Minetime Helper Applications

Discussion in 'Announcements Archive' started by Collin, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. Jayson

    Jayson New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in Greeley Colorado united states of America
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I live in Mountain Standard Time so around 3-8 o’clock
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing minecraft for 3 years now and I’m on the game about everyday around the 3-8 o’clock time MST
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Yes one for building in some ones plot and accidentally breaking a block holding back lava
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Survival and creative
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes I volunteer for my school and I do community service that will require me to either watch over people or be the helpful hand that usually is around
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    That is the only server I play currently that I enjoy the most so pretty much it’s the only one I play on.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yes I am Enhanced
    When did you first join Minetime?
    10 months ago (Almost a year but close)
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have Created many cool things throughout my building experiences but I do not have any sort of relation to plugins and stuff like that.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    You can do whatever you put your mind too, you will accomplish what you believe you can and for any reason do not let anyone tell you that you can’t do this or that because you are younger and most importantly, do what you want to do.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I have a skype and a microphone plus and camera and my user is jrodriquez001
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

    That you guys are doing a great job on your server and I hope it never comes down and also that the server is in general one of the greatest that I have played on and never had any trouble on. Everyone is very nice and very helpful so keep u[p the good work.
  2. Joey Matteis

    Joey Matteis New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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  3. Bullfrog_man

    Bullfrog_man New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? Bullfrog_man
    How old are you? 15
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in Canberra, Australia, GMT: +11:00
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? On weekends, anytime in the afternoon, to about 10pm-12pm. And school days around 5 to 10pm-12pm
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing Minecraft for about 10 months on PC, and almost 2 years on Xbox. I do play quite a bit, apart from my training.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? No I have not been punished on any other server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I play mostly Survival, Skyblock and Creative, I am getting in to PvP a bit more lately.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". Yes I have had somewhat of an authoritative position. I have been a moderator on a progressive creative plot server (my role was to judge peoples plot to rank them up accordingly) And to keep the server clean of trouble makers. In real life I have been a few things like School board, captain etc. But apart from that I am all for helping others.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Minetime is pretty much the only server I play, so pretty much whenever I'm on minecraft, you can find me on Minetime.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am currently an MVP.
    When did you first join Minetime? The day I got Minecraft (around 10 months ago)
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I have a certain eye for detail and complexity in big builds.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would confidently say 'No matter what Life throws at you just keep getting up and trying again.
    You'll get there one day, Just don't give up'
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes. I do have Skype. And I do have a microphone.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I would just like to let you guys know, that I would genuinely love to be chosen as a staff member, I will always be there to help whoever is in need. and to help this server thrive!
    I will never take advantage of this role.
    I am Only applying to this role to actually help and benefit the Minetime servers, and their players.

    Cheers, Griffin
    #243 Bullfrog_man, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  4. nigel1305

    nigel1305 Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 6, 2013
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?nigel1305

    How old are you?10

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?singapore

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?[11-12][1-2][3-4][5-6]

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?i played minecraft for 1 year i play almost everyday

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?i did not got punished on other severs but i did on minetime for saying wtf

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. skyblock prision etc

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". no

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?at least 1 hour

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?ceo

    When did you first join Minetime? i forget lol

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? no i but i am good at mining at buliding

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? make minetime a perfect sever

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. i do not have skype

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know. no
  5. Vibra

    Vibra New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username? vibra627
    How old are you? 13
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? North America, Maine.
    What time are you on most often? School days, 4PM-12PM Weekends, Mostly the whole day.
    How long have you been playing minecraft? Do you play a lot? I've been playing minecraft for about 2-3 years. Yes, I do play a lot for protection of my stuff on the game.
    Have you been punished on any other server? If so, what for? No, I haven't been punished on any other server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. Skyblock.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". I help out with the town, I am a boy scout.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Maybe 10-12 hours a day, but I'm still in good shape my doctor said.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am premium.
    When did you first join Minetime? To be honest, I don't remember, sorry.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? I am a good builder, I am also really good with redstone.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? Keep trying, never give up.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes I have Skype with microphone and camera.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? Nothing else if that is all you need to know.
  6. xXF8tal_KillerXx

    xXF8tal_KillerXx New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    What is your minecraft Username?: xxF8tal_Killerxx
    How old are you: Im 13
    What country do you live in?: i Live in Beijing,China at the moment i might be moving soon
    What time are you on most often?: Usually around 7:00pm in China
    How long have you been playing minecraft? Do you play a lot?: i have been playing minecraft for about 4 years and i don't often play, just when i'm allowed to.
    Have you ever been punished on any servers?: Yes i have i spammed chat accidently after the game lagged so it sent out more than once.
    Where do you play on Mimetime the most?: I mainly play on factions and occationally check other servers.
    Have you had any previous authoritative position?: Yes I am the co-owner of my friend's Hamachi Server
    How much time do you usually spend on minetime a day?: Usually 45 minutes to 1 hour.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?: Yes, i am a donator i have the MVP rank
    When did you first join minetime?:About 1 year ago.
    Do you have any skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?: Yes i am a good builder and redstoner.
    What would you say to someone younger than you who dreamed of accomplishing an immpossible task?: Work hard on it and don't give up, there is always hope. Nothing is impossible.
    Do you have skype?: No sorry i do not have skype but will get one soon.
    Anything else you'd like Emily and Drake and me to know?: Yes, i want you guys to know thati have been waiting to be a helper or a moderator for about 4 months, please don't turn me down.
  7. Taco4768

    Taco4768 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?

    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    7:00am- 9:00am and 6:00pm-8:00pm
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    Since August 2013
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I ran a Chess, Ping-Pong and Pool tournament all at once.
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    When did you first join Minetime?
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Try it if you want to but don't say I warned you because it is impossible
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have Skype but I don't have a microphone
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

  8. Vampire584

    Vampire584 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    My Minecraft user name is Vampire584
    I am 14 years old
    I live in England
    I am normally on Minetime (in the weekend) about 9 to 12 or (on a weekday) about 7 to 8
    I have been playing minecraft since August 2012
    I have never been punished on any server
    I mostly play on Skyblock
    I have had an authoritative position as admin on another minecraft server for helping other players out alot.
    I spend about 1-2 hours (average) on minetime every day.
    I am not a donator but I vote nearly every day.:D
    I first joined minetime in February 2013
    I don't have any specific skills on minecraft.
    If someone younger than me dreamt of an impossible task I would say "I'm happy for you to try but dont get upset it it fails, as I warned you that it is impossible.
    I do have skype and a microphone
    There is nothing else that I would like you to know (apart from that i never break rules) :)
    #248 Vampire584, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  9. Fredfredburgr

    Fredfredburgr New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Dominican Republic
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Around 1:30
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    (I Have Been Playing Minecraft For A While Now And i Play A LOT)
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No I Have Never Been Punished Because I Follow Rules
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Creative And Hunger Games
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I Have Never Been In An Authoritative Position
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    4-6 Hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Im Not A Donator
    When did you first join Minetime?
    In September 15 (On My B-Day)
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I Am Great At Redstone
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    To Just Keep Trying....To Never Give Up
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I Have Skype And A Mic
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I Always Follow Rules
    Good luck! <3 -Collin

  10. anar hajiyev

    anar hajiyev New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username? anarhaj.

    How old are you? 15.

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? I live in London.

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? I am on mostly in the mornings. However, I do go on a lot in the afternoon

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I have been playing mine craft for roughly 5 years now.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? I have once been muted for spamming 3 years ago. Additionally, I said '*** here Maxtopia' and got MTMuted, does that count? :D

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. I play mostly on pvpfest where I am respected and now started playing on factions and joined Volga!

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church". Well at my school I am in the first team for football and I am a big football fan, I support Real Madrid and know many players support them as well :). Furthermore, I ski a lot and compete in professional races in Switzerland! Unfortunately, not many people on mine time love skiing ;)

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? On weekends I spend 4-6 hours a day. On week days I spend 4 hours a day.

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am proud to say that I am the first commander! (timeless) on pvpfest! Before that I had [General*****], which is now [Admin] and earlier on I donated for items such as protection 4 and golden apples which used to be on the donations list. I also donated for 2 more accounts. My friends account 'minetimebeast' I donated for commander and my alt account 'pvpfest' which is admin.

    When did you first join Minetime? I first joined Minetime quite a while ago, I am not sure how long but I am definitely one of, if not the most experienced player and still keep in touch with the experienced played such as superamn125 (Chris).

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience? My best mine craft skill is Building and Pvp (I don't know if 'Pvp' counts :D) Furthermore, I have had 3 of my own servers and co-owned others.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would say 'Keep dreaming son!'. Only joking, I would tell him to follow his dreams as many tasks seem impossible. For example, Nelson Mandela (R.I.P) he achieved freedom and for the white and black to join! I recently watched a film about him which I do recommend for you guys to watch! Very moving!

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Yes I do have Skype and am always active. Add me if you wish : anarator.

    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know? Hey! I really hope I get staff, I know Collin does not really like me but I would love to help out Minetime as I know it has been recently hacked and I remember wishing I could in some way help out! I am very experienced (sorry to go on about that!) and think I deserve [Helper]. Thank you for your time! Oh and one more thing, not many staff are from England so when I am on, there is rarely any helpers online! :(

    PLEASE hit that like button if you want me to get staff! Thank you!
    • Like Like x 1
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  11. EdwardBailie

    EdwardBailie New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?
    My Minecraft username is EdwardBailie

    How old are you?
    I am 11 years old

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in Cyprus

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    2 PM to 8PM, Eastern European Time Zone

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? I do play Minecraft a lot.
    I am not sure. I started playing Minecraft about an year ago.

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    I never got punished on another server. I don't like swearing, fighting and stuff.

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I usually play Creative, Skywars or Overpowered PVP. I play on the other servers too but not that much.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I don't have much experience in real life because I'm only 11.

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    I usually spend 4 hours or so on Minetime

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I never donated but I will, because it helps the server.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    I joined Minetime a week ago and it's a really cool server.

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I know how to use a lot of plugins like WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Factions, Essentials & more. I'm not a good builder.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    I would say to keep trying and never give up to make it possible.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I do have a Skype and a microphone. I don't share it with other players, so I won't post it here.
  12. Abandoned

    Abandoned Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 29, 2013
    Likes Received:
    MineTime Helper Application
    What is your MineCraft username? Herobrina203
    How old are you? 14
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)? KS(Kansas)
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? 7-10 weekdays P.M. 11 A.M.- 4 P.M. weekends
    How long have you been playing minecraft? Do you play a lot? I've been playing minecraft for about 1 year now, and yes, I play a lot.
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? No, I've never been punished on any other server.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You may include multple servers if you'd like.
    I play on Creative and SkyWars, but mostly SkyBlock.
    Have you ever had any previous authoritative positions? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a life guard" or "I volunteer at my church". I volunteer for student council at my school, and in the winter I shovel the neighbor's snow when they're on vacation.
    How much time do you usually spend on MineTime in a day? On average I spend 3-12 hours on minetime a day.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I am currently Executive, but I might be getting CEO soon.
    When did you first join minetime? I found MineTime about 8 months ago, and I showed my cousin JustinFurnas and he joined too.
    Do you have and good skills in minecraft such as building or plug in experience? I am a very good builder, and I can also craft lots of things. I don't have that much plug in experience though.:(
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task? I would say, "Never give up!!!! Winners never lose, and losers never win!!! Everyone has a gift, so it's your job to find yours!" If that doesn't work, I'd probably sing Firework to them.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here. Sadly, I don't have Skype, so that probably means I don't have a microphone.
    Anything you'd like Emily, Drake, and I to know? I work hard on minetime, so I hope you consider me as a Helper.;) Also, have a happy New Year!!! :)
  13. Xandercrash1

    Xandercrash1 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username: Xandercash1

    How old are you: 16

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US): USA - Maine

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)? EST

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot? Sense 1.2.1 and yes I do play a lot:)

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for? Not yet, and it's going to stay that way :D

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like. KitPvP Creative and Skywars

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    - Guard (a Helper)
    - Mod's on a couple Servers
    - A Owner myself
    - Have been a clerk at the local dollar tree and am currently
    - Little league umpire
    - A assistant basketball coach for a co-ed middle school

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day? Weekdays- 1 hour Weekends- 4-5 hours usually

    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you? I have voted for ranks as well as pemium in kitpvp, but no, I have not
    yet donated.

    When did you first join Minetime?
    March 2013

    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    Yes, I've been staff and Owner on mine and other's Servers, I know a lot of plugins and things. As far as building, I enjoy building very-spesfic builds, as well as a redstone addict.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    They're no such things as "bad ideas/dreams" the only way to have success is go for it and do your best.

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes, to both questions. Skype: n838patrio1
    • Like Like x 1
  14. FireySkeleton

    FireySkeleton New Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    Likes Received:

    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Crewe, United Kingdom ;D
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    GMT 4-9Pm
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    Ive been Playing since January 2013 I LOVE IT, I play like for 7 hours:D
    (I Have Been Playing Minecraft For A While Now And i Play A LOT)
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Nope ive never been Punished :)
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Kitpvp,skywars,factions,hg,prison,creative basically all
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Ive been a Prefix at my school..xD
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    2-8 Hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Ive not Donated, im hoping to donate on January 18th when its my birthday and i will be 16 :D
    When did you first join Minetime?
    About 4 Months Ago
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am an EXCELLENT BUILDER, I love building places like pvp arenas Spawns, warps and places for people such as Minecraft Cities, statues, I love designs of Spawns and warps i like to make it look posh and fancy and very well decorated :) I love decorations on Minecraft.
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    To Keep trying and never give up on your dream, you can make it become possible if you keep trying, never give up.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I Have Skype And a mic. so we can talk.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I would like you to know that ive always wanted to be a part of such an amazing server and Popular server that is well prepared and a server that has multiple servers, basically its been my dream to being a Helper or Above on a HUB Server :) Btw ive messages Emily before, she is very nice, i will be buying Admin Soon :) Helper would be very nice untill i do :)
    Thank you very much, I am very lucky you have read my App, Thankyou Guys :)

    MYCATROCKY New Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Likes Received:

    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    USA, New Hampshire
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Est. Time. 3:00-4:30
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    2 Years, Yes
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No,I have not.
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I mostly play on Survival, And Skywars.
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I volunteer at the local homeless shelter as A Chef/ Server
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    1-2 Hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yes, V.I.P
    When did you first join Minetime?
    I first joined Minetime About a half year ago.
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have been told that i am rather good at Red stone wiring, And Using Commands
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Well, Being in a position similar to that, I would tell them That you can do anything, Even if you didnt do it right, You still tried. And that's all that counts.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes i have a skype. And yes i Have a Mic.
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    Nothing besides, Thanks for Reviewing My Application!
    Good luck! <3 -Collin

  16. Fredfredburgr

    Fredfredburgr New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    Dominican Republic
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    1:30 To 5:00
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I Have Been Playing Minecraft Since August 2012 And Yes I Do Play A Lot
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No I Have Not Because I Follow Server Rules
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Creative, Skyblock And Hunger Games
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I Volunteer As Staff In My Friend's Server
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    About 3 Hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    I Am Not A Donator But I Have Wanted Since I Joined The Server
    When did you first join Minetime?
    Ocotober 2013 13th
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    Redstone If You Ask Me Anything I Will Find A Way To Do It
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    To Keep Trying....To Not Give Up
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    I Have Skype And I Have A Microphone
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I Am Very Nice To People And I Play With Whoever Wants To Play With Me. I Also ALWAYS Follow Server Rules And It Would Be An Honor To Be Staff In Minetime :)
  17. Jayson

    Jayson New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)What is your Minecraft username?

    My username is (Jcrodriquez)
    How old are you?
    I am (11) Years old
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    I live in Greeley Colorado united states of America
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    I live in Mountain Standard Time so around 3-8 o’clock
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    I have been playing minecraft for 3 years now and I’m on the game about everyday around the 3-8 o’clock time MST
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    Yes one for building in some ones plot and accidentally breaking a block holding back lava
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    I mostly play Survival and creative
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    Yes I volunteer for my school and I do community service that will require me to either watch over people or be the helpful hand that usually is around
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    That is the only server I play currently that I enjoy the most so pretty much it’s the only one I play on.
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yes My Rank is Enhanced
    When did you first join Minetime?
    10 months ago almost a year
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I have Created many cool things throughout my building experiences but I do not have any sort of relation to plugins
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    You can do whatever you put your mind too, you will accomplish what you believe you can and for any reason do not let anyone tell you that you can’t do this or that because you are younger and most importantly, do what you want to do.
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I have a skype and a microphone plus and camera and my user is jrodriquez001
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?

    That you guys are doing a great job on your server and I hope it never comes down and also that the server is in general one of the greatest that I have played on and never had any trouble on. Everyone is very nice and very helpful so keep up the good work.
  18. ScarletFever1334

    ScarletFever1334 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What is your Minecraft username?
    How old are you?
    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?
    San diego, California
    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?
    Around 12:37
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    (I Have Been Playing Minecraft For half a month now and i do play a lot)
    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?
    No I never been punished because i don't really do much,but build
    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.
    Creative because i love to build
    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I Have been a libarian if that counts
    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    No i don't
    When did you first join Minetime?
    In December 14
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I Am Great At Building and i can do a little redstone
    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Nothing is impossible you just have to face what your trying to accomplish and and stare at it with no fear!
    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    i don't but you can message my Gmail if you want
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I try my best to keep spammers silent and make people happy as best as can
    Good luck! <3 -Collin

  19. sparta248

    sparta248 New Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    What is your Minecraft username?


    How old are you?

    What country do you live in (or state if you live in the US)?

    What time are you on most often (according to your time zone)?


    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Do you play a lot?
    4 years 4.5 hours a day

    Have you ever been punished on any other server? If so, what for?

    Where do you play most on Minetime? You can include multiple servers if you would like.

    Have you had any previous experience in an authoritative position? Feel free to include real-life experiences such as "I used to be a lifeguard" or "I volunteer at my church".
    I have volunteered to work in a cefe because it was so busy

    How much time do you usually spend on Minetime in a day?
    4.5 hours
    Are you a donator? If so, what rank are you?
    Yes, I am admin
    When did you first join Minetime?
    5 months ago so i started in august
    Do you have any specific skills in Minecraft such as building or plugin experience?
    I am very helpful and a pretty good builder aswell.

    What would you say to someone younger than you that dreamed to accomplish an impossible task?
    Go ahead, try your best and if you fail try again

    Do you have Skype? If so, do you have a microphone? You don't have to post your Skype username here.
    Yes I have both
    Anything else you'd like Emily, Drake and me to know?
    I was scammed into paying 20$ for mod by somebody with a fake account.
  20. Zach L

    Zach L New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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