Minetime Restart Thought

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by Dawesome, May 24, 2016.

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  1. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Orrrrrrr it shows that you're wrong and biased. :) Have a good day.
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  2. Yoowy

    Yoowy Expert Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I have so much respect for you.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  3. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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    ever thought you were the ignorant one?
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  4. MysteriousGamez

    MysteriousGamez New Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I think this post is bull crap. Hacks are what put together Minetime and almost everyone would be banned within a year. This may sound silly but hacking is what pull friends together in here and if hacking wasn't allowed I bet a ton of people would leave.
    I love Minetime because I have friends here that I can spend time with and hack with. I would be depressed to see hacking go from Minetime.
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  5. Chipemunk

    Chipemunk Expert Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    If hacks got removed we would see most of the community quit.
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  6. MysteriousGamez

    MysteriousGamez New Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Yes. I think Minetime would tear apart if hacks weren't allowed.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. MysteriousGamez

    MysteriousGamez New Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Hopefully Sheepy is going to let hacks stay :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    If he doesn't allow hacks I'm going back to my Realms ;[
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    bias? You are a processing disgrace who is the bias one actually? Lets see? 23 million people play minecraft and only around 400 people hack on minetime. Hmm that defiantly makes me the bias one.
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
  10. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    quite the opposite it would only tear apart for you. It would open the doors to more players than any other previous minetime time period.
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
  11. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Bias as in you stick to your opinion because it's something you are used to or enjoy. Of course I'm being biased to myself but not to the other so called "23 million" because those "23 million" won't ALL go into Minetime factions. That's like saying just because 23 million people eat vanilla cake in one room means that another room with about 200 people who are eating chocolate cake need to eat vanilla cake solely because the other 23 million are eating vanilla cake (Knowutimean?). Like wtf is your point? Chocolate cake will stay because it has been eaten in that room for a few years and just because one whiny snotty kid wants to change that doesn't mean it will, alright bud? Stop being such an idiot and use your common sense before you spoil it by calling others a disgrace. If they don't like the server just because it uses hacks then they don't have to stay on the server, easy just like that, there's plenty of other servers that don't use hacks but I've only ever heard of Minetime that does use them. #ChocolateCakeFTW
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  12. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    As if the remaining 200 people who play Minetime don't use hacks... o_O:confused:
  13. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    of course not every person will go to minetime factions.... But if all you left more people of that 23 million would most defiantly come in. It would be a incredibly small portion of that number but that small number would be greater than minetimes player base in a long time. More donations for owner in that case leads to better server, leads to more admins and plugins developers and so forth. There is an entire other level you have not even put into question. Hacks did get minetimes player base up which helped them improve the server because they had players not because of the client they used. At this point in time though MineTime has good staff, lovely builds, custom plugins, and much more so why is the player base a lousy 400? It is nothing more significant than the fact they have yet to take away these non classic clients. Also you cake analogy makes pretty much no sense. There is nothing telling prohibiting the Vanilla cake kids to join in Chocolate. It would be good for the server and good for the players who originally loved the server before "hacking" became a huge legal thing. You will put money on a bet that you have not even been playing MT for over a few years. I joined many years prior and I remember the server used to have a huge mojang client using population and in total the server reached on a bad day 1000 people. You may like the community right now. But even without hacks there would still be a community which in turn would make many hundreds of more individuals pleased.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    1. Donations are not allowed anymore because that's what got Minetime blacklisted by Mojang in the first place. 2. Back in 2013 when MT's player base was in the 1000's there was hacks around and the reason you're saying it got "serious" was because of how easy it is to DDoS nowadays... but you see, DDoSing isn't hacking. It's plain just being a **** to the people you hate. 3. Tbh nobody on the server cares about how many people will join our server or not. We just want the "hacking" part of the community to stay because it's always been that way and it's almost like a tradition. I've heard of many great PvPers who don't hack and can still whip a hacking PvPer fair and square. 4. You tell me it is good for the community to leave it's hacks because of our player base but when our player base was in the 1000's was mainly because Collin actually invested money to the server paying for ads on minecraft websites and actually getting work done and updates running. The reason our player base fell wasn't over hacks, it was because of the lack of activeness of the staff and owner were putting into the server. Before you come at me with an actual defense to support your idea because 20 Disagrees over 2 Agrees won't help.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Disgusting

    Disgusting Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Wait? Hacking will be not allowed when Minetime is back up or am I not getting something? I don't know I am confused ,-,
  16. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    1. There is nothing wrong with donations as long as it is not pay to win. 2. in 2013 those ads brought the non "hackers" in and the the "hacker" subconsciously kicked them out. 3. denial of service attacks will not affect the game play and are actually easy to work around. 4. 400 players in the grand scheme of things really is not saying much. If they like the server they will stay and even more people will join but if they are just arrogant cheats then they will leave. 5. I am certain that even if a person were the best pvper in the entire minecraft community that they would still be unable to win against many "hackers". And yeah by definition DDOS is a string of malicious computer hacking. You still have to steal their IP and then you have to spam it with packets. 6. Every time I have been on MineTime there has been staff and I mean he has the money so if players were staying he would have continued to invest. The time were you falsely accuse the staff of being lazy was when they added infection which was a huge project. And even now they have been adding many improvements. So don't tell me that the staff have been lazy. Do not even involve them in this. You fail to put any blame on yourself and would rather blame it on the people who have been hosting you on their server for years. You got some serious guts to say that kid.
    • Disagree Disagree x 6
  17. Espresso

    Espresso Forum Fanatic

    Jun 14, 2014
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    It hasn't been announce but this person over here wants it to be removed
  18. MexicanFury

    MexicanFury Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Your all bad if you leave because of hacks it just means your not a man and can't act legit
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. NightofBlue

    NightofBlue Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Oooooh you are not making me read all that..... Downvote
  20. DoctorDistructo

    DoctorDistructo Dedicated Minetimer

    May 31, 2014
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    That's what made this server different. They allowed everyone to feel/try to be more powerful than each other. Without having to be restricted.
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