Last Reset Warp Wild + PvP

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by BoomerIsBeast, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. BoomerIsBeast

    BoomerIsBeast New Member

    Dec 16, 2014
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    We can still have the newer warp pvp and wild just have the older wild and pvp back. Last reset wild was the best, that was the place to pvp. Now a days at warp wild its trench warfare (xNotBasicx Copy Righted). Anyway the older warp pvp was good for people that always that would 1v1 and would always get loot, There is no escape from it except fly hacking. This resets warp wild is horrible, you fall down holes and die by people that made the holes. The older Warp wild was the place to pvp and Most of people would love to have it back. Please comment in chat if you want it back and why.( /warp wild, /warp pvp, /warp wild2, /warp pvp = Idea)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Joel

    Joel Retired Ninja

    Oct 8, 2013
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    Yeah, I liked the old /warp wild of this current map. Fun to PvP in, especially when you had a spawn base. :)
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  3. rascalb

    rascalb Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 15, 2013
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    uh idk, i like this maps warp wild and if you really want to 1v1 you can just run out to the sides, there are places for those who know them.
  4. SunDriedSkeleton

    SunDriedSkeleton New Member

    Jan 2, 2015
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    The wild wasn't intended to be a place for 1v1. I can see why it's frustrating though, but that's why Collin created the NoExitPvp. Also trench warfare is a term from WW1... not xNotBasicx.
  5. moonknight10

    moonknight10 Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I want this warp pvp still but with glass and the warp wild where you can claim all the way where there is just wild cause noobs place blocks there really annoying
  6. ReBull

    ReBull Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 29, 2013
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    This warp pvp leaves no space to run and the fact that there are constantly noobs there separates the wannabe pros from the good. The fact that you have to a lot more careful when potting and hitting now and because its at spawn you look more like a bada$$. This /warp wild is filled with holes @Aluminastic you remember how many times I rage quit because I died in holes. The old /warp pvp was too big and meant people could run marathons when they should be pvping.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. xNotBasicx

    xNotBasicx New Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    If anything the only place to pvp is warp pvp. which is so small that no one really goes in and no one can actually 1v1 or stop 1v1'ing because of interference. In my opinion to have a actual good fight you have to be able to be able to get away from your opponent to be able to pot back up to start fight which is no the case with the current places to fight. Warp wild is just bad compared to the other. The old warp wild is where nearly everyone went to fight or have a good time and if you didn't want commit to much to a fight which is where warp pvp can in you had to commit more to it. Don't get me wrong i like new warp pvp to but the old one was more convenient, for example; less noob with no armor trying to scoop the loot. less likely for interference because you can go where they can't see your fighting so no one would come, and more movement capabilities to pot stay alive and actually show whose better(i mean its a pot pvp type of server).
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