Minetime Restart Thought

Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by Dawesome, May 24, 2016.

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  1. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    Special? How about you ask the other 16 Million players who don't play minetime. Factually and statistically you are very wrong. The word you are looking for is unique which can be used in a positive way or negative.
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
  2. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    I just stated my opinion. I never said it was a fact or a statistic, fam. Also no, the word I'm looking for isn't unique since I never stated something factual. I actually meant special;

    1. 1.
      better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.

    ^ Which is how I feel on the server. So relax with those big boy pants.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. ssjGabe

    ssjGabe Active Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Allowing hacks is what makes Minetime Unique, taking that away makes Minetime as good as any other subpar server
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. gone

    gone Expert Member

    Dec 2, 2013
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    Yes, special. Special to whoever may think so.

    Saying Minetime is fun, special, unique etc. Are opinions. Not everyone will think that Minetime is fun. @VolgaDecimo thinks it's special. So be it.

    Last time I checked, you don't read minds and can manipulate others thoughts to match yours.

    Why would we ask 16 million players who don't play minetime? Wouldn't it be a little more logical to ask the players who play minetime and/or know about minetime enough?
  5. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    that is exactly why you should use unique. "better, greater," everyone must have those standards. So if we are stating facts you just played yourself.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    Unique is not opinion based. It is a fancy word for different.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    My point is if mods were slowed down that the player base could finally be dramatically increased from the 600 average player base of just pure mod using individuals to thousands of players who do not use these mods. It is just a simple mathematical ratio. I do not care for anyone's opinions or even my own. I care about the hard facts that in this case would benefit the server and NoobCrew as well as his new staff. I mean this not working would surprise me if he chose to change this rule which he might or might not. However he also has a different mindset than Collin which you can pretty much tell already for I am pretty sure he despises of hacks on his own servers such as MineVerse and yes soon to be under his power is MineTime. I mean no where in the world or even really outside of minetime is cheating acceptable. If you do it in other games or servers you get banned. If you do it on your math test you get banned from your current school. If you do it in college you just screwed yourself and your career and if you do it with your spouse according to many after life rules and ideology's you are going to hell. Cheating is never good is my point. The players on MineTime who chose to cheat are the minority of the entire ~16 million players who play the game. I mean as they say history repeats itself. Look back at the holocaust see what happened to the minority population there? You can be different and that is ok but claiming or using vocabulary that implies fact is not ok. Its like telling your friend all (blank) people are bad. If he/she takes that as truth because you said it in a statement rather than an ideological phrase things will not end well. I honestly think that hacks will be banned though or at least have a very high probability of being so for I do not see Collin going out of his way to convince the person he already gave rights to the server to and tell him what he does with the server. I mean I understand why this thread is how it is. For me I am not trying to be rude or offensive in any way. I am just stating what is probable and the outcomes of different scenarios. Also keep in mind I have been on this planet gaining knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, and smarts (which yes all mean something different and are defiantly not synonyms.) a good 7-10 years average more than many players on here. So do not tell me I do not know my logic. From the ages of 0-15 the brain is incapable of many things but when a person reaches 16-24 the brain is at not great but has incredibly more functionality than any prior. At the age of 25+ however the brain is as powerful as it can get. (This varies from person to person to around the concept of nature and nurture which both affect a person throughout their life.) If anyone read from line one to here without skipping a word I congratulate you on becoming one step closer to maturity and the learned skill of information gathering. My guess here though is that there will be more childish tantrums after I post this so I think I am done with this thread.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  8. gone

    gone Expert Member

    Dec 2, 2013
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    Sorry for bringing this up again :(
    But tell me this doesn't look like Donald Trump's wall (of text).
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. TheLastStraw

    TheLastStraw Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Perhaps if you could start paragraphing, I would start reading what you type.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Woah wtf. Its not that deep dude. You're making a small problem to the server become huge. Chill out.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. NightofBlue

    NightofBlue Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 7, 2015
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    First, for the love of God, stop fluffing your paragraphs with all this random crap no one cares about.
    Second, the majority of people who actually play on Minetime don't use hacks. I'm talking about people who don't have a forum account.
    Third, whether this server allows hacks or not, the number of players won't really change based on this alone (but it will definitely increase with all the Mineverse/Skyblock people flooding this place).
    Fourth, your mathematical "evidence" is complete crap. If you're going to act all smart, at least say meaningful and realistic numbers. Your "simple mathematical ratio" takes too little factors into account. Clearly you don't care about anything. When you make a controversial suggestion, expect a hard backlash. Especially if it won't help the server.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  12. Vitanni

    Vitanni Dedicated Minetimer

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Heck no. Hacks should always be allowed on minetime - it makes up a lot if the player base and minetime is a unique server that enables hacks.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. MexicanFury

    MexicanFury Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 10, 2015
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    we havnt moved on to different servers, we just fund clashtime and absolutely destroyed it xD
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Well said, sir! All this "statistical" talk about Minetime having no hacks is meaningless. When 80% of the server uses hacks and you take those powers away from them, then clearly the 80% will either have to get used to it or move on. That's what Minetime is about. The 80% are the percentage of the people from Minetime that do stay while the other 20% are just randies that get on and off.
  15. ChocolateMilks

    ChocolateMilks Dedicated Minetimer

    Feb 10, 2016
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    if u ban hacks = 50% of player base gone
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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    The backlash is real
  17. DEXsta101

    DEXsta101 Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 11, 2013
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    Is it really that hard to play on another one of the thousands of servers that don't allow hacks
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Yoowy

    Yoowy Expert Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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  19. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    Backlash? I don't give two bees knees if you backlash or not. You gave far less evidence than I have so if you are running your arguments off hypocrisy please leave. The players may increase for a few days but when they are consistently killed for not being a dirty cheat they will leave. They will not vote and most of them will not spend their time looking for a hacked client. I mean I thought pay to win was bad but now it is waste your time online or in a java editor to end up with the most powerful killaura around and then a month later someone is putting your hard sought client to shame. and by majority I think you mean on pretty much every server where hacks are not desirable because pvp is not worth the effort or is disabled on servers such as creative or survival. Factions, Kitpvp, OpPvp, Infection, and sometimes Skywars have always been overrun with mod abusers. If you ask me there is a reason why minetime has gone from 1000+ consistent players to only ~400. Not because kids get older and grow out of minecraft for there are always new kids to play minecraft and they will certainly hear about minetime from their elder players. So why would so many players leave? Why would someone believe that 80% of minetime are using these mods? Simple that 80% of minetime which is a new small for the server has scared away over 600 voting players. Like hell I remember when this server was #2 right below Mineplex which is impossible to beat vote wise because they have ~10000 players on all the time. So yeah MineTime was the best of the best but that the majority was exiled by the minority not only of MineTime but of the entire minecraft universe. If you want to cheat, you can cheat but I am simply putting it out there that if you stop being such ignorant selfish pigs the server would benefit more so than it ever has. There are many examples of servers just like MineTime yet they are more successful because of the exact reason of their anti modification policy. Now is the staff of this servers chance to help the server. And yes Helping the server does not mean helping the the small portion of ~400 persons. You can say what you want but I honestly do not care and even if this were to be considered and put into place by NoobCrew sure you guys would no longer have a server you could freely cheat on but then thousands of players would have a server they would love. If you honestly love this server the vanilla mojang client is the only one that should be used. I mean if not MineTimes player base will continue to shrink until every Vanilla players is gone and until the game mods become old and not worth the time. So unarguable the server is and will continue its downfall unless something is changed. If you are over the age of 18 I may take your thought into consideration but otherwise I will not listen to a condense swarm of naive persons.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  20. Dawesome

    Dawesome Guest

    Don't worry about it. It only shows 21 people are even more ignorant than the rest of the "hackers" who were already naive beyond reasoning.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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