Application For da_blacky's empire!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Archives' started by Creeperobunch, Nov 1, 2014.


Do you like da_blacky's empire?

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  1. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Donating helps us! Even $1! Go here << Help us to keep the empire running!
    Ranks that are open:
    Head-Moderator ~Like94BlackKids
    Mod ~Open
    Mod ~BassmanNZ
    Mod ~DFIood
    Mod ~dinoman1a

    Head-Admin ~Tranzit47
    Admin+ Op ~willcarey
    Admin ~Snudude
    Admin ~DominoMy2006
    Admin ~Open

    Head-Helper ~thegingerbread12
    Helper ~billiam42
    Helper ~Funnyboys1
    Helper ~sparlkyunicorn
    Helper ~Olive789

    Head-Builder + OP ~random_pickles
    Builder ~Open
    Builder ~Open
    Builder ~Open
    Trusted ~Open

    Trusted ~Open
    Trusted ~Open
    Trusted ~Open
    Head-CoOwner + Op~Creeperobunch
    Co-Owner + Op ~mega123man456
    Owner + Op ~da_blacky

    Please donate because da_blacky need some money to keep the empire running!

    (Will be adding new ranks in future!)


    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)

    If someone if swearing would you go ahead and mute/kick/ban him or just let him spam the swear word?

    In game name:

    What rank you want:

    Are you kind and helpful?

    General Introduction (Getting to know you) :

    Do you have Skype?


    Why do you wanna be Staff (The rank you chosen) :

    How many hours per week can you come on and help:

    Do you have any experience on any staff rank (Have a higher chance) & Please name the empire you're staff on( To be sure) :

    How long have you played on da_blacky's empire:

    What other empire have you played on and have you ever been banned on the empire. If you are banned, Why? :

    If you see any hackers or someone doing bad things what will you do and react to it:

    Any other feedbacks for the empire:

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    50 player slots empire!


    Need any help? Go to empires on minetime and type /empire join da_blacky!
    #1 Creeperobunch, Nov 1, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
  2. Joeseph Stiener

    Joeseph Stiener New Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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  3. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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  4. DFiood

    DFiood New Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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  5. DFiood

    DFiood New Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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  6. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    DFiood please reply using the format and fill it in
  7. DFiood

    DFiood New Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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  8. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Please Post your app here :D
  9. DFiood

    DFiood New Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)
    I would Ban them because they could destroy the whole empire.. Yes

    If someone if swearing would you go ahead and mute/kick/ban him or just let him spam the swear word?
    If someone was spamming a swear word i would Give them 1 warning and if they didn't stop i would /tempban or /mute them..yes

    In game name:

    General Introduction (Getting to know you) :
    I am a 14 year old guy who loves to play sport and getting outside to play some sport, my favourite sport is soccer i play it every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday when ever i am not doing homework or sport i get on the computer and play on Da_blacky's Awesome server.

    Do you have Skype?
    Yes i do have skype

    14 close to 15

    Why do you wanna be Staff (The rank you chosen) :
    I would love to be staff because i think i would be a very good good moderator and i have previous knowledge of being a moderator. I used to own my own server so i basically know all the commands (when it comes to moderations) i would make this server more popular, fun and enjoyment for the fellow mincrafters on the server

    how long have you played on da_balcky's
    I have played on the server for only i couple of days and i have found out that it is very interesting server to play on and i will stick to playing it for a long time

    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)
    I would ban them, or i will tempban them for a whole week and if they are still using there hack client i would ban them for ever.

    How many hours do u play a week.
    I would usually play on this server for 4-5 hours on week days and 6-7 hours on weekends

  10. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    What rank did you apply for?
  11. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Anyways your promoted :D
  12. dinoman1a

    dinoman1a New Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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    No I would ban as soon as I could.

    Yes I would mute/kick/ban.


    Hello I am Dinoman1a, I have been mod/helper/builder/opped/co-owner on many empires before and have worked very hard to make them better,
    example I spent 6 hours on Ssppff's shop, I love the empire Da_blacky, I try to go on when ever I can. I have played on da_blacky for a week or two now and I am getting to know it. Also I banned a griefer on Thegingerbread12's empire which the griefer did get a little of. I feel as if I am friendly and mature enough for this role, which I am trying to become a mod or admin. This is just a little information about what I could do for you and your empire.

    No sadly I do not have Skype

    I am 14.

    Because I love spending time making empires better and feel as if I could help with Da_black's empire, I am best at redstone and building, not command blocks so if you need any of that I could help. I have chosen either mod or admin because I feel as they are suiteable to start at and a little more in power of what I currently can do to help.

    I should be able to do at least 7 hours a week if not more.

    I am opped on DominoMy2006's empire,I have been creative on Turquoise Pretzel's,I am a moderator on Thegingerbread12's empire, I am opped on DrWhoJr's empires,I am a opped on RaynaSulinski's, I use to be on Ssppff's empire , and on a couple small empires on the side.

    For about a week or two.

    I have played on a lot of empires like DominoMy2006's or Ssppff's, of course Da_blacky's, Turquoise Pretzel's, Thegingerbread12's, DrWhoJr's,
    ZeusNeroX, RaynaSulinski's, and a couple extra ones on the side.

    I will approach them and make them turn them off as soon as possible, if they don't turn off or they have caused damage I will ban.

    I really love this empire with all my heart and only desire it's success, which I wish to help with,
  13. Creeperobunch

    Creeperobunch New Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    Good app and your promoted :D
  14. billiam42

    billiam42 New Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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  15. Dominomy2006

    Dominomy2006 New Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)
    I would ban them because they can cause a lot of damage to the server and the players.

    If someone if swearing would you go ahead and mute/kick/ban him or just let him spam the swear word?
    I would first mute, then kick, then ban them.

    In game name:

    What rank you want:


    Are you kind and helpful?

    yes I am. I like to help understand problems and find solutions to problems.

    General Introduction (Getting to know you) :
    when someone is having a problem understanding the whole thing, I'll be nice and help them out.

    Do you have Skype?
    Yes I do


    Why do you wanna be Staff (The rank you chosen) :
    I want to be staff because its fun and i'll help the empire

    How many hours per week can you come on and help:

    altogether probably like 5-10 hrs.

    Do you have any experience on any staff rank (Have a higher chance) & Please name the empire you're staff on( To be sure) :

    I'm staff on vanquisher999 (coOwner), ooty (developer) and da_blacky (moderator)

    How long have you played on da_blacky's empire:
    5 months

    What other empire have you played on and have you ever been banned on the empire. If you are banned, Why? :

    Yes Ive been banned for spamming to get a rank back that was valuable to me.

    If you see any hackers or someone doing bad things what will you do and react to it: I would report them.
  16. Jarred

    Jarred New Member

    Jul 5, 2014
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    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)
    I will ban him

    If someone if swearing would you go ahead and mute/kick/ban him or just let him spam the swear word?
    I would mute him

    In game name: Carlton1

    What rank you want: builder

    Are you kind and helpful?
    Yes I am I have been Appling for a long time and love to help other/give them helpful information.

    General Introduction (Getting to know you) :
    My name is jarred I live in Australia I am a very dedicated minecraft player and I have been playing your empire for a long time and have gone through many resets on your empire I also play minecraft when ever I can.

    Do you have Skype? yes: jarred.gardiner1

    Age? 13

    Why do you want to be Staff (The rank you chosen) : Because I love to build a whole bunch of different things and love helping out anyone with huge projects or small ones. I am a friend of creeperobunch.

    How many hours per week can you come on and help: about 4 hours a day and I can help when ever you need me just send me a quick message on Skype and ill be there in minutes

    Do you have any experience on any staff rank (Have a higher chance) & Please name the empire you're staff on( To be sure) : I am a long time player on lordoflegions empire I am staff on BassmanNz empire and many servers and have my own premium empire.

    How long have you played on da_blacky's empire: about 3 months

    What other empire have you played on and have you ever been banned on the empire. If you are banned, Why? : I have been banned from one empire which was when I killed someone.

    If you see any hackers or someone doing bad things what will you do and react to it: I will mute anyone making threats to the empire, others ect. and hackers will be wanned and if to fixed then banned

    Any other feedbacks for the empire:
  17. Jmac

    Jmac New Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    If there is a hacker using hack clients will you ban him or let him escape and hack the whole empire and grief? (Yes/No)
    I would definetly ban straight away no hesitation
    If someone if swearing would you go ahead and mute/kick/ban him or just let him spam the swear word?
    If someone was swearing I would first, 2nd and 3rd mute for 30mins-1 hour then I would kick and ban

    In game name:02jakeob

    What rank you want:Mod

    Are you kind and helpful? yes very kind I love to help other people so they can be successful as well

    General Introduction (Getting to know you) : My real name is Jakeob and I play on minetime so much my parents get angry

    Do you have Skype?Yes

    Age?over 11 (that's all im comfortable saying)

    Why do you wanna be Staff (The rank you chosen) : I want to be mod because I have had a lot of practice and am prepared to punish people for rule breaking

    How many hours per week can you come on and help: 3 hours a day (during the week on average) if I've finished my homework

    Do you have any experience on any staff rank (Have a higher chance) & Please name the empire you're staff on( To be sure) :I have been mod/helper on an actual server before and have monitored how to do this role (I don't advertise)

    How long have you played on da_blacky's empire: I went on it for a little bit when it was a free 4 person empire.

    What other empire have you played on and have you ever been banned on the empire. If you are banned, Why? : No

    If you see any hackers or someone doing bad things what will you do and react to it: First kicking second banning unless it's really bad the first time

    Any other feedbacks for the empire: You should add buycraft so the empire is profitable for you. I can also help with some plugins as I monitored these on mrmyagi's empire.
  18. StealthRise7

    StealthRise7 New Member

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I find it funny how you guys think hacks will "destroy the whole server." Unless you give them creative and don't protect land they won't be able to grief.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. MC_girl365

    MC_girl365 New Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    1: i would ban him/her!
    2:I would mute him/her
    4:Admin or Mod please
    5:Yes i am very kind and helpful because if someone asks for help i do and i am respectful to others unless they are breaking the rules
    6:well i love being apart of staff for other empires i will do my best to donate. In addition to that i am very nice and can come on very often
    7: Yes I have skype
    8:I am 13 almost 14
    9:i want to be admin or mod because i have been apart of this empire for an reasonable long time. Also i have learned how to run somehing because i am school president.
    10:i Am available at-least 1 hour per day unless i am sick or hurt
    11: Yes i am staff on Superboy92's empire (whitelisted) jrz0226's empire (note sure public or whitelisted ) and kaiyal11's empire (not sure if public or nah)
    12:I have played on da_blackys empire since it was a prison
    13;i have played on MANY empires but have never been banned
    14:If i see someone doing something bad i will ask them to stop, then they have one warning, then banned
    15:I love this empire but i wish they still had prison
  20. Lisa West

    Lisa West New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    1. It would be an immediate ban
    2. I would permanently mute him
    3. [Enhanced] Mr_Minecraft_33
    4. Admin or mod. (More preferred, mod)
    5. I am a very kind, funny, and helpful, sweet person!
    6. I am staff on other servers outside of MineTime and I enjoy having the job to take charge of getting rid of hackers, trollers, mean people, and etc.
    7.Yes, I have skype, but its private.
    9. I want to be staff because I want to stop hackers/trollers/mean people so everyone can enjoy themselves on the server, since that's what it was made for!
    10.I am available and on MineTime 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
    11.I am not staff on any Empires, but I am staff on the server MinePlex, and I'm going to apply for helper on MineTime when applications open again.
    12.I have gone on a few times...
    13.I have played on a lot of empires, and I have NEVER been banned from an empire OR a server
    14. First, I would give them a warning, then perm/temp mute them if the offense was in the chat, or ban/temp ban depending on how bad the psychical offense was.
    15.I really like what you've done with your empire and I would like to help and be apart of making it popular and successful.
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