AUS Matth4w's Helper Application[Locked | Requested]

Discussion in 'Staff Application Archive' started by Callmematthew, Sep 25, 2016.

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  1. Callmematthew

    Callmematthew Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Hey, my name is Matthew, but I'm also known as TooDamnDank or CallMeMatthew, I usually play Creative, Factions, Prison and Skyblock. However, I'm looking to branch and venture more into OpPvP, Survival and KitPvP. If you haven't had the chance to meet me, I'm very friendly, talkative and funny!

    Your in-game name:
    You can find my other usernames here.

    What timezone are you in?
    AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

    What country do you live in?
    Australia, Victoria

    What languages do you speak?
    Fluent English & German (Second Year)

    Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No

    Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
    Yes. Dell XPS for recording software, and Minecraft's built in screenshot taker.

    Why do you think you should become a helper?
    I really enjoy playing on Minetime and would like to help make it the best experience possible for all players. I'll always try my best to answer other players questions when I can, and I feel that as a staff member I could be even more helpful. There have been several occasions when I was online and there was no staff on. I know that this experience is not exclusive to this server, but I still wish to help if possible. Helping others is something I truly enjoy and I feel that as a staff member I would be a benefit to the community and be able to help more people on the server. I also could effectively help new players learn the rules of the server, and enforce the rules when necessary.

    I could also help new players learn and understand the rules and commands. I am frequently online late at night (especially on Fridays and Saturdays) can therefore help when not as many staff members are online. I will often get on the server and not really do anything so I feel that I would be very able to help keep chat clean and enjoyable for the server population. I can also help build a strong lasting community, limit rule breakers by setting responsible examples and creating a friendly environment and promote positive reinforcement for new users, making them feel at home.
    Traits & Attributes

    I believe communication is necessary in a position such as Helper. Communication is such a powerful thing and can travel all around the world in less than a second, that is why we need to make sure what is being typed, is safe for all ages. I will also always or in most circumstances use the feedback of others, but limit how much it alters my final decision to provide an honest and none bias answer or outcome.

    I'm a responsible and mature member of the MineTime community, this can be shown as I over 3 years I've only accumulated 1 substantial punishment, and my ability to recover and learn from mistakes I've encountered quickly. I'll also be responsible with the commands that are given through the promotion of Helper such as /warn, /mute and /kick as I am familiar with them already.

    Honesty creates communities and bonds, this is why I believe it's an important and necessary trait to acquire. When it comes to moderating a community, I always tell the truth, even if the truth is something that is against me. I will also be honest to my self when I'm deciding a punishment, as well as abiding by the punishment criteria. Being bias and lenient to certain groups or individuals is wrong and I won't be partaking in these appalling actions. I'll punish whoever doesn't follow the rules, whether they're my friends or not.

    I am reliable and I will not go back on my word or change anything abruptly. If I had made an appointment I would definitely see to be there, as well as if I had made a deal I would go threw with it, similar with dates and times so being late is definitely out of the question. Being reliable builds trust and strengthens relationships, this is why I had put it as a notable trait of mine.

    I believe, to be an appealing and vibrant Helper, an easy-going and energetic personality is necessary. I'm not afraid of having a laugh or putting my self down for the enjoyment of others, but I know when the appropriate time is to stop. I believe a person who can show these characteristics and not ignore conflict or issues between player(s), are one of the best types of staff and staffing possible.

    I’m able to come on the server at almost any time. I'm usually online all day, this is either with my tablet, phone, computer or laptop which all have access to the forums and some sort of ingame communication. I will be dependable as I will be able to help anyone with any problems and issues quicker than a heartbeat. I'm also dependable as I will listen to what's ask without being told several times.

    I would say that I'm a very active member of the Minetime community. But I do tend to take short intermissions to eat and drink as I am human. I can be online almost all day, I'm also able to be on the forum a lot, even while I'm at school. I can be online on both forums and ingame while on holiday, but most ingame communication on the holidays will be via Minechat.

    I enjoy creating and building on my ideas and the ideas of others. My brain has a collection of suggestions on how to make the server a better place that all ages can enjoy. I am always constantly coming up with new ideas to suggest and thinking of ideas is what I'm very good at, even if the ideas aren't always implemented. I'll always be trying my best to make Minetime a safe and an enjoyable place for everybody.

    I have a lot of knowledge about Minetime as I’ve been here for almost 4 years. If a newbie needs help on the rules or doesn't understand what to do, they can always seek me for help. I never lose my temper when somebody doesn’t understand what I am saying when I’m trying to help them, as I was once in the same situation as they were and most likely faced similar problems. I am also very patient, and calm.

    Time Management
    I'm exceptionally good with managing dates and times, I have time set for Minetime, generally late at night after school. I will also point out, for most timezones you'll see me online early in the morning and late a night, this is due to my Timezone. I'm also usually online when not many staff members are online, so I have the advantages of handling issues while no other staff members are available.

    I'm known to be a very determined person. If I start doing something, I'll always try to finish it to the best of my abilities. This trait is important for being a helper as you'll have to come across things, which are going to be important. If you leave the slightest bit of information out, the consequences could be catastrophic, and you'll not get very far at all.

    I will always treat everyone with the same amount of respect no matter what religion, language, or ethnicity the person is. I'll respect everyone no matter what they've done. Ranks will never be a factor in determining someone's punishment. Being equal is a very good trait to acquire, as it makes a person feel at home in an environment which isn't as familiar.

    I believe someone who doesn't put effort into what they aspire to accomplish, is not suitable for the position of helper. If I were to become a helper I can most definitely assure you that I would put in as much effort as I possibly could. I would never give up and give in when the situation gets out of control and tough, and I would most certainly never give up on making this community a place safe for all ages to enjoy.

    When it comes to arguments or resolving conflict, I will respond kindly with a mature, and justified answer to the player(s) involved. Patience is what solves issues, not spamming players with questions. If I have a query or a question to ask a member of the staff team, I don't spam them because I understand, and feel the pressure they have on them from the minute they get on, I will ask politely with the utmost of respect.

    A member of staff must be organized, they must also be able to put things in a certain order, and must be able to control a situation and issue from getting out of hand. In real life, I am a neat and tidy person who always organizes valuables and belongings. It's necessary for staff members to understand the importance of organization and must be able to display it while moderating a community.

    I am, and have always been committed with Minetime throughout my entire Minecraft career, I have seen several occasions which have shaped Minetime for the worst, and for the better, and I want to be here until the final collapse of Minetime. I also try to fit as much time to play Minetime as possible, and will keep doing so as a positive influence on the community.

    I'm a very talkative and friendly person, so I know how to conduct myself towards others and listen to what they have to say. I always think before I type and I will never pent my anger on others, I'll never let what's happening outside of Minecraft affect my duties as a helper if I am accepted. I am approachable and I will always hear everyone out, no matter what they've done.

    Many staff resign from their positions as they're unable to handle the pressure from their tasks and duties they have to perform daily. I'm more than capable to do all those things and more if necessary as I have a flexible schedule, and will keep modifying it to see what works best and most efficient.

    As a helper it's very important to be forgiving and not hold grudges. When I was a child I had learnt a saying "forgive, don't forget" I practice by this almost everyday. If someone had been banned, but then was unbanned, I won't keep pestering them about the rules. I would just play with them as if they were another regular player without punishments, but if they were banned again I would have little to no sympathy for them.

    As the majority of the Minetime staff team live in the US, I hardly ever see staff online other than occasionally early in the morning. Due to this, people who have a similar timezone (AEST) to mine have an opportunity to cause conflict and get away with it, this creates a chat which is no longer appropriate for the younger Minecraft audience. If I were to be promoted I could make Minetime a place everybody can enjoy at any time.

    How long can you be active on the server everyday?

    School Timetable
    Monday: 45 Minutes ~ 3 Hours
    Tuesday: 45 Minutes ~3 Hours
    Wednesday: 45 Minutes ~ 3 Hours
    Thursday: 45 Minutes ~ 3 Hours
    Friday: 1 Hour ~ 4 Hours
    Saturday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Sunday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Holiday Schedule
    Monday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Tuesday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Wednesday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Thursday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Friday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Saturday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours
    Sunday: 3 Hours ~ 8 Hours

    How long have you been playing Minetime?
    3 Years.

    Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
    Yes, I had unfortunately been forum banned on @Gobbletygoop 16 months ago. The ban was for rate abusing and other minor reasons, but has recently been unbanned. I'm truly sorry for this incident, and I've since learned from it.

    Do you have any past experience as a moderator/helper?

    Yes, I had obtained a position as moderator on a server averaging at about 500+ people daily, this server was run by MonMan11, and had similar moderating commands such as Minetime, but sadly the server had migrated to a hub server, so the daily peaks declined.

    Additional InformatIon
    These servers are in order of preference.
    OP PvP

    Thanks for taking the time to read and evaluate my application. I'm hoping after this you'll support me to becoming a Minetime helper.

    Change Log

    Name Changes (27/9/16)
    Minor Grammatical Fixes (29/9/16)
    Removed Unnecessary Italics (29/9/16)
    Altered "Have you ever been banned in the past" (23/10/16)
    Removed Sections (27/10/16)
    Name Changes (27/10/16)
    Minor Edits (2/11/16)​
    #1 Callmematthew, Sep 25, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
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  2. Espresso

    Espresso Forum Fanatic

    Jun 14, 2014
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    Wow, uh, support
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Callmematthew

    Callmematthew Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Thank you!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. west

    west Forum Enthusiast

    Jul 25, 2015
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    TLDR but since I always see you in-game and since I actually know how you're like, I think you're fit.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Logic

    Logic Expert Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Angel

    Angel Expert Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I didn't read any of it, tbh. But I support, seems like a lot of detail though lol. I personally think that sometimes less is more.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Cyrious

    Cyrious Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 23, 2016
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  8. Marcea

    Marcea Active Member

    Mar 14, 2015
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    TL;DR, but you're willing to help around in the community and I notice that. You would be a great addition to the Minetime staff. Support!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. DEXsta101

    DEXsta101 Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 11, 2013
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  10. Callmematthew

    Callmematthew Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Thank you, all of your feedback is appreciated.
    • Supa Hot Fire Supa Hot Fire x 1
  11. BlueDino

    BlueDino Member

    Sep 25, 2016
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    You have a little bit to much detail in the application. But other then that. Nice application. Best Of Luck
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. lorn

    lorn Dedicated Minetimer

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Your actions shortly before this application made you seem to be a generally rude person to newer players, however, that appearance is shrugging off now.
    The application is decent, though I think there's some unnecessary traits you added in just to make the application seem like it has more. However, the effort you've put in is applaudable. Best of luck.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  13. Jack

    Jack Forum Fanatic

    Jan 23, 2014
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    Sorry, I can't support. Less is more, and I feel you went over the top. If I were a server owner, I'd want at least four or five sentences, but after that, quality comes over quantity.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. benji

    benji Forum Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2016
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    You joined Aug 28 2016...
  15. KoalaKenny

    KoalaKenny Active Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I support hard, but I want to support even harder, this is legit
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Babbling

    Babbling Member

    Sep 17, 2016
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    You've gained my support. You seem like a good fit!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Callmematthew

    Callmematthew Dedicated Minetimer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    @TooDank, is my old forum account.

    Thank you, I'd taken several hours to produce my final application with numerous proof reads. I understand where you are coming from in saying I went over the top, and I also understand how it can make people think I'm arrogant, but all traits are not embellished or used to take up space but are seriously thought through.
    #17 Callmematthew, Sep 26, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
  18. benji

    benji Forum Enthusiast

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Okay :>
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. zHacker

    zHacker Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Support <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  20. Olivia

    Olivia Expert Member

    May 30, 2015
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
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