Admin, Help plz.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TEBONE1999, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. TEBONE1999

    TEBONE1999 New Member

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Okay so I was playing on creative mode like I usually do with my girlfriend when someone gave me a ram overdrive thing. I am just wondering if admins are aloud to clear peoples inventory and if so plz can someone do it my name in game is Tebone1999 it sucks because I cannot move or do anything. I tried logging off (sorry not logging off because I had to completely restart my minecraft) and when ever I get back into minetime I always have it in my hand. Plz help me I don't want to leave minetime just because some jerk put a ram overdrive into my inventory plz help???
  2. Megan

    Megan Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    Admin is not a staff rank, therefore they can't clear your inventory. You could email [email protected] to get your inventory cleared:) Make sure to include your username as well.
  3. Fluffers

    Fluffers New Member

    Jun 6, 2014
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    My friend thought of this and it worked. Go to the lobby and spam click the number of a slot without the item (say the item was slot 3, then spam click slot 1) Start clicking right before you get in the water portal. If the slot changes, then do /clear to clear your inventory. It takes a few tries but works. I really hope this helps.
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