What a time...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by ImpactVolts, May 10, 2016.

  1. ImpactVolts

    ImpactVolts Dedicated Minetimer

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Time flies, and a lot is forgotten overtime. Nobody can remember everything, but Minetime is something I am always going to remember.

    My story starts all the way back in June of 2012, when I was just really looking for something to do, and stumbled across Minetime. After browsing through all my options, I chose factions as my place to call home. I bought VIP immediately, and began playing it with just some friends in real life as a past time. After they had all moved on in 2013, I had become too attached to it to let go of it, so I kept on going. Although, as school started in 2013, I had quit the server to achieve the best success in school and to go back to console gaming.

    Then, the summer of 2014 had come around. I started playing again, although it was not until this time that I had learned of hacked clients, and that everyone was using them. My first successful faction: WeazelWackers. A faction that only consisted of me and a friend from school, who then got bored so I disbanded the faction and went to seek others to play with. This is where I met my beginning of becoming someone on factions. I joined Zixon, lead by JokersOmen22 and TheDubstepAnt, who although we are no longer the greatest of friends today (and they had inside raided me 8 times), still cherish the memories we created together. After I had gotten through with all of that, I had gotten upgraded to Executive by someone totally anonymous, that I still don't know who is to this date, but thank you :)

    Now, I had gotten better with the hacked clients and everything that everyone else was doing, I started talking to @Tmfilms, because we both played Clash of Clans at the time and started a clan together (that went no where, but it was still fun xD) After joining Cats on factions, he had bought me CEO, then a day later @Tyler bought me Admin. Thanks a lot to both of you for providing me with those ranks <3, they enabled me to do so much more on the server, and start creating a better name for myself. As school started in 2014, @Tmfilms had enlisted himself into several AP classes, so he had to quit Minetime for that, which is where I had gotten leader of Cats: September 14, 2014 (also the day I had created this forums account). Then I had met MojangIncWorker (KetJustin_ currently), who was just a brewing maniac, but a really smart and nutty kid that I still talk to today. Lost touch with what Cats I had in the end of 1.7 (Xeus_ or Dakota, and DeerSlayer140). After this, I was finally content with what I was doing on the server, except for the unfortunate end to 1.7 on Christmas Eve that year.

    @Tmfilms, Genius1223, ReBullux_1_, and jv284480 had returned with me at the beginning of 1.8, where we had created Cats, which went downhill very quickly due to everyone re-quitting for school. I was left alone, to go create a faction with MojangIncWorker, where we were then inside raided (I don't remember who had done it). After this, you had quit for a little bit, and I had started talking to @zStyles, and the other members of the power hungry faction YourMom (@iBigMatt and @JewK). I had gotten to know them, and joined their faction, where I also found myself being inside raided twice, but kept myself in the faction anyway, as I was still talking to all of them anyway. I had become a mod, and started talking to them on a daily basis, which to this day, I still continue to do. I've bonded a lot with all of you: @iBigMatt, @zStyles, @JewK, @Jebudia, @ByPassed, and @RealNickonator. Not only just on Minetime, but on so many other things outside of Minetime. There have been many times where I have actually talked to you all more in a day than I have people I know in real life. Together we created a name for ourselves on Minetime, and made countless memories that just can't be forgotten. Together, we created BlackCat (mostly Nick, but there was small participation where we could by the rest of us) which was a success in my eyes despite any other issue. We play CS:GO together almost on a daily basis, where we still continue to live the rank up struggling in matchmaking. We've spent plenty of time on Agar.io, doing some stupid things and some productive things, all fun times in the end.

    Then, the time had come for another factions reset. Fortunately for us, @Tyler had been reaching out for some help with making this factions reset as great as it possibly could be, and for that he chose us (@iBigMatt, @JewK, @Behemothic and @zStyles). After the wonderful success of this reset, there has not been a day that I have not at least logged online just once. We then continued, under the Cats name I had held and cherished (still to this day) and the names we had created ourselves, to be the best we could be. Although we've had many issues and arguments with each other on the server that lead to multiple near downfalls for all of us, in the end I still call all of you family. I can't replace the memories we created here on Minetime, the stories will be told forever, and the memories will continue to be created.

    Now, it's come to the part of every one of these kinds of posts, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of the following:

    The Cats Faction of 2016: We had created the best faction together, everyone involved contributed and helped see that we were the best off we could possibly be. Can't replicate any memories we have created together, but can only hope for more memories to be created again some day

    Drew (@JewK): We had our ups and downs, mostly downs I suppose with all the recent events, but I still consider you family, no matter what happens. Nothing we have done together can be replicated, and I can't replace who you are no matter how much we disagree on anything and argue. I cherish all the memories we've created together, and I know there are more to come.

    Noah (@zStyles): You are the reason I ever even began talking to anyone from the 1.8 YourMom faction, ultimately leading to where I am today. I can't express my gratitude for that, and what you had done to get me where I went in that faction and where I've come today. No matter the things that happen, you are always family. I know we will create more unforgettable memories in the future.

    Anders (@Behemothic): You're honestly a lunatic. The soul reason I am even known as someone on Factions is due to your need for a brewer, that almost 3 years ago. You gave me P6 for just brewing, and housed me until I had become good enough to depart on my own after you had called it quits. Our useless bickering and random trash talk to each other and others was always fun and amazing, something that we can't replace and I won't ever forget. I know we have more memories to create, and always, you are family.

    Matt (@iBigMatt): Overall, people don't usually pick favorites. However, if I singled out a favorite, you are the one I pick. I got along the best with you through everything; personally and on the server. You've sat there and listened to me rant about anything, and we've gambled our lives away together using CS:GO skins. Through thick and through thin, you were always there for me. You housed me in my time of need and I tried my hardest to repay you through doing everything I could to make our experience so much greater. I can't think of what we are going to do with all of this new downtime we have opening up, maybe we'll get global elite in the near future of CS:GO :). I can't thank you for the memories we have created and everything we have done together, because although a huge part of ourselves is gone, we are not done creating memories together. Forever and always, you are family

    And I had to save the greatest for last

    Tyler (@Tyler): Our friendship began to really flourish not too long ago, but I know that we will go a long way together. Recently, we've spent tons of time together doing the dumbest of things, all just to be fun. We gambled away money, went to aimlessly trash talk on Minetime, and played some of the most toxic CS:GO games I've ever played with you. You gave me helper, when to be honest I am not even totally sure I deserved, I had just nagged you enough to give it to me. Although I didn't have it long, I am still super thankful for you granting me it. You had given us sell signs in our base, because we just simply wanted to entertain and gain something from it. You made Minetime what it is going to be remembered as, and you can't be replaced. Not in my heart, not in @Collin 's heart, and not in the heart of any Minetimer. I know our time together is only going to increase in the future, but considering what has happened recently with everyone leaving, the recollection of events was just a must due. Although undetermined as of now, our future looks bright, and I can't explain the memories we have already created, or the ones we are soon to create together. I can't replace them, and I will cherish everything we have created and are yet to create. You've listened to me in times of need, we've told each other things that no one else may ever find out about each other. I can't wait for our future. I am happy to call you family.

    Lastly, to the entire Minetime community, the times we created together are irreplaceable. Whether I was one you hated or not, I can't hate any of you. I am extremely thankful for what had been created for us to enjoy our time on, and the dedication of Minetime's Staff that enabled this fun to happen. Thanks to everyone for the memories, and good luck out there <3

    Much love - Dylan
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  2. Nico

    Nico Expert Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Nice story.
  3. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    • Like Like x 1
  4. RealNickonator


    Sep 26, 2013
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  5. name

    name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    fake and gay!!!!!1!!!!!111
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Flossie

    Flossie Expert Member

    May 23, 2015
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    Good luck in life!
  7. name

    name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    yo chill saltyangel don't disagree it's a prank holy ****
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Sapphire_

    Sapphire_ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Can someone explain to me what is happening?
  9. Jack

    Jack Forum Fanatic

    Jan 23, 2014
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    Minetime closed.
  10. name

    name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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  11. Meatwad3127

    Meatwad3127 New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    **** you dylan i made you who you are ***** boy and you didnt mention me
    • Like Like x 1
  12. name

    name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    lmao he didn't mention me either
  13. Matt0

    Matt0 Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 20, 2015
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    I almost cried not gonna lie.
  14. Oculus

    Oculus Guest

    Its cute to see all the staff tell us their live story with minetime <3
  15. Creeper_Bren_22

    Creeper_Bren_22 Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Hope you have a successful life!
  16. OreoChurchie

    OreoChurchie Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I would make a story like this but i'm scared of people calling me fake, an idiot, a lair and to kill myself.
  17. Angel

    Angel Expert Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    thanks for changing my faction title to F1$H when i couldnt last week. appreciate it.
  18. STradomzzz

    STradomzzz Expert Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Now that's what I call a story, thanks for the good times mate <3 Maybe we could play cs sometime, even though I'd probably get really high ping
  19. Bradfor925

    Bradfor925 Forum Enthusiast

    Nov 26, 2013
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    Even though I'm not in it I still start to cry (Yes, call me ***** all you want trolls) Had a fun time on the server with you, Matt, Drew, Styles (even though you were always rude to me) Anders (even though we've only known eachother for this reset) and Tyler (even though I've only known you for like.. 3 weeks at the max?) I will miss this server so much.
  20. MexicanFury

    MexicanFury Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I knew he was a cheat xD, lets forget that, it was fun to play with you @ImpactVolts, very fun indeed. The best of our time is over and I hope you do well in life and I hope that me and you can play on these servers people are making so I can still compete against you or maybe join you :3.. anyways Thank you for being around !

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