Current Status Of MineTime

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Istok, Sep 21, 2018.


Should MineTime start really listening to its community?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    Alright, so if you have been playing for a while you should know me, I'm Istok and I've been playing for around 5 years now, joining the forums a year after in 2014. I decided to make this thread to discuss the current issues of this server as I have a lot of mixed opinions about the changes that happened over the years and how it has affected the population of the server.

    See the thing is MineTime started off as quite a simple, I guess "normal" network except for the fact that it allowed hacks and contrary to what people may think, hacks aren't the reason that MineTime was alive in the first place, it was actually due to the staff that worked hard daily on making it better, not to mention there was also enough of them to handle all of the workload (*hint hint* our staff team is tiny). Now I know that you might argue that our current staff team is so small because of the small population of the server, but the problem is that the staff we have hired currently do very little to improve the server and regain its original population back as much as they say they are trying, they really aren't.

    The perfect example of a good staff member was Tyler, he would put in work every single day to improve the server, he was even willing to take ownership of it when Collin and Emily resigned, which brings me to my next point, the owner. I think that if the owner doesn't want to be active, even though he can be cause he plays minecraft for hours every single day, he should just resign and hand it over to somebody else more responsible that could improve the conditions of the server, cause right now he is a figurehead, he is like Queen Elizabeth II of England and it's just scary to see how little he does to help out.

    Next thing I want to address is all the unneccessary changes that take place, that xBMAN thinks can make the server alive. Like why fix something if it isn't broken it's pointless and a waste of time and effort that can be used to do other things that are actually needed. For example, the obisidan breaker on prison or the /chest removal and even before that the /chest cooldown, majority of the community that actually actively plays on this server didn't want these things added, so why add them? Also, xBMAN's idea to implement the "Prime" rank and whatever other ranks there were to replace the current ones, what is the logic behind that? Why make somebody who payed 105$ for a rank and somebody who payed $80 for a rank the same rank? That's completely outrageous and adds no valuable contribution to the server.

    Now, I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but why don't we just accept that EULA agreement? There's no point in fighting over it and staying on the blacklist. It's literally deteriorating the whole server with not many benefits... Also, try to advertise the server someway, get it out there, make sure people hear of it, put advertisements on different websites, contact or sponsor some youtubers, put in that little effort to make new people join, so that more older and active players would want to stay, cause as of now, you're digging yourself a hole and this whole we are talking about will eventually strike rock bottom, from where you can't dig anymore and that will be the day minetime shuts down.

    Another thing that you can do, is make another trailer for minetime, just like collin did back in the day, that trailer got plenty of views, people and revenue from those same people buying things on the server store. All of these issues can be so easily fixed and it makes me so depressed that we just don't put in the work to fix them. Instead, we act like there is gonna be some magical happening that will make the server the way it was back in the day and it's just insane. I come from Serbia and as some of you might know if you are well informed, you would know that it's currently in the talks of getting into the EU, after years of pissing in the wind and ignoring our Yugoslavian friends and what they have been doing, we decided to go our own way because we thought we were this unstoppable force, but over the years we realised that we weren't and it might be becoming too late by now. This is a very similar situation with MineTime and we should be able to learn from things like that and improve, but clearly nobody is making an effort to do so.

    Now, I know that you got plenty of these threads in the past and want to be ignorant towards my opinion, but (excuse my language) stop being idiots, please, there is no need to ignore the little playerbase that you have left, cause they will eventually leave aswell. Also, if you are a player and you disagree with this post, you are pissing in the wind along with the staff. Therefore, I really need you guys to hear me out, we all do, just do as the community requests you to because we are what made up MineTime and not listening to us will eventually kill it.

    If you have any other suggestions or opinions, don't be affraid to reply below, every contribution counts, thanks for reading this post.
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  2. Hammynl

    Hammynl Ninja

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I’ve gone ahead and read the whole thread
    I want you to know i always try my best to be active, listen to the community and do whatever is needed, i do not ignore anyone unless they are just trying to annoy me, i think it is unfair from you to say that every staff member does not listen because that is just not true, i try my best to make Minetime what it was before all of this and it costs time. I am currently busy with a factions reset where i listen to the community and implement whatever they want.

    I hope you respect all my input, time and effort i spend busy working for
    Minetime, i’d like to hear back from you

  3. Carlrwc

    Carlrwc Forum Enthusiast

    May 1, 2016
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    There is no way in hell I'm going to take the time to read all of that, but judging from the title, you blame the staff for the current state of minetime. As I see it, the only real problem with Minetime is that it is a dead server. The only staff member that is responsible for this is NoobCrew, as he is the only one that could spend the necessary thousands of dollars on ads to generate a higher player count. Look at what I posted on @Espresso's profile page. That should explain everything.
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  4. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    The problem is that the community doesn't know you want to hear their input, if you really wanna hear what they have to say and the suggestions they have, I suggest making a thread about it.

    You should also remember that players are leaving and the players that left have their own reasons for leaving. This makes your statement quite invalid because you can't blame anything else other than the staff for those players leaving, maybe some of them actually got bored and didn't want to play anymore (could also be due to the lack of additions to the server by the staff), but the others could have been stopped from leaving if the staff simply just listened and implemented, fixed, etc... what the community wanted.
  5. Hammynl

    Hammynl Ninja

    Aug 23, 2016
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    I always ask what the players want in-game and i got all the feedback from the factions reset already, I listen to the community and care about everyone. don’t worry ;)
  6. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    Alright, just one more thing. If you really want to improve MineTime and bring it back to what it was, a factions reset shouldn't be your main occupation ;).
  7. ProbablyADerp

    ProbablyADerp Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 9, 2014
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    I have a suggestion, in 2013 I think Colin introduced a thing where if someone shared the Minetime facebook page, they would get a temporary rank, there were other things like this, I think it would really help... you really should consider it I think it would make a difference.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. ClapDemCheekz

    ClapDemCheekz Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 4, 2017
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    yeah i agree, if staff cared for the life of minetime they would
    A. fix the lag on prison, it makes everyone have a bad time
    B. implement new things to do, minigames etc.
    this is just my opinion, but for real, prioson is what im mainly on and i hate to see it in such bad conditions, it was fine before, and bman does literally NOTHING to fix it, whetever he did during the reset he need to actually listen to the community and fix this
  9. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 25, 2014
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    The problem is half of the community is too whiny, needy, and inconsiderate of all of the factors at play.

    Also, you need to include a TL;DR. I skimmed most of it, but come on man... bullet points.
  10. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    Bullet points wouldn't describe it well enough and I wanted to keep it like this. Also, nobody is being whiny or needy here, we are just complaining to the staff cause they clearly need to hear it to get the problems through their thick heads. Also, please list me some of the factors at play, I'd love to deconstruct them with you.
  11. Kintave11

    Kintave11 Dedicated Minetimer

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Reality is Minetime's "old days" are over. Minetime's old days are what WE just look back at without looking forward ourselves
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    Because we see no good looking forward...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Beeman


    Sep 29, 2013
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    You know, we can't fix something if you don't report it.

    In regards to the original post:

    I have been listening. I've come to the conclusion that Minetime needs to evolve - the notion that "if it's not broken, don't fix it," is against innovation.

    Minetime needs to modernize and I feel that one of the steps to achieve this is to simplify and modernize our ranks - There is very little servers that you see with 8 ranks. Simplifying it will allow us to better focus on providing the best experience possible for our players.
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  14. SoulAlly_Hanna

    SoulAlly_Hanna Dedicated Minetimer

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Whilst that's great and all that making the ranks more streamline would help out theres still the issue of those who paied more being downgraded with no reimbursement. I didn't pay the same as CEO why do we get the same perks.
    I love this server and always have but I can't help but agree with op that we need more staff as well. You can't do all this alone for your own mental and physical health, forgetting how long things go unfixed for a moment. I don't want you getting held up in the hospital unable to do anything from stress. Believe me, stress related illnesses are the worst, I've lived with them for years. They are real and I don't wish them on my worst enemy.
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  15. Istok


    Jul 1, 2014
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    I've nothing against your "innovation" as long as it is what the community wants because if it isn't you'll be the only one left playing. Also, if you want to do that "modernized" thing with less ranks (basically trying to copy hypixel), you should make it fairer on people who payed more for their ranks than the people who didn't, like give them special perks or something like that. And like @SoulAlly_Hanna said, you can't do this on your own, one admin isn't enough to modernize and revamp a whole network, get some help from kitten cause she clearly isn't involved enough because you don't allow her to be. You could even try help getting help from that "owner" of our's.
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  16. Haeria

    Haeria Forum Enthusiast

    Mar 4, 2016
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    As far as the ranks go I have an idea that I wanna run by you guys. Ok so many players have thrown a fit about the rank changes. I personally don't feel comfortable being grouped in with those who paid more for the rank thank I did. I know most aren't at all happy about being grouped in with those who paid less. Perhaps you can set it up where those who have the current ranks as tiers (I I III and so on) and then release the ranks normally with the new prices and perks. It is a but more work but that would definitely help to avoid issues in the future and keep the players who are already here happy and not feel like they have been ripped off.
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  17. SuperCoolWimp

    SuperCoolWimp OOF! OOF!

    Jun 7, 2016
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    It's unfair to say minetime is dying because the staff team isn't working hard enough. Sure minetime has a small team, but it's not the teams fault. Honestly the people who make these threads blaming staff for the server have different opinions. Some say they don't work hard enough, some call them ALL inactive, and some say "why you ban people on small server?!?!" like the staff team can do anything about it.

    Whilst I know this thread isn't directed towards being like "haha staff succ no work" the first paragraph does come out that way. You even replied to Hammy saying "the community doesn't know you want your opinion" like he hasn't tried already?? If you actually played the server or you were active enough to know the situation, you'd know Hammy has tried to get the community's opinion. Try to consider it's not the staff not trying it's the community complaining about the problems the server doesn't actually have.

    Maybe you could rephrase your thread to say staff don't have perms to do anything helpful, more staff are needed, or demote the active staff. Instead you took an approach to make it look like the staff aren't trying to help, and that's just untrue. Maybe you got a problem with 1 staff and not the whole team, then don't aim it towards the whole team. I don't disagree with all your points, but I don't agree on how you see the team.
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  18. Espresso

    Espresso Forum Fanatic

    Jun 14, 2014
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    Wasn't everyone complaining that Collin wasn't active in the later glory days of Minetime? At least that's what I remember? Minetime just kept a higher player count because there were already a lot of people on but that was when Minecraft itself was popular.
    How much of staff actually do the development though? Bman, obviously, but Mods and Helpers, to what I know, don't actually develop anything and just moderate the server or pass down any suggestions or notes a player might give. Staff applications don't ask for any qualifications in plugins or anything so I'm guessing it would only be BMan would be the only one "making" these servers. Hammy stated he was busy with the factions reset so I guess he does help since he's a senior mod and I think Kitten just answers emails and fixes donor rank problems. It isn't too clear by what I see.
    I think Collin never offered him the role as owner and even if he did, I'm 95% percent sure Tyler himself said he didn't want the position.
    I think this is too much of a hassle and too complicated. Players should just get a grip and accept that they'll be losing ranks. The vast majority of donors left and many of the "big" servers already changed ranks and removed perks way back when the EULA was being enforced. Minetime didn't because they didn't believe in it and they believed it would slow profits. Donor ranks are donations after all. They're suppose to help the server out not be a purchase.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Espresso

    Espresso Forum Fanatic

    Jun 14, 2014
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    I'm gonna double post but idc

    Minetime already lost all their communities such as the creative community of RPers, skyblock, survival, factions, skywars, (which used to have TWO SERVERS) etc. The only server I think that is actually alive is Prison with a group of people who can probably be called a community. I think Minetime should just call itself a Prison server (or any 1 gamemode) and limit itself to one or maybe two or three servers (but preferably one). Minetime would be called a Prison server and focus would only go on Prison. People specifically looking for Prison servers could find Minetime and like the fact that there are people and staff online. By voting/videos/advertisement Minetime could grow the Prison server and then think about expanding into its other modes again with its higher player count. Didn't Minetime start off as JUST a pvpfest server then it expanded? I arrived at Minetime when my 10 year old self was looking for a normal vanilla Minetime survival server. I didn't care about anything else except that their survival server was full and alive and so way pretty much every other server. Coming to Minetime now, you'll see nothing but dead servers with only 1-10 players on. Which one would appeal to players? I'd rather continue to join a server that is alive and is looking to expand that an old server that's past its expiration date. Let ranks be simpler/cheaper and the server "look" full. Obviously this is going to be difficult because it would be like starting all over IN 2018 but I think the expertise and resources are there. Maybe such a radical change would bring back previous staff/players to take a look and be involved in the community even if it's only through the forums?
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  20. Masterenderwolf

    Masterenderwolf Expert Member

    Jul 3, 2015
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    I'm going to rip off a Thor 3 reference and change it up a bit and respond by saying simply: Minetime is not a place. It's a people.
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