Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by ikbenbjorn, May 13, 2014.

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  1. Player0949

    Player0949 New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    IGN: Player0949
    How old are you: Sorry, but I am not sharing this.
    What would you do for Timeless: I would try my best to help other people out. Timeless is a rank for showing you love the server, and I will show that I love the server by solving problems in the server.
    What does the server mean to you: The server is an important part of my life, I have spent a lot of my time on it, and it means a lot to me.
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: I will thank you as much as I can, until I die.(Not really, but I'd still thank you!)
    Why you want to have Timeless: It is not possible for me to get a donator rank, and there is only about 3 opportunities a year. I would also like to solve many problems tat go around Minetime. There are a various amount of conflicts going on on Creative. I don't really get noticed, because I am just a default. With Timeless, I can get out of the donators' shadows.
    Why should i pick you: A couple people from the server told me I am dedicated. I don't think I am dedicated, because I don't have a donator rank. I feel like me being default is stopping my full potential. This Timeless giveaway is the only way I can be, who I always wanted to be.
    Tell me something about you're self: I would like to donate to this server, but my parents stop me.
    What are you doing for a living: I am a student.(I really don't know what to put here)
    What do you love about the server: I love how Minetime is very unique compared to other servers. You can just go to another server and join the server forums. Minetime isn't like that. Minetime has special features allowed, like hacks, and many other wonderful things.
    What do you hate about the server: This is a tough thing to say. The only thing that annoys me is the bugs, but I know that will eventually be fixed.
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): Right now, I think you as a pretty-active member, and I have sympathy for you, because I have seen other people being rude to you in the past. If I win this contest, you will be the nicest person in my Minetime history.
    And what do you want to know about me: Well, you have shared a lot about yourself already. I see you as a nice person, who is willing to donate to others.
  2. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    So many applications.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. Fantasy

    Fantasy Expert Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Don't bump It so It gets more...
  4. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    I didn't. I was just stating that there are so much applications.
  5. xDesirables

    xDesirables Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Knew it!Gameworld has difficult issues I think he suffers from depression here's an eg
  6. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    @WenYeong what do you dislike?
  7. Thelidien

    Thelidien Builder

    Jan 19, 2014
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    IGN: Thelidien

    How old are you: I am 16 years old

    What would you do for Timeless: Anything, I'd dye my hair pink and post the pic on the forums.

    What does the server mean to you: Everything, This server is the place I got to when Im depressed or feel low, I've made lots of friends here, This server means a lot to all of us, I play on it about 7 hours a day, If I get banned or something I dont know what im going to do with my life..

    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: First thing I'd buy someone enhanced, And use my commands to help players when I can. I will also giveout kits since I dont do much PvP :)

    Why you want to have Timeless: This server is my life, It would be great to have more commands!

    Why should i pick you: There is nothing I can really say, Im like everyone else here, You should pick whoever you want and I will not be sad if you pick someone else :)

    Tell me something about you're self: Name is Jackson W****r (PM me for full name), Im 16 from Nancy, France and live with my father, I took up gaming at 8 years old, And at the same age I found Minecraft, I'm a person that loves helping and charity. I really don't know what I should say or What you want me to say :)
    What are you doing for a living: Currently I have a job at Childline, And I'm looking forward to studying to be a doctor!
    What do you love about the server: The most amazing thing about this server is that it's more like a social media than a game, Here you can actually make friends and chat unlike other servers, Plus the owners are amazing and helpful and people are so nice!

    What do you hate about the server: Lag, And creative crashes

    What do you think about me: Honestly you are a very generous person, Giving away 5 timeless, But also your parents are amazing giving a load amount of money to charity! You're nice on the server, But we don't really talk much so I don't know what else to say. I just hope you spend your money wisely :)

    And what do you want to know about me: You seem like an interesting person, Not that im kissing *** or something, I'd like to be your friend and we can get to know each other better, Honestly what I just said has nothing to do with the rank.

    I hope what I said was enough, Again thank you for this giveaway, It's also a good benefit for the server!
    -Thelidien :)
    #167 Thelidien, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  8. Thelidien

    Thelidien Builder

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Cancer is a *****, I lost my mom to it.. Oh well, Thanks for announcing it!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  9. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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    lol wth are yo talking about im moving in 23 days and who has cancer o.o
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Salty_Pretzel

    Salty_Pretzel Forum Fanatic

    Feb 8, 2014
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    IGN: atartz

    How old are you: 13

    What would you do for Timeless: I would go to death valley with only 2 bottles of water then run 15 miles there after I dyed my hair hot pink.

    What does the server mean to you: It means everything to me in minecraft. I only have 3 servers, Minetime the #1 server I have.

    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: I would show my friends and make more friends.

    Why you want to have Timeless: My shop on skyblock is really not popular, because we can't shout. I really want it because of partly this, and to make more friends, because some people out there likes to exclude non-donators out of their friend group, what really makes me sad. I would also play with some of the new commands I have.

    Why should I pick you: I am really nice according to most people, and I will really appreciate it. I would give you some money on pvpfest, or money from factions or survival. I would really appreciate it if you buy timeless for me.

    Tell me something about your self: I play Minetime when I have any free chance. I am a baseball all-star in the little league, and is on a baseball travel team. I am really nice and I got a lot of friends in real life, and would like to make more here. I am also really good at building stuff, especially statues. I built SkythekidRS, mine, AntVenom, and many many others.

    What do you hate about the server: Only the lag.

    What do you think about me: I think you're AWESOME SERIOUSLY WINNING 5 MILLION DOLLARS!?!? THAT'S AMAZING!! I THINK YOU'RE ALSO AWESOME BECAUSE YOU'RE BUYING TIMELESS FOR 5 PEOPLE!! THAT'S SO GENEROUS AND AWESOME TO DO!! Sorry for the caps lock, but seriously you're really, REALLY awesome for doing this.

    And what do you want to know about me: You are very nice, generous, awesome, and someone who would make a GREAT friend. I know your family won 25 million dollars and is moving to LA in 23 days. I would like to get to know you more by being your friend, you seem very nice.

    Thank you for reading this, and I hope I get picked.

    #170 Salty_Pretzel, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
  11. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    I don't want to tag him because I hate reminding people of it but its Hazzabitz
  12. Max Benedict

    Max Benedict Forum Fanatic

    Dec 2, 2013
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    IGN: Santa_Cheese62
    How old are you: 17
    What would you do for Timeless:Run 30 miles
    What does the server mean to you: Minecraft
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: /tp JK :p, probably /kit timeless on Factions, everything!!!
    Why you want to have Timeless: Because I never can buy anything for MC, except for Executive. It's an amazing game and server!
    Why should I pick you: I love Minetime, I play as much as I can on Minetime, and I love EVERYTHING
    Tell me something about you're self: I love technical stuff and art!!!
    What are you doing for a living: Student
    What do you love about the server: Creative, Factions, drtshock, CollinPotato
    What do you hate about the server: Spam
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): I think your drawings are awesome, and I would do anything to have that skill, but sometimes it seems a little show-offy
    And what do you want to know about me: How are you so good at art?
  13. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Young user, that is not an example of depression. It is simply a fit of rage from being called gay, though he may have some homophobic issues as most youth will.
  14. DragonDaMan

    DragonDaMan Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 15, 2014
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    IGN: DragonDaMan
    How old are you: 7
    What would you do for Timeless: Buy me Co-Owner
    What does the server mean to you: Fun
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: As Co-Owner I will appoint 50 new Helpers to ban all bullies coz this is the most UN-family friendly server i've ever been on.
    Why you want to have Co-Owner?: Coz it too Swegg
    Why should I pick you: Coz I've been nice to you even BEFORE your dad won the Lottery. All of the other applicants in this giveaway are being nice to you AFTER your dad won the lottery (but you already know that).
    Tell me something about you're self: I love fried chicken and cheeseburgers
    What are you doing for a living: I kill and get killed
    What do you love about the server: Megan
    What do you hate about the server: Lag. It's the laggiest server among the 20 or so servers I currently play on.
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): You said be honest.... I think your artwork is no good.

    EDIT: If you didn't say "be honest" my answers would be different.
    #174 DragonDaMan, May 16, 2014
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  15. Fantasy

    Fantasy Expert Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Can I ask when they'll be chosen?

    (It's not like I'll win it or anything, but I just wanna congragulate the winners and see who they are :D )
  16. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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    after 12 days :3 i got my papers of being a good game designer so whe are going to LA in 12 days and the house is finished to when i get there i take some selfies with ma smexy house :D
  17. GameWorld426

    GameWorld426 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    This thread doe gl picking
  18. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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    i see you really like that profile picture... hope you dont get all the credit because its mine....
  19. StarfletcherBANNED

    StarfletcherBANNED I can have whatever title I want

    Dec 5, 2013
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    Post the selfies here :D
    Also gl.
  20. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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