city with a lot of great buildings such as hotels, mansions, planes, shops. Another thing I have skill is setting up some plugins in-game. Plugins such as GroupManager, This plugin is used to set up ranks. It takes a long time in-game but I eventually did set it up on my server, I had added permissions, prefixes to each rank. Another plugin would be SignShops, This plugin was difficult, but I eventually figured it out and made buy,sell signs. With this knowledge I made a server shop. Lastly, I am a good and helpful worker. I will help out someone if they need my help. I try to help out a lot of people if I can. If I get Mod, It's for only 1 thing, simply to help. I am not one of those people who take advantage of people and abusing powers. I will not brag off to people that I have mod , and neither should other mods.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? When life knocks you down , You can choose to get back up. It is a motivation for me to strive and get better and defeat my obstacles. It tells me I won't let anyone stand in my way of what I want to do.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I have a Skype account, with a working microphone. I can hear and chat clearly so contacting me won't be a problem.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoy reading my Mod Application.
    #325 buleberry13, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  6. Mdg12345

    Mdg12345 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? Mdg12345.

    How old are you?
    15 but will be 16 by march.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    6:00 to 10:00.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    Since alpha and I play almost everyday.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No I havent.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I always play on kit-pvp but I have tried factions.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have some babysitting experience but other then that not much.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    3 to 7 hours.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No I am not.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    About 2 months.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have built things before in minecraft yet they aren't that amazing but I can help with any building project if needed.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    To always follow their dreams and never give up.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I do have skype and yes I have a microphone.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    If accepted I will work my hardest to help the server of course I will be limited by school.​

  7. Leg3ndaryCraft0r

    Leg3ndaryCraft0r New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    weekends and break
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    three weeks and i play a lot indeed
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    i havent unless you count being kicked for saying budder on a server
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    skywars, zombie infection, survival games, and kitpvp
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    yes student council
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    2 hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    When did you first join Minetime?
    two years ago
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    intermediate redstone skills and building
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    nothing is impossible as in impossible there is possible
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    yes i have skype
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    i havent been banned from any servers before and can be a leader please consider putting me as staff thanks ans yes i know my username stupid lol
  8. Believing1

    Believing1 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    My Minecraft username is Believing1.

    How old are you?

    I am currently 15, I will be turning 16 in September.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    I live in Manitoba, Canada, In the city of Winnipeg.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?

    I Always go on Minetime from 6-9PM CST (Central Time Zone) And on weekends
    I come on 12-4:30PM CST (Central Time Zone)

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have played Minecraft ever since Alpha, I mostly play Minecraft everyday.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?

    No I have never been punished on any server,

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.

    When I play on the Minetime server I usually go on the Kit PvP server or the Faction Server.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".

    I Currently work at a restaurant as a chef. You may know the restaurant, It is called Boston Pizza in Canada and
    Boston in the US.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?

    I would say I play for around 3 hours.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?

    No I am not a donator, I do play to buy a rank very soon.

    When did you first join Minetime?

    2 Months ago.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I Could say that I am pretty good with redstone, I build useful contraptions and traps.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Follow your heart.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. I do have a skype. I do have a microphone, Its the Blue yeti.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I really enjoy my time on the server! I love what you guys are doing and keep up the amazing work!

  9. lucatoni1102

    lucatoni1102 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? lucatoni1102

    How old are you? 11 about to be 12 in February,

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? Florida

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? ES 4:00 PM - 9:15Pm

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing Minecraft for 2 years, and yes I do play a lot.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? Yes, 1 year ago. I was advertising but now I know its wrong.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. KitPvP (PvP Fest), Prison and Factions.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I help the homeless, and I have donated to charity. (Lutheran Church Charities)

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? 4-5 Hours Daliy.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No but I am planning too.

    When did you first join Minetime? 2013 June or July around there.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I am a great Pixel-Art maker and can build tons of things, and I am very experienced at plugins, I don't know how to make them but I know tons about them.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say "Never give up, keep on going foward and believe in anything. If you believe and work hard you can achieve it.".

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes I have Skype and a microphone, skype= lucasgirlandominecraft.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I would like you guys to know that I have a server of my own and I have been griefed many, many times, so I know how it feels and so I won't do it to other people :D.
  10. Shelberto69

    Shelberto69 New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    18 Years Young.
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Ohio, US.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Between noon, 12:00pm, till about 11:00pm.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    Iv'e been playing minecraft about 2 years, and Yes! I play everyday!
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I play mostly on the Hunger Games servers.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have a job in my town, and I tend to help out admins on other servers also.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    At least, 9 hours.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No, I am not.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    About 4 months ago.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I'm a great builder, and I'm also very good with PvP.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I'd say "Well let me help you out!" Proceeding to help him/her/it.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I have Skype, Yes I have a microphone.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I'm more than happy to help you guys and I can't wait! :) Thank you guys! -Shelby / Shelberto69
  11. ajkueneman

    ajkueneman Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 31, 2013
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    3 p.m.-10 p.m.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    i have been playing minecraft for like 5 years and i play daily
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    not that i recall i think i may have accidentally posted a link, but it wasnt to another server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    i play most on skyblock survival and factions
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    im a boy scout i am second class almost 1st class 3 ranks to go till eagle
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    about 4-6 hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    i am not yet a donator but i am thinking about getting mvp.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    about a year ago
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    im great at building and ok with plugins, and im really good with redstone.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    keep trying and dont get mad at yourself for messing up it happens to all of us.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    i have a skype but i do not use it often
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Thank you Emily, Drake, and Collin
  12. kendy123ma

    kendy123ma New Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I am on most from 4:30 pm to about 10 pm on Monday-Friday. I am on 12 in the afternoon to about 3am on Saturday and Sunday.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft for about 1 year and I play a lot
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No, I haven't been punished before.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I play on Creative and Factions most of the times.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I had babysat before.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I spend almost 8 hours everyday
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yes, I am a Premium Rank
    When did you first join Minetime?
    i joined Minetime in 2013, January
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I like making heads and using world edit.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say: You have a great goal but you choose one that you could not complete. Why not try out for another goal and see if you can accomplish is?
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, I do have Skype and I do have a microphone too.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I am a person that likes helping out other but sometimes I don't have the powers to help them like if somebody asked me to help them make colour writings. I can't because my Rank isn't high enough. And please don't judge me on my age because I am very mature and I don't fool or goof around.
    Thank You
  13. Kegdian

    Kegdian New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I'm usually on from 5:00 to 10:00 PM and probably 5:00 to 12:00 if it's a weekend.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I've been playing Minecraft for a good amount of time, I got it when it was like, 50% off? I do play it very often, i tend to play other games if i want to play those aswell.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I have never been punished on a server besides for like, minor mutes, or something of the minor quality, nothing huge.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I usually play on Prison, KitPVP, Uber PVP, and sometimes the Creative Server.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes, I have had many authoritative positions, like Admin and other staff on many servers, I've had to babysit a bunch of times, but i'm not sure that counts. :)
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I usually play around 3-4 hours. ^.^
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Nope, Sorry. :)
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I think i joined Minetime about a month ago, a friend told me about it. :p
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    Yes, I've built many spawns for a whole bunch of servers, never been payed for it, but i know what i can do. I've also had tons of experience with many of the plugins that most servers use.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say that they should work really hard for it. If they keep working and working for it, They might just fulfill that task. They need to work really hard, and have a passion for it.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, I do have a Skype, with a decent microphone.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I've been bullied alot between school and the internet, So i know what it's like to be hurt or in need of help, So i know how they feel. I do this because i care for the community, and nothing else. I want to help people, and make sure they always have a great day.
  14. miningtaco

    miningtaco New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Mincraft username blackjack0789

    Age 8 but nice and I try to help when I can

    I have never been punished

    I am a good builder besides pixleart

    I dont have a skype

    I have never been a mod/admin but I belive I could be a good admin or mod

    I would say go after your dreams believe in yourself were all young

    I have been on for 1 week about

    I play for an hour or more if im lucky and in the u.s.a time zone

    I play minecraft almost everyday

    I live in montrose P.A

    people think im scronny and useless but that wont stop me I beilive life isnt endless do what you belive you can!
    #334 miningtaco, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
  15. lolbirdy

    lolbirdy New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? save2070

    How old are you? 14 turning 15 in july

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? austrlia qld

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? after 12.00pm to about 5.00pm

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? yes evey day after school and on the weekends

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? no i have not been banned from any server i dont think

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. i play on minetime and this server the most hub.mcapocalyptia.com

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". i do scouts and help out the community

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? about 3 hours

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? i am enchanted

    When did you first join Minetime? about 1 year ago

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? i like mining and pvping

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? that if they give up they will never get any where if life so if you try if wont hurt you to try new things

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. yes lolbirdy no i do not have i mic but will be getting one soon

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? no
  16. officalkiwi

    officalkiwi New Member

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?: GamingChannel11

    How old are you?

    What country do you live in: Australia

    What time are you on most often: 3:00pm unless In School Holidays

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Do you play a lot?: I started playing minecraft since 1.5_01 and I play whenever I get free time

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?: I have never been punished on any server

    Where do you play most on Minetime?: The Prison Server

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position?: Yes, I am the owner of 2 servers one in the making and the other one has been closed.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?: A good 1hr or so unless I am need by someone in my family or by friends etc.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?: Havent donated on any server because my parents dont allow me to

    When did you first join Minetime?: a few weeks ago im pretty sure

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?: I was Chief Builder for a Tekkit Server when I played that. But after that I stopped doing builds like what I used to.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?: I would tell them to attempt that goal and if not succeeded then try again

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone?: I have Skype my username is mrgamingchannel11 and I have a mic but its broken so i cant do voice calls/chats until i get a new headset
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?: Im a kind and Generous person. (if you want to know my age Private message me) I also have a Youtube Channel that im starting up soon
  17. LtSpearzZ

    LtSpearzZ Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? LtSpearzZ
    How old are you? I am currently 14 years of age, turning 15 on January 22.
    Where country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in Canada.
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? The times I am most often on during the week (Monday till Friday) would be around 4 o'clock pm till roughly 3 o'clock am, getting off for a short break around 6 o'clock for dinner and any school work I may have. Saturday and Sunday I am most often on from 12 o'clock pm until 5 o'clock am.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I've been playing Minecraft since roughly February of last year, and as you've probably noticed from my times, I play quite a lot. Possibly 8-10 hours a day.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? The only punishment I've received on another server was a day jail for using sprint hacks. I thought I would include this even though you don't have a problem with hacks being used on your server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Lately I have been playing mostly on the prison, skywars and over powered pvp servers. I may start playing on the factions server again.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". Truthfully I don't have a ton of experience in being an authoritative position other then maybe being the faction Admin of 2 factions with around 20 people. I'm also used to being a helping and leading figure in and around the everyday classroom when it comes to group assignments, and taking command in sports teams such as basketball.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? Currently I am an Admin, although I'm looking in to purchasing Timeless in the near future.
    When did you first join Minetime? I first joined Minetime in early April of last year. Other than playing single player, Minetime was the first server I joined.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I wouldn't say I am a professional builder, maybe average or a little above. Other than that I would say I'm okay with redstone, and know how to use a lot of commands given to server staff just from playing on my friend ryancup123's server in which he gave me Admin.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? There's no dream you can't attain, no goal you can't reach. Keep trying, putting your heart in to it, and maybe one day you'll accomplish yours.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes, I do have Skype as well as a microphone.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? I'll just say since I found your server, I've been a dedicated player. Your server is the only server I play continuously and repetitively without getting bored. I'm not sure exactly how long Minetime or LostIslands have been around, but I think around 9 months would be a lot longer than a majority of the players that are around today. I don't know if 15 would be considered young by your standards but if so I would just ask you don't judge me based on age alone. I don't believe that a number is a fair representation of one's self. Also, if Collin may remember me as the one who purposely switched up your and you're in my sentences when addressing him, I do apologize. I assure you I do know how to use the two properly. While those were some immature moments I do believe I am mature enough for a position of authority. I humbly believe I can and will be a good Helper or maybe one day Moderator.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  18. The Eagle Knight

    The Eagle Knight New Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    Likes Received:

    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    4-6, 9-12
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing for approximately a year or more. And yes, I play often.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I have not.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I play mostly Factions and Zombie Infection.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I volunteer helping seniors and I operate the scoreboard at the gym.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I spend around 4 hours on the weekend, but during schooldays it is limited.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am not because I have not gotten into that phase yet.
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I found it a popular server on minecraftserverlist.com about 1 year ago when first playing on servers.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am a very good builder. I am good with redstone.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would tell them to keep trying because you have to chase your dreams.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have a Skype account
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Minetime is the best server I have ever been on, and your builds are incredible. Thank you!
    Good luck! <3 -Collin

  19. Steven Seleb

    Steven Seleb Guest

    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    I am 16 years old, sophomore year in high school.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in California, USA

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I can really be on at anytime, besides morning. I can be on right when I get home from school, until 2 in the morning if I have to.

    Do you do any sports?
    I don't actually play on a team, but I get together and play pick up games of basketball every now and then. Being 6'4, Basketball is my favorite sport.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft ever since I can remember. I first started playing in Minecraft's early stages. Probably 1.2

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No, and I most certainly will not get punished on this one!

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I like Factions and Hunger Games. Sometimes I play Sky Wars too.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have been a moderator, and admin before on multiple servers. Also, ran my own server for a while.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Lately, MineTime has been the only server that I have been going on. It's the best. It has over 2000 people on it, and has so many different type of game modes! I think that it is the ideal server, and there is no need to play on any other one.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I am not currently a donor, but I am likely going to purchase the Executive kit very soon!

    When did you first join Minetime?
    I joined MineTime about two weeks ago, and I could not stop playing it! I give major credit to Collin, and the others who worked on this server.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am a decent builder, due to my creativity, and yes I have worked with plugins on servers and such. But, my main skill is talking to others, and resolving conflicts.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say, to always pursue your dream, no matter what it takes. There is always some way for you to do the impossible, and you should never give up!

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype, and Raid Call. I do have a microphone as well. My name is on this forum so I might as well post my Skype username too. Steven.Seleb

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I can't wait to meet you guys, you seem like really creative, fun, and smart people and I would really enjoy joining you guys in the staff crew. I hope you consider my application!
  20. abbupvp

    abbupvp New Member

    Jan 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Mine craft username?
    How old are you?
    i'm 12 years of age
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    i live in united states Florida
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? i'm on right after school around 4Pm to 6pm
    How long have you been playing Mine craft? Do you play a lot?
    I've been playing mine craft for about 3 years and i do play allot around 2 hours a day.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    i have never been banned on a server. and i plan never to be banned.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    i play allot of pvpfest and hardcore pvp.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    well, i have volunteered at my church and i have been a mod for my friends server.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?On an average
    i play an average of 2-3 hours a day on minetime.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    i am an admin on pvpfest. ( admin rank )
    When did you first join Minetime?
    i started playing minetime around 2 years ago in august.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    i am a very good pvper and i'm a pretty decent builder.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    well, i always tell my little brother that never give up, why give up when you've came so fair live isn't about failure and loss its about seeing the good in everything.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    yes, i have skype and a microphone.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know
    i would just want you guys to know that i love minetime, its always been allot of fun to play everyday on it and i would very much love to be a staff member on your amazing server :D
    Thank you for your time, Abbupvp
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