Helper App

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Andy_Plays_MC, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Andy_Plays_MC

    Andy_Plays_MC Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Name: Andy

    Age: 14

    Languages that you speak: I speak English and Turkish.

    MineCraft Name: Andy_Plays_MC

    Do you have a working microphone? Yes.

    Do you have a teamspeak 3? I have Teamspeak 3 and Skype, yes.

    First of all, I can watch over the servers 10 hours a day weekends, 6 hours weekdays. I have been helping around new servers a lot. Although this is more technical issues they had, such as permissions, and plugins. I am also, the owner of my own server. I've chosen not to include the name of the server in this application, as this might be seen as a way of "Advertising" my own server, which I intend not to do. The server is a little different from this one, we do have pvp, but the server is mainly focused on a peaceful towny survival. We get a daily 1-5 people. The server is down at the moment, and I am trying to fix it. So, Im just saying I have experience.

    I applied because I love all Minetime community and staff and would love to help all the staff members moderate Minetime. I am definitely not applying for staff for the perks. It would be the best day of my life and an honor to get staff. Everyone who has staff really worked hard for it and really deserved it. I would love to join the team. Minetime is my favorite server and I would love to moderate this server. I will not go around abusing my powers and banning people. Again, I would be so honored to get staff. I want staff to help the server. Whenever I get free time, I play Minetime. I love the server so much that I am applying for staff right now. All staff are really nice and helpful to me. Thank you all the staff and Collin for this amazing server. Staff is never about the tag. I have managed servers for 11 months. All the players there can vouch for me being both responsible and mature at times. You might have seen me IG, making immature jokes. As you may see this as a weakness, I am here to tell you it's not. Maturity comes with age, and although I am not nearly as old as someone with such a huge responsibility as being Helper should be. I still find myself mature when the occasion desires it. So being immature does not affect my ability to be staff. It's simply a way of making the server more fun for the people that plays. And isn't this 50% of what the staff job acquires you to do? Make the server both safe, and fun to the players.

    Capability also comes from activity. I have the possibility of being very active on the server. Due to several reasons, well, actually just one. I am awake at the minimum 20 hours a day. I would also like to add that I live in the U.S, it's not often I see staff on during my day, and think it would be good to fit someone in there. Seeing as I am also awake at night, I will also be available to be online, when the server is crowded. Other than that, I am very willing to see different sides of conflicts, and try to solve them in a way that everyone will be happy.

    As I have a lot of experience, unless I don't see, I always reply to people having questions about the game, or commands. And if it comes to the point where I do not know the answer to the question, I will always google the issue, to find the correct answer.

    When an individual gets griefed, they may think that this server is no fun, and they will usually complain about this in the chat. As an owner of a server myself, I do know that the only way to make a server good, is giving every player, a reason to stay. A reason why they shouldn't just go find somewhere else to be, at once something goes wrong. That is why I always, always try to prevent people from leaving. As a good server is not defined by it's number of players, but by it's ability to create a good social community. With players that returns every day to one server, and one server only. To find shelter from the normal world, and meet up with all their new friends, play, laugh, talk, everything that makes one happy. But how do we accomplish this if there are only a few regular players, while all the other's are new?

    I know being a staff is a huge responsibility. If I did not see myself fitting for the job, writing an application wouldn't be one of my priorities. I have, as said, a lot of experience in being staff. And I know that most of the time these positions acquire maturity and intelligence. I am always mature, when different types of conflict arise. I keep my jokes appropriate for any age, and if it's not appropriate for you, or you are too young, I do not think you will understand the joke anyways.

    So no, being staff is not a joke. It's a responsibility handed to you, with a hope that you will do what's right when conflicts arise. I can promise you, that through these 12 months of playing Minecraft. And 11 months of running servers, I have had many staff members, some are fired, some still plays the day today. And through this experience, I have learned the difference, between a good staff member, and a not so good one.

    What would you do if someone is abusing his rank? If someone were abusing their rank, I would ask them to stop. If they did not stop, I will report them to a higher rank (Owner, Developer, or moderator).

    What would you do if someone was advertising? If a person were advertising, I would warn them to stop advertising whatever they are advertising. If they will not stop, I will mute them. Then, still after that, I will get a higher rank to BAN them.

    Extra's: I want to be staff, because I truly enjoy helping people. I have no intention of getting it for a fancy title, power and respect.(Although in my opinion, staff members should not be given more respect than players, as respect from the individual is something you deserve.) All my life I've dedicated myself to helping others. I do not run my own server so I can boss people around, or brag about my rank. I do it cause I enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something for others. I also really enjoy this server, and think every aspect of it is as a server should be. The staff that is now also seems nice, and I would love to get to know them even more. I take karate. I am really nice and respectful. I am a straight A student in school. I have won 36 medals and awards in real life. I play the drums and the piano. I have won medals from karate, swimming, piano, and tennis. 15 from karate, 10 from swimming, 2 from piano, and 8 from tennis. I play other sports too! These sports are baseball, football, hockey, table tennis, volleyball, and basketball.

    Thanks for reading this extensive app!
  2. Superarragon7

    Superarragon7 New Member

    Dec 6, 2013
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    You can't apply for a staff rank, people are selected to be staff based on how they act and what they do.
  3. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    In other words Collin just watches you until he deems you worthy ;) Good luck
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. SlimeBlade

    SlimeBlade Forum Enthusiast

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Collins a stlker
  5. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    You have no idea.
  6. harrybro

    harrybro New Member

    Sep 24, 2014
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    I would make a staff app. I am admin. But I thought you couldn't get staff at the minute?!?!
  7. daelwolf

    daelwolf Retired Staff

    Nov 22, 2013
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    application is completely copied and pasted from applicant's applications on other servers.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Volga

    Volga Expert Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    I should be shocked, but for some odd reason I'm not xD
  9. MineCat811

    MineCat811 New Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Ikr, how could a new member type that
    I don't know if the information is real or not though :/
  10. MineCat811

    MineCat811 New Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    In the motivation I think he just changed the other server's name to Minetime
  11. xillusionxxmc

    xillusionxxmc #GhostArmy

    May 10, 2014
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    I was gonna say.. It sounds so official 0.0
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Andy_Plays_MC

    Andy_Plays_MC Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    I'm not new to minetime. Ive been working on the app for about 2 months before I posted it... Im new to the forums xD
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. MineCat811

    MineCat811 New Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    I dont see you helping players :l
    So you can't get Helper. Maybe :)
  14. HellHunter

    HellHunter Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 23, 2013
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    They are not accepting staff applications atm. I would say this is a great application, though. Great work.
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