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Sep 10, 2015 at 10:56 PM
Aug 2, 2015
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slayer of angry wombats.

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New Member, Female, from Wayfaroutville

I feel soo confused. Soo many clubs to join at school, I don't know which ones to join. (Art, Robotics, caring4animals, etc) Sep 7, 2015

rsweezy was last seen:
Sep 10, 2015
    1. rsweezy
      I feel soo confused. Soo many clubs to join at school, I don't know which ones to join. (Art, Robotics, caring4animals, etc)
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    2. rsweezy
      Animal of the Week: Alpaca. The smaller, chubbier version of the llama.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    3. rsweezy
      So the water fountains in my school's gym are fixed to spurt water out really high. I press the button and the water sprays me in the eye.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    4. rsweezy
      I had a calculator that smelled like chocolate, but now I just inhale dust.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    5. rsweezy
      How do you create hyperlinks?
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    6. rsweezy
      I was playing basketball today and the second I got the ball the other team was already clawing at me lol.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    7. rsweezy
      Animal of the Week: Wombat. I don't know why. Tell me any suggestions you have.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    8. rsweezy
      Picture Day and running a mile don't go together, especially when the picture is your I.D.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    9. rsweezy
      I wish Opposite Day existed. I keep pulling that on people even though it doesn't exist :P.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    10. rsweezy
      Who wants to play some dodgeball? I'm feeling deadly.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    11. rsweezy
      I wish mouth sores didn't exist, then i could enjoy life. And my food.
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
      2. Megan
        Aww. That's too bad. Hopefully you'll feel better soon! Maybe some ice cream will help:)
        Aug 18, 2015
      3. Zeriotixia
        Aw, that sucks. I hope you get better soon! :)
        Aug 19, 2015
    12. rsweezy
      Got sick during the last two days, but i'm back :)
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
    13. rsweezy
      Going on a road trip! Won't be back til tomorrow!
      1. Andrew_ likes this.
      2. Kevin
        Have fun!
        Aug 14, 2015
    14. rsweezy
      First day of school and they mess up my schedule.
      1. Andrew_ and Lovinlegos like this.
      2. Lovinlegos
        A school is represented by the staff, and everyone makes mistakes! :)
        Aug 13, 2015
    15. Lovinlegos
      Ah, I've been to Wayfaroutville, it borders on Middleofnowhere! :p
      1. Andrew_ and rsweezy like this.
      2. rsweezy
        And also is right next to Timbuktu. Not taking a trip there for a while after my late uncle tim.
        Aug 13, 2015
    16. rsweezy
      Still half asleep but I just finished breakfast...
      1. Andrew_ and Lovinlegos like this.
    17. rsweezy
      What should I do with the 6 month old (possibly a year) lollipop in my room?
      1. Andrew_ and Lovinlegos like this.
      2. Kokoro
        eat it. live on the dangerous side
        Aug 11, 2015
    18. rsweezy
      Just killed a hot pocket.
      1. Andrew_ and Lovinlegos like this.
    19. rsweezy
      Guess what time it is... GAMETIME!!!
      1. Andrew_ and Lovinlegos like this.
    20. 10freckles
      Welcome to Minetime Forums! If you need help, just let me know! =D
      1. rsweezy and Lovinlegos like this.
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  • About

    slayer of angry wombats.
    My IGN is rsweezy and you can usually find me playing on the creative branch of Minetime.
    I am on the Minetime server from about 3:00 to whenever, thats only when I'm at school. When it's a weekend... well, lets just say I'm editing this at 2:00 a.m on a Saturday. I'm a new member on these forums but I have been playing on this server since the start of 2015. I like building most of the time, and also interacting with other players (e.g exchanging stuff). I like to draw random things such as the planets of the solar system. I have this little random theory with literally 0 evidence, but I just like to think that our galaxy is just in an ocean of other galaxies, and there's another worldly place that is home to that ocean. I'd rather live in a countryside than a city. If I could travel anywhere, I would go to London. My favorite animal is an owl and my favorite color is blue, neon blue. I have been playing minecraft since 2013 and I learned how by watching youtube videos. No, not tutorials, but regular survival videos. I love drawing, computer shtuff, food, exploring, science, and photography. If you know what the Golden Hour is, then I want to take a picture of that. My favorite youtubers are DanTDM, ihascupquake, Roi Wassabi (Wassabi Productions), Jaiden Animations, and Rosanna Pansino. One last thing, so I signed for this really cool thing called Spot the Station. It lets you find the International Space Station in your sky above you. The URL is
    Schedule: (Pacific Daylight Timezone)
    Mon.-Thurs: 7:00p.m+
    Friday: 3:30p.m+
    *I have lessons and also after-school activities on certain days, so i'll change the times regularly to fit my life schedule. Important one-day changes are at the bottom of the schedule.*


    We'll never be as young as we are right now
    We'll never see the world like we do right now
    So take in what's around you
    Put your camera down
    Take a shot, give it all you got

    I have a way of getting stuck on yesterday
    I tend to miss the little things that come my way
    Always looking forward, always looking back
    They seem so near, but they're not here
    Cuz time moves on so quickly
    Without or with me
    I've got to take a breath

    And slow down, slow down
    My mind is racing
    Catch up, catch up
    I've gotta pace myself
    I'm always wondering
    But I don't need to go right now

    Let go, let go
    We hold our fears too tight
    Begin, begin, to live your life
    The present is our future past
    We've gotta make this moment last
    Right now
    Have you ever noticed how your heartbeat feels
    When your love is so excited
    Cuz it's getting real
    Have you stopped to listen to what's in your soul
    That's your intuition, and it always knows

    Time moves on so quickly
    Without or with me
    I've got to take a breath

    And slow down, slow down
    My mind is racing
    Catch up, catch up
    I've gotta pace myself
    I'm always wondering
    But I don't need to go right now

    Let go, let go
    We hold our fears too tight
    Begin, begin, to live your life
    The present is our future past
    We've gotta make this moment last
    Right now

    Right now, right now
    Enjoy the ride, the ride that you're on
    Right now, right now

    Let go, let go
    We hold our fears too tight
    Begin, begin, to live your life
    The present is our future past
    We've gotta make this moment last
    Right now
    ~Sabrina Carpenter
    "The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions." -Chanakya
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein
    “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
    Apple Inc.
    Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
    -Will Smith
    Thank you and goodbye :)