Factions Player Behavior

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Logo, Jan 29, 2016.

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  1. Logo

    Logo Canadian, Eh?

    Dec 1, 2015
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    *I do realize this thread may be considered a rant, blog, or player report but it's not.*

    Recently, I re-joined Factions. I won all my PvP battles but two of them, and most of the players were good about losing. There were a few that decided to cuss me out, accused of me being a speed hacker when my client doesn't even have speed, accused me of ganging them when I don't even have an ally, and one player kept saying I was bad for "running away and potting".

    When I was "running away and potting" I ran two-six blocks away. I didn't want to splash the player I was fighting so I moved a bit away. The player continued to bully and insult me through private messages, and chat. I would've just /ignore <player> but the insults weren't offending me, and I like the ability to see all player's chat so I can report them if need-be.

    What I am saying is since I left Factions, after the first reset, this server has become incredibly childish. Players use every excuse they can to try and prove that they're better than everyone at everything. There is mass amounts of bullying, and most of it is uncalled for. A lot of people there DDoS, and don't say they don't, I joined a call with MR9, him and his friends tried to resolve while I was joining the call. (only calling him out because he's a Helper, and he shouldn't be doing that.)

    I have reported dozens of players since I joined the forums in early December, and it still hasn't made a dent. I think the punishments on Factions should be doubled and the staff should be more strict for a while to help control the problem, and possibly root out some of the negative players.

    I know creating threads like this isn't helpful, but the bullying Factions players do is unacceptable. I do my part to report them, but it's not really helping. With the lack of staff Minetime has, it's hard to control what really goes on. I also know applications won't be open for at least a few months so I am going to double my efforts to report as many player as possible.

    I do have a few suggestions to help clean-up Minetime, and possibly encourage players to report more.
    • Have milestones for player reports. At certain milestones players receive a reward for help in stopping negative players.
    • Have milestone 'get out of jail free cards' player reports. Of course these would only be effective on lower punishments like warning and muting, and will only work once per card.
    • More to come.
    (I am already working on a plugin for the second suggestion in-case you'll consider it. I'll also give the source code, if you don't trust me.)

    Anyways, to wrap-up, I'd like to say thank you to the Minetime staff. I'd also like to say thank you to anyone players who report other players.

  2. PingPongGamer

    PingPongGamer Former Builder

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Hey Logo.

    I 100% agree, I started through the middle of 1.6 but I did not play so much and I was a noob :p Throughout 1.7 everyone respected each other and not as many people would try to Ddos. It is really sad to see what the server on Factions has become, the people last reset were better and the map was great, especially the warp pvp. Staff do need to take more action, even the slightest bullying can cause depression. Staff need more players moderating and not staff that Ddos (If that is the case)

    For all you Factions players that swear, make fun of people, make stupid excuses of why you lost or even bully for fun, you don't know how hard the other players life might be and they don't need your 2 year old behaviour.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. LagPvps_

    LagPvps_ Active Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Likin it.. Ik sometimes i say stupid things, but i don't say them for no reason, and usually they're first to say something worse than me.. I think staff should be more strict, as i have been banned before applied for an unban and i'v learnt my lesson. The rules are really clear. However, applying for unbans should be a bit harder, tbh i got off pretty easy. #MoreStrictLessBull (not sure if that will get me banned or not xD sorry if it's inappropriate)
    #3 LagPvps_, Jan 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2016
  4. Kyleep

    Kyleep Retired Moderator

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I do agree that the chat on factions is disgraceful. I mute/warn/ban 10x more people on factions or prison than on any other server.

    I doubt that rewards such as 'get out of jail free cards' would ever be even considered but some sort of reward for many reports could be implemented in the future. However, for now the reporting system will remain the same.

    If players are reported multiple times, we then start to punish them for longer such as 1week long bans instead of 1day long bans, etc. Hopefully this will help to reduce the inappropriate behaviour.
  5. PingPongGamer

    PingPongGamer Former Builder

    Jul 27, 2014
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    I think something that would reduce the innapropriate chat is having more staff.... I know there are already a bit of staff, but look at how many got demoted or retired.

    A lot more staff on every server would prevent such behavior.
  6. PingPongGamer

    PingPongGamer Former Builder

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Also, I'm not going to lie, I have sworn very little, but I still have. I might have said Skid, or nub. But I don't say it after every fight I loose and I don't say it much, it's very rare. But going to the extent of bullying, or even commenting on someones real personal life is to far. We all say bad things, I bet you even staff have but we all make mistakes.
    #6 PingPongGamer, Jan 30, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
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