R4P1DK1LL4 Retiring, Account giveaway

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Devon Smith, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. Devon Smith

    Devon Smith New Member

    Jan 1, 2014
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    I have been playing mine time for 2 years and now feel it is time for me to move on in life from mine craft, Therefore I have decided I will be joining the army, I created this post to announce that I'm going to give away my account ranked admin which has kit golden apple, the one who receives this account doesn't have to have been my friend or even nice to me in minecraft they simply have to comment why they feel they should receive this account, i will not determine the winner based on who I ike most it will simply be based solely on who gives the best reason to have the account, I will also give the security questions just so the password on the account can be changed. I hope everyone enjoys playing minetime as much as I did, for my close friends i will still be in contact on forums or via skype
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  2. ConnorCreedGold

    ConnorCreedGold New Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Its sad that u want to quit minecraft. But i want to be the winner of ur account. My skype is Xboxisbestever and if i win and u want ur account back just send me messasge there. I will luv to have my first Alt account on minecraft. I hope i really can win! im MonstaxPvP (ConnorCreedGold) And i hope u enjoy ur day!
  3. ManicMiner__

    ManicMiner__ Expert Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    I think I should receive this account because I've been long in need of an alt, and also admin would be nice. It's nice of you to give your account away as you're leaving, not many people do that. I'm sure that the people who know you will miss you.

    By the way, what is the ign?
  4. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    I want it bcoz I like da name .
    And you're awesome. I see you in-game and according to some players you're quite the legend. And seeing how you're joining the army I just want to wish you the best of luck. It will be good seeing a minetime legend serve our country. If I win I don't care, all I want to do is wish you the best of luck. I know I'm being modest. But I always am, I'm selfless and even made stradomzzz freeman today while I'm still a little a-prisoner with no money on prison. I could use this account and give it to stradomzzz too or one of my friends because this is how selfless I am :) giving it to me would be a great :) thanks!
    #4 StarfletcherBANNED, Feb 9, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  5. JNelson30

    JNelson30 New Member

    Nov 5, 2014
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    I would like to receive this account because we have been friends on MineTime for about a year, and having an alt would be awesome for me And even though i do have an account with Admin on it, I feel like I can help out other faction who need help, or an Admin to help them fix stuff, or their faction needs power. Also thank you for joining the Army to protect and serve us!!!
  6. Ed10

    Ed10 Forum Enthusiast

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I want it because it sounds super swag. Good luck in the army and your life as a whole. Kind regards, Eden1011
  7. GoodLuck

    GoodLuck Expert Member

    Oct 4, 2014
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    It is sad to see you leave, even though I haven't met you.
    I would like the account because I have never had my own alt accout, and I have never been able to fly around on pvpfest or skyblock for my first time. It's not often people give away their minecraft account. And I have been in long need of one.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Matt0

    Matt0 Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 20, 2015
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    I would like the account because I was recently banned and really miss minetime with all my heart. Id enjoy to be able to play my favorite games like factions and op pvp. Sorry to see you leave, You were a friend to me. Good luck in the army, Wish you the best.
  9. Drowninpizza

    Drowninpizza Forum Enthusiast

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I am very upset to hear of your leaving.

    Although I did/do not know you personally it is saddening to see a Minetimer leave. I wish you the best of luck in the army and I think it is very kind of you to give away your account.

    Unless you change your mind, I would graciously accept the account (or be happy to see it go to someone else.) I have been needing an alternate account for a while now to better moderate the server. As some may know, when a moderator is on most people stop rule breaking so it is very hard to catch people in the act being on my regular account. I would use this alternate account to be able to get on Minetime and successfully moderate without people knowing there is an actual staff member online. This would help out the community by making it easier to catch wrong-doers and make Minetime an overall friendlier place, one step at a time.

    Once again, I wish you the very best.
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  10. xXBossXx

    xXBossXx New Member

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I would like to have the account because i am only MVP and i would like to experience what it is like to have a higher rank. Hope you stay safe in the army,
  11. rascalb

    rascalb Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Well man, I remember when i started playing this server around 3 1/2 years ago and you and your similar named friend or something used to be on. I didn't think much of it but in the past year I have really valued and liked having old players around that I could talk about old times with. It's sad to see you go but I understand and respect your choice and wish you all the best in the army. I don't want your account man but I just wanted to with you all the best and it would be great if you wanted to add me on skype (i will inbox it to you if you want). Again good look, stay safe and kick some terrorist ***.

    ~Ash (rascalb)
  12. MinetimerScott

    MinetimerScott New Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    I would love it because I could give it to my sister who needs an account. Also, if you ever wanted it back I would return it. Stay safe, protect us ;), and have a fun time in the Army.
  13. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Sad to see you go. I hear the army is where all the Minecrafters go ;) But whatever, I hope you proceed well in life and don't die in a burning plane. I think I should have the account because I'd be able to give one to my friend and then we'd able to play together for once after 4 years. :D
  14. JNelson30

    JNelson30 New Member

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Just looking at the post and even thought this isn't for me its good to see all the positive things people are saying to him. Such a good way to honor our fellow MineTimer :D
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  15. 2002goblue

    2002goblue Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I would really like to get an alternate account so I can finally let my friend play because his parents wont let him. Sorry that your leaving. I hope you have good luck in the real world!
    Thanks! 2002goblue22
    #15 2002goblue, Feb 9, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  16. macaranaman

    macaranaman New Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I would love to have this account as I got banned via glitch from minetime and have been separated from my favorite server and my awesome minetime-only friends for over 2 years. Please pick me. I'm sad to see you go, have fun in the military, your a hero, and kick some terrorist butt for us ok?
  17. Claire

    Claire Forum Enthusiast

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Give it to the pizza fan. :p

    Thank you for serving in the army.
  18. Devon Smith

    Devon Smith New Member

    Jan 1, 2014
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    To start this post I want to thank everyone who has commented wishing me well in the army, I will gain great pleasure knowing I will be fighting for a good cause, upon posting the thread I originally thought comments would be based.solely upon the account giveaway, evidentally this is not the case, seeing peoplwe such as Rascalb and Starflecher commenting really does mean a lot.as these were players I did and do still look up to as a factions player. It also comes to my attention many people who dont have ranks/ have low ranks would like the oportunity to have.a higher account, therefore nexf time
  19. Daniel

    Daniel Expert Member

    Jul 1, 2014
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  20. Devon Smith

    Devon Smith New Member

    Jan 1, 2014
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    A rank sale is on I would loveto personaslly upgrade a few people commenting on here to shiw my respect and appreciation, because back when I was no ranked I relied on someone doing it for me. I only noticed how much this account could be useful when I saw drownins comment, the winner of my accoun3g giveaway will be announced on.valentines day, 14th feb, I would like to thank everyone (minus a few ddosers and complete morons) within the server for making my time as enjoyable as it was, I truly hope whilst playing the server I.have made people happy and have myself been made happy by many players . Although I really do love minecraft and minetimes it does sadden me sayin goodbye to people buti will be constantly monitoring forums and hope I can help anyone who needs it within minetime (offeting help to newcomers via forums) or even with real life issues. I.hope many people stay in contact with me ftom the server and I will thorougly enjoy defending the freedom of Our countries for you people.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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