Prison Prison needs more stuff!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by ooty2, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. ooty2

    ooty2 Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Prison is really fun probably one of the must fun games on minetime. But i have some great ideas that minetime should add. Please read and thankyou for listening what i writ. @drtshock <-- (only done this incase he looks)

    Donnor Mines

    As i know, you can no longer donate but the people who have donated get special mines.
    Premium for an example good get: Diamonds (2 Stacks per 3 Mins Approx) Redstone ore and Redstone blocks (1 Stack per 3 mins) and (3 stacks of emeralds per 3 mins approx) or admin for an example you would get Diamond blocks Emerald blocks Redstone Lapis Blocks in the mine. Maybe even coal blocks.

    Black market (Read before you comment)

    Black market could be a place where you make a shop and other players can scam you and cheaper or more money. People make shops with sharpness axes and lava buckets and buying items like that so the guards can't find you. A good idea is guards (who are mods+) would not be able to enter the blackmarket. I really like the idea hope they add it :D


    Cells could be a mini house in the prison where you store your items. You pay 20k every 7 days to keep it or else sombody else will buy it and everything you had in there will be token by them. Unlike the blackmarket guards can enter it so if you sell somthing banned the guards can jail u. And unlike other servers you can come into there cell and take there stuff if they did not pay there rent and nobody else has brought it.

    Thankyou for reading please Comment.
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  2. StealthRise7

    StealthRise7 New Member

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I like these ideas but Minetime doesn't have any guards and there isn't any point wasting mod time for being a guard.

    LUCASBRAGZ Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Some of the ideas i like, others i'm not a fan of such as the black market idea, but the others i think are decent. :) :D :p
  4. ooty2

    ooty2 Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 19, 2014
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    There are guards ive seen it before it said [Guard] [Mod] once (not in these prefixs)
  5. hornom123'

    hornom123' New Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Donor mines would make prison a pay-to-win server, which drtshock and. collin have both said they don't want it to be. They even gave a cooldown to fix all just for that reason. The black market idea can completely throw away the means of having a shop in the first place. People already scam enough players. They can also make infinite money through your idea. We have the freeworld for cells. Cells are pretty much just a waste of money. If you wanted to store items some place secure, you can use an enderchest or /chest. There are no guards atm and eve if they did have guards they wouldn't be able to go into the furnace rooms (legit anyways :p )
    Also guards will soon be implemented sooner or later. Our last guard was in some fishy business, so he got fired.
  6. gongas_10

    gongas_10 New Member

    Jul 25, 2014
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    I think prison needs better kits like p4 and unb3 with a 2 or 3 days cooldown because survival has that and its really op now 24 obi and 16 diamond blocks its not that op and doesnt give a lot of money.
    U should change the mtlag to clearlag i think is better i dont know to well but ya and sometimes the items are cleared but it didnt say anything in the chat.

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