[Guide] Supporting Helper Appliations

Discussion in 'Community Help' started by TeamTyler, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Things to consider:
    • Does this user help the community?
    • Is this user active?
    • How mature is this player?
    • Is this player experienced?
    • What is their past on Minetime like?
    Non-suitable reasons to support an application:
    • "You're a great friend, +1!"
    • "You always give out free items everyday!"
    • "You're a good builder!"
    • "I love you!"
    • "I love the colors!"
    • "You're a donor, so I have to support!"
    Okay, so we have players thinking about things that will do bugger all to help them become a staff member, for example; "I've been on the server for 3 years!" because for all we know, the user could be a well-known rule breaker. Someone whose been on the server for only 2 months, but follows all the rules would be a better applicant. However, we don't want people who have been on the forums for 2 days to become a helper now, do we? That person might be really capable but they're really new and nobody knows them.

    Another point, if you're going to say no support, unless multiple people have stated your reasons, you should give the applicant feedback on how they can improve in general. When reading an application, keep grudges out of your support status. You have the right to not support, but hating someone is no appropriate reason to not support someone. The person might dislike you, but as long as they don't show it, then it's fine. Pile and I, for example don't get along, but I respect how Pile moderates now and I know she means well. If she had to apply, she'd have my support.

    When you support an application, people appreciate the support and feedback you give them. When you leave your support, you're giving the applicant your approval of their application. You're not telling them how great their art is or anything off topic like that. Saying "+1", or "Support" really means "I feel you're qualified to be a staff member on Minetime."

    Supporting because of free stuff, is a no! Some people actually use this to bribe people into supporting. Helpers on Minetime hardly hand out free stuff, but when they do they've earned it legally and the hard way. Staff on Minetime have jobs and giving out free stuff is not one of them.

    A final touch, ranks and prefixes. Paying money for benefits on the server does NOT make you a better person. A donator prefix is basically deception in disguise in some cases. Everyone should be given a chance, in fact, everyone IS given a chance.

    I hope you enjoyed this thread. Peace.
    PS: I know you might not take me seriously as I'm the person I always am, but please know this is serious.
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  2. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    This is targeted at anyone who considers reading an application. This guide goes for staff and non staff.
    This guide is not for those actually applying, this is for those giving their support on other applications.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    I will definitely use this guide to help in my decision making. :)
  4. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Cool cx

    o lol
  5. GoodLuck

    GoodLuck Expert Member

    Oct 4, 2014
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    I prefer not to meddle with these applications, there is way too much drama involved.

    To be frank, I'd prefer it if the applications had been private like the last time they were open; to avoid all this commotion.
    My reasons for this include, applications being taken too seriously, creation excess threads like this one and people judging others when they really are not in a position to.

    All that's been going around the network lately, helper applications. They are being taken too seriously by many users; yes, the role should be taken earnestly but it has sparked arguments. Players become defensive and hostile over comments made on these threads and I feel like it could have been avioded if the applications had been offered somewhere else, a little more private.

    Then comes my next problem, this 'support' 'no support' thing is ridiculous. This is a system brought from Mineverse that I personally don't agree with. It seems all a little spammy, if you want to argue that you're leaving feedback when you write 'no support' why not actually let them know how you think they could improve. And if you appreciate what they've written, why not just leave a relevant rating or vote if a poll is provided?
    I see this as a potential form of bullying when I see plenty of satisfying applications that have 'no support' posted below them, based purely on the applicant's personality.

    This thread seems to be directed toward the general community, which do not have any sway in who is selected. Our new owners know exactly what they are doing, they have plenty of experience in this area. Although, it seems you are targeting users that post 'no support' which is fine, but since this system of 'rating' has merged from Mineverse, there doesn't seem to be a chance of it dying off in the future; unfortunate because I personally dislike it.

    No one here has any right to judge another and publicly expose them. I was disgusted with some of the outbursts against some of the members here. Like I said, this could have been avoided if these applications had been made private. I personally do not like Mineverse's way of operating which is why I chose to play Minetime. I would hate to see Minetime turn into Mineverse.

    Finally, these helper applications are not a popularity contest, it seems some people believe they are. If a user was to have so many likes on a thread it will not reflect, in any way how the recruiter will decide the outcome for the application. Some people focus straight on the statistics that the general community have decided on which like I said, does not represent the final decision.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. dsfadfasdfsa

    dsfadfasdfsa Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 19, 2016
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    It's not really drama, just people attacking each other over comments on their application. People seem to think that comments will effect your chances of getting accepted, when in fact I think your response to those comments will effect your changes more.
    Although that is true, it also helps pick out who are worthy candidates from the ones putting on a show to get Helper.
    I completely agree, I'd just like to add that I see it as a way to farm post counts. Not many people have actually written a really good comment with actual feedback to help an applicant.
    It's not really a potential form of bullying, it's a potential form of attemptive sabotage. People do it when they don't like someone can't deal with them having a chance of becoming an official staff member. I think the staff should completely ignore "support" and "no support" type of comments unless they spark an argument, which I think the staff should use to view how the user would react to future arguments and such situations.
    Exposing users is actually a good thing, if someone is threatening to DDoS/DoS, lying, bullying, harassing, 'talking trash' behind people's back, etc. I think they should be exposed for what they've been saying and/or done. Exposing users is one of the few ways the community can actually help decide who becomes a Helper.

    I've been abused and targeted by one of the helpers from the previous batch, he even tried to DDoS my VPN and I wish I gathered proof to expose him. He let his friends attack me, maliciously, and threatened to ban me if I ever did anything to them. He also bullied me into letting these things go on, they couldn't really hurt me or my VPN, and so I let them continue to do it. I didn't care to collect proof because it was me verse a Helper.
    You're just pretty much restating the same thing over and over again, in different words, imo.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. GoodLuck

    GoodLuck Expert Member

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Hey, thanks for the response!
    I'll include a few definitions here
    Drama -
    Characteristic of or appropriate to the drama, especially in involving conflict or contrast; vivid; moving:

    Conflict -
    To come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition

    I don't really see the need the applications were made so public. I'm going to assume that you are from Mineverse, which I understand this is how NoobCrew performs helper applications over there.
    I would have completely fine with these applications if they had been submitted behind the scenes. I assume you were not around the last time they were open; the applications were opened in a different link and could only be accessed by yourself and the administrators, which in my opinion was just better.

    I could not agree more!

    I suppose that would've been a better word to use. Although, I was more of straying away from the applications here and targeting those people that used to spam our negative ratings (bad grammar and spelling) to put people down; they were removed. I believe that this would be abused similarly to the ratings. The worst part, no one can/will do anything to stop it.

    Hmm interesting! I wrote that paragraph mostly about a thread which was made purely to humiliate a user in front of everyone simply because they didn't like them, it was a little far. To expose someone for wrongdoing is fantastic but to make a thread explaining that someone was 'an absolute jerk to everyone' crossed the line.
    Of course, a formal report to the staff is completely okay but to ridicule and publicly put another player down is disappointing. I'll leave a small quote from the thread I'm talking about here, 'I don't care what you guys think about me, but we can't let this crap take represent our server. [They're] an absolute idiot. I'd rather have neither than both of us be helper.'
    I hope you understand what I mean here.

    I appreciate your positive attitude, thank you!
  8. dsfadfasdfsa

    dsfadfasdfsa Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 19, 2016
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    You must be living under a rock. I am one the few originals of this server still playing.
    Those applications resulted in a lot of bad helpers, most of them were demoted. I think they should try the current method and use whichever gets better results in the future.
    Yeah, I don't really think support and no support will become ratings because this community loves to abuse things like that.
    If this is the case, it should've just been reported and removed by the staff.
    I'd imagine the people overlooking the applications will be able to make their own choices without the influence of comments. Like I've previously said, the comments should not hurt the application, only the person applying's response to those comments.
  9. Henry484

    Henry484 Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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  10. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Thanks however.

    Wonder if this will get pinned, probably not lmao
  11. ShoutBot

    ShoutBot Forum Enthusiast

    Apr 11, 2014
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    I think that every application should have been locked, it's unfair to have comments on it, just an agree and a disagree should suffice
    • Like Like x 1
  12. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Or have them confidential maybe? But since it's not going to happen, here's this guide xD
  13. Chipemunk

    Chipemunk Expert Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I think this is a great guide!
  14. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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  15. Levis

    Levis Active Member

    May 23, 2016
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    This should be pinned.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  16. Cyrious

    Cyrious Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Great guide, helps me out. :)
  17. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Aw thanks so much <3
    Shame it won't be pinned.
    Great to hear :)
  18. west

    west Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I agree with you. Only staff members should be able to comment on the helper applications, just like reports.
  19. TeamTyler

    TeamTyler Dedicated Minetimer

    May 25, 2016
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    Remember, feel free to use the suggestion forum :)
  20. west

    west Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I just said I just agreed with him...
    and I also added on, in a way*

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