What Kind Of Weird Dreams/Nightmares Have You Had?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Darkdrag333, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Darkdrag333

    Darkdrag333 New Member

    Jan 6, 2014
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    Mine was strange and seemed somewhat realistic. In my dream, I was walking down a street with nobody or lights around. I thought there was nobody to see me,but I was very wrong. Suddenly a person grabbed me by the shoulder and stabbed me in the stomach with a knife. I woke up and thought about this strange dream.

    I'm not sure if I can post this because it is a little graphic and violent...
  2. TheVSterbro

    TheVSterbro New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    My wierd dream was playing Minetime in my head. Fooling around on skyblock and giving away my money, Collin was there too. I thought it was real, I woke up sweating, I didn't want my skyblock money GONE! :p
  3. tacticturtle

    tacticturtle New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    someone stabbed me in the nipple and i threw up and died
  4. nat

    nat Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 6, 2014
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    When I was little, I had this one dream so much: I would be running away from a T-REX and run through many different buildings including my house, school, stores and more. I would then appear on a firetruck and ride it away... Awkward, right?
  5. TheVSterbro

    TheVSterbro New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    I had a dream like this once, I was being chased by a T-Rex and I went into it's mouth and killed him from the inside :3
  6. nat

    nat Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 6, 2014
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  7. tacticturtle

    tacticturtle New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    To be completely honest and aside from my interesting nipple dream that was not real, I actually had something strangely similar. I kill myself in my dreams. That probably sounds screwed up, right? Let me explain why:

    It sort of started (about 1 year or so ago), when 5th grade memories (I was in sixth grade at the time) flooded into my dreams. It would be a snake sometimes, but usually a T-Rex that would pop out behind the school, or in the case of the snake (it was a giant one), it would slither out of the double doors. The T-Rex would be slowly pacing around and examining me in the middle of the line of students that my crabby old teacher was super proud of. It got closer and began to pursue me, so I ran off into the busy road (which had no traffic, only parked cars), and everyone else vanished from view as the T-Rex chased me in an almost skipping-motion. I see it's giant teeth before I wake up. This dream reoccured about eight times before I began to recognize the pattern. While I knew I was taking an insane risk, I somehow just knew by then that it just couldn't possibly be real, so I stopped running at the end of the hill on the road. The T-Rex did something really bizarre. He said in a growlish, deep voice, "So... we had to do it the hard way...", and then lashes out at me with his big jaws, but it doesn't stop at the sight of that scary, disgusting mouth. No, no, no. I actually vaguely feel it pick me up and chomp down on me, but before my imagination can actually visualize and really feel the pain, I wake up. Why? Well, I'm not crazy enough to do this without having heard a concept first: "Your brain can usually not handle the extreme fear of your own death, a very common thing that happens... almost always at the end of a dream." If that wasn't so scary and mind-blowing to us, our dreams would be longer. Of course, if the scare doesn't wake you up, this will just void off into another dream. Another interesting theory is that you only remember very small amounts of a dream if they are important or have even the slightest significant message. You have many different dreams per night usually, and the nights where you may think you "didn't have any dreams last night" are just ones that didn't need to be remembered or perhaps ones that you died in that actually continued after you died, but it was too much for the brain, so it buries it deep down. Of course, this is still an insane thing to do, and I only do it to get rid of reoccuring dreams. The longer the dream lasts, the more scary it gets for me (if it's a bad dream), and if I end it sooner, the dream simply cuts off. I know how powerful this is as I have only had about 3 dreams I can count where I remember dying. Only one of them I actually can recall in good detail. At first, it is terrifying, but as the dream keeps repeating for some unknown reason (perhaps it is important or does have a meaning), the more laughable it gets. I can remember that I was barely even scared the last few times I had that dream. It went away because it became unreal. Now I am not saying that this is a good exsercise or anything. Know your dream before you try it. It actually gets rid of reoccuring dreams a lot faster. However, it is hard to convince yourself that you will be okay by letting your enemy or entity you will become victim to win.

    Here are two of my most powerful dreams that I could not forget, even after the memory decrease where I know more details upon waking up than in any other time of the day:

    Time Ritual
    I was bored. I searched up on "Google", "how to travel back in time". Instead of some crazy quantum theories, cheesy movies and all that nonsense, at the top of the results page, I found a site explaining a "Time travel ritual" to get to the present or future. I decided I would go to the present, and clicked on how to do it. There was some strange stuff, but it worked. From what I can remember, it was going to school and playing hookey, then going home, asking my dad if I could smash my phone and break and leak my pen for the ritual, and if he said no, do it anyways. I did. I got my phone, went to the area it told me to, put it in the grass, and smashed it with my foot. I inked the pen and placed it next to it. The next thing I knew, I was back on my computer. I somehow just knew that I had went back in time. I searched it up again, but the ritual was now... different. I did it again, and a series of events I cannot remember led me to a laboratory run by 8th graders. I was being asked what secrets I knew by these "scientists" who looked like their get-up had come from a play-kit. While they went to talk in private, I stumbled upon a heavily guarded door, and somehow god inside. Within it was, from what I recall, some huge secret about the Time Travel Ritual that I unfortunately can not remember. I tried to walk out of the building, but somehow they knew I had found it out (again, I still can not remember), and tried to beat me up in a schoolyard-style messy fight in the parking lot. I don't remember what happened next, but it had something to do with the "scientists" accepting me into their research group. It was very powerful, and I was puzzled, pondering over what it could mean. I finally accepted my theory that it meant: try alternate methods, because I had had trouble with trying new things lately, and instead of it being some crazy wormhole stuff, it was a surprisingly... almost "natural" ritual.

    This is one of three dreams I have died in. This is also the only one I remember. I was sitting up on the floor in my room (this was about 1 1/2 years ago in my old apartment), meditating (I rarely meditate). Lately, reading a lot about spacial objects colliding and meteors, I had developed this crazy fear that the moon would crash into the earth. It was very dim in my room, and all of a sudden, the moon got bigger and bigger, until it hit. I could feel an immense weight on top of me. Like the entire mass of the universe and everything in exsistance was weighing me down. I wasn't even being weighed down. I was just dead, on the floor. Everything was black-and-white, and my head and eyes could move, but nothing else, however, it wasn't my head and eyes. It was my spirit half-lifting out of my body. I woke up shortly after looking around at my final resting place until I lifted outside of my body to an unknown world...
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  8. Joel

    Joel Retired Ninja

    Oct 8, 2013
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    That's a big dream/nightmare!
  9. Minecraft246LOV

    Minecraft246LOV New Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    I have had this dream since I was 3 years old.

    This voice is calling my name, Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke my eyes are closed during it because I'm to scared to open them, than after awhile of it saying Luke Luke Luke I open my eyes and I wake up.

    Here's another one,

    I have nightmares about clowns so this is the main one.

    There I am a road trip with my family and than we get pulled over because we are out of gas. Than my mom says Luke go to sleep till we fix this. So I go to sleep. I wake up and someone is driving the car I look under me and there is all my family's bloody bodies and a clown is driving the car and I wake up.

    Pretty scary.
  10. TheVSterbro

    TheVSterbro New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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  11. DragonDaMan

    DragonDaMan Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
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    I often dream i'm on top of a really tall skyscraper that is swaying in the wind. The swaying gets stronger and stronger AND even stronger until the building topples over....
  12. tortuco8

    tortuco8 New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Hope this will happen in reality.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. tortuco8

    tortuco8 New Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Wow you really do have no life.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. DemonBolt

    DemonBolt New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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    When I was little I had this really random dream where I went to a park alone and there was a black bear sitting in a small tree (wierd I know) and the. It stared at me then it started chasing me and then it pinned me to the ground and a woke up.
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  15. JtMan

    JtMan New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    They only say that because you don't know how to die in a dream because you need real life expeirence to know what it's like to die.
  16. JtMan

    JtMan New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I had a weird Dream once. As a kid I played the game on the Ps2 Called Leap Frog. So when i went to sleep I was in leap frog but the frogs were chasing me and I was running away. I had this dream a couple of times. The dream always stopped when the leap frog ate me.
  17. DemonBolt

    DemonBolt New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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  18. DemonBolt

    DemonBolt New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
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    I had this really scary dream it was MONDAY.
  19. Minecraft246LOV

    Minecraft246LOV New Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    I have that dream every sunday night.
  20. JtMan

    JtMan New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    It happens

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