Helper Application - SteveShift

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Archives' started by SteveShift, Jul 31, 2014.


Would you want me as a Helper in Prison?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. SteveShift

    SteveShift New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    I want to be a Helper so badly.
    I put this in the section Prison as this is mostly the only server i play.
    I want to be a helper to support Minetime and help clear the chat from people who spam , swear or pose threats to other players.
    Already in Minetime i help clear the chat by most the time say 'Mind your language' or ' --------? Don't Spam plz' and many people see me saying these things.
    So in my opinion i want to now become a Helper to instead of telling people many times to 'Mind your language' or 'Don't Spam plz' i would mute them providing a more clear chat for people to chat in.
    I know that many people want to become helper and this is one of many in the whole Minetime applications of people wanting to be helper but I love Minetime and would love to help in Prison and especially clear up the chat of people spamming instead of people just carrying on.
    Please @CollinPotato or @Jess take me into Minetime and i will help all around Prison.
    And also I live in the UK which means there are different timezones so it would be good to have a good clear chat all the time in Prison.
    • Bad Grammar/Spelling Bad Grammar/Spelling x 1
  2. Player0949

    Player0949 New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Helpers application are currently closed, but if staff see you as a potential helper, they might promote you.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. CxttenCxndy

    CxttenCxndy #GhostArmy

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Currently the staff are looking for people who do good things throughout the server and the forums. Also asking for helper would lower your chances of becoming one. You must help people on a regular basis, because the staff look at the players they think would benefit on the forums, and in-game also! :) But, anyway, nice thread!
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Bad Grammar/Spelling Bad Grammar/Spelling x 1
  4. SteveShift

    SteveShift New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Thank you and I am good in-game and try and benefit other players by trying to clear the chat.
    Because i get annoyed of people spamming and swearing in chat and not listening to me.
    That is why i wanted to make a Application.
  5. Parker

    Parker Retired Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Both are helpful messages ;)

    Please refer to this thread here. Deleted unnecessary posts. Thread locked.
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