Discussion in 'Suggestion Archive' started by ikbenbjorn, May 13, 2014.

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  1. Popcorn84620

    Popcorn84620 Forum Fanatic

    Mar 30, 2014
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    @ikbenbjorn you should probably ask for a thread lock request so a million people don't post. :) That way, you'll have less choices and it will be easier.
  2. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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    i want more people to apply not just 10
  3. tacticturtle

    tacticturtle New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    @TheFrikinAsian Stop putting him down. You're no better for fighting fire with fire.
  4. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Was there only ten total? XD

    I'm not even... Nope. Shh. Gonna say nothing. Your comment was just... nope. Nothing.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. LtSpearzZ

    LtSpearzZ Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I'm a notable member and almost none of my posts are that short, ask anyone. It's possible, just be active. So don't give up.
  6. Popcorn84620

    Popcorn84620 Forum Fanatic

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I'll admit that a have pretty short messages :(. But I'm working on them ;)
  7. ikbenbjorn

    ikbenbjorn Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 26, 2013
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    lol your like davidsocomedy ( youtuber )
  8. Popcorn84620

    Popcorn84620 Forum Fanatic

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I'm guessing that person is a male, but I'm to scared to look him up :p.
  9. Muri

    Muri Expert Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    I never asked who has a better chance. That's what he meant by the results.
  10. TheFrikinAsian

    TheFrikinAsian Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Too bad I only use Youtube for music! Ha!

    yo man wear iz da rezults? i totes did won yet? i desrv 2 win cuz i is azn teenage man. #Hashtag #Kony2012 #IfTreesCouldTalk (Pssst, this is a link)
  11. GameWorld426

    GameWorld426 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    People, now a days
  12. LtSpearzZ

    LtSpearzZ Dedicated Minetimer

    Jan 7, 2014
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    IGN: LtSpearzZ

    How old are you

    What would you do for Timeless
    Well, if I don't get it from you I'll probably just work for the money.

    What does the server mean to you
    It's a community I'm glad to be a part of. I love helping on forums, and maybe help even more as a staff member.

    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank
    Thank you, of course. After that though I'd go enjoy the new found perks.

    Why you want to have Timeless
    I want Timeless for the perks, the prefix, and so I can save my money for something else.

    Why should i pick you
    There's no personal reason that you should pick me. We've never directly talked other than during beta testing. I guess a reason should be that I really want it, but that's the same for everyone else here. I'm a nice and helpful person, and I'm very active in the community. At least you know it wouldn't go to waste.

    Tell me something about yourself
    I enjoy playing rugby, videogames, and being a part of this community. I don't know anything real personal to tell you. I'm Canadian, so you know I'll be nice. ;) aha

    What are you doing for a living:
    Working summers at a grocery store and going to school. If helping around here is a living I guess that too.

    What do you love about the server
    While I like the server, I more enjoy the community and people. I do like to play on the servers like skyblock, pvpfest, factions etc. but I spend most of my time on forums.

    What do you hate about the server
    Hate is a strong word, and there's nothing that bad about Minetime. I guess bugs are kind of annoying but I know they're getting worked on so it doesn't bother me as much.

    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ):
    Like I said above I didn't really talk to you much. For that reason I'm not going to say things like"Oh you're so nice" to get on your good side. I like some of your builds I saw around the time I joined forums and I know from one of your threads (I think) that you're a very good artist. I really liked some of the pictures you showed.

    And what do you want to know about me
    Anything I could I guess. It never hurts to learn more about another member of this community.
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Richiecat62

    Richiecat62 Forum Enthusiast

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Ya, lol. You should do 1 for urself and I can delete mine because it's not what you would probably want,
  14. GameWorld426

    GameWorld426 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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  15. Jackdogdude1

    Jackdogdude1 New Member

    Nov 4, 2013
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    IGN: jackdogdude1 (I am Admin)
    How old are you: 14
    What would you do for Timeless: I WOULD KILL SOMEONE FOR TIMELESS!!! Jk jk jk. I would help my friends out on minetime with my sick timeless kits (there are kits right?) and commands. I would also probably do some giveaways also.
    What does the server mean to you: This is basically the only other server I play on, because its got a awesome and nice community, helpful staff, and well... I like everything about the server. (I am NOT trying to kiss up :p) Minetime is where I go to escape reality/parents/school/everything :rolleyes:.
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: I would go on from the moment I get on until the moment I go to sleep an celebrate with giveaways and parties in places like survival and creative.
    Why you want to have Timeless: Well one, it is the best donor rank on Minetime... but that goes without saying. Two, I have two friends who are timeless and it gets pretty annoying hearing them constantly bragging about how they have timeless.
    Why should i pick you: Because I am almost always on (without it being debatable if I have a life or not), I like to help people, and I am always happy :D.
    Tell me something about you're self: I like to play sports, hang with my friends, spend time with my bros (who are 2 and 5), play minecraft, occasionally play xbox with my friends, I am always in a good mood to the point where my friends ask if I am high or not, it is currently 86 degrees in my house, I have a bag of ice strapped to my back, and I LOVE eat (DID I EVER MENTION I LOVE TO EAT?!?!?!?)
    What are you doing for a living: Umm... I am 14 so I go to school and am too young to have a job. If you are asking how I make money non job wise, than in that case I do chores and earn a small amount of money a week. (I currently don't make any money from chores because I owe my parents 2 months of chores for free because my cousin broke my phone and had to get a new one [TMI?])
    What do you love about the server: Umm well I kind of said what I like about the server on question 4, but I will say it again: I love how nice the community is, I like how helpful and friendly the staff is, and... well I like everything about this server. I also like to eat! DID I MENTION I LOVE TO EAT!?!?!?! o_O
    What do you hate about the server: Only one thing that I don't like (Not much of a problem) is that Collin is a serious procrastinator (WHICH WE CAN ALL AGREE ON).
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): Well I think you are about the most luckiest person on the world because you won over 10 million dollars on a scratcher, I mean seriously, NO ONE WINS ON THOSE! I think you are a very dedicated member of Minetime, well because you know, you have over a thousand posts. I think you are funny because when I first saw your meme in your signature I laughed out loud (LOL for all of you people who live in 2010) and my mother told me to be quiet.
    And what do you want to know about me: I WANT TO KNOW IF YOUR MOTHER IS SINGLE! Jk jk. I guess I want to know how big your house is going to be in LA (I have family who lives there and I live near there [San Francisco]). I want to know if you have any bothers or sisters (TMI?). I also want to know how long you have been a member of Minetime.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this very VERY long application/submission/thing :D.
  16. Cheester1242

    Cheester1242 New Member

    Nov 29, 2013
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    IGN: Cheester1242
    How old are you: 15
    What would you do for Timeless: Something that wouldn't involve jumping off a cliff or dying
    What does the server mean to you: A part of my life
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: Help out new comers and get them to know the server well like the rest of the players.
    Why you want to have Timeless: So people can actually hear what I have to say when they need help this has happened a lot where someone asks for help and no one even bothers to help them and I'm currently having a money shortage.
    Why should i pick you: I am a friendly player and will help anyone if they need it.
    Tell me something about you're self: I like to play a lot of sports like soccer,hockey, etc...
    What are you doing for a living: Going to school and trying to get a diploma.
    What do you love about the server: The creativity of the game modes and the owner.
    What do you hate about the server: The players that don't bother helping anyone at all.
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): You seem like a nice person in general because without you this wouldn't have happened.
    And what do you want to know about me: What you do for a living and why do you want to help others get ranks that they can't afford.
  17. Jack

    Jack Forum Fanatic

    Jan 23, 2014
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    This is for my friend (since you said no to TacticTurtle)

    How old are you: Not saying :/
    What would you do for Timeless: Draw you a great picture and give you LA suggestions
    What does the server mean to you: A whole lot
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: I would congrats my friend
    Why you want to have Timeless: She is a very nice person
    Why should i pick you: I think you are a really cool guy, and you have a lot of talent.
    Tell me something about you're self: I play soccer and I am good.
    What are you doing for a living: Nothing really.
    What do you love about the server: The staff
    What do you hate about the server: Voting problems
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): Same as "Why should I pick you"
    And what do you want to know about me: Nothing much.
  18. Cutie

    Cutie Forum Enthusiast

    Jan 18, 2014
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    IGN: BuggyBee
    How old are you: She's 13 (She's going to kill me I told her age D: )
    What would you do for Timeless: She said she would be in the circus and become a clown
    What does the server mean to you: Quote from BuggyBee "This server means my life, without it, I wouldn't be alive."
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: Quote from her "I would be jumping up and down and I would be happy!"
    Why you want to have Timeless: "I want people to notice me" -BuggyBee
    Why should i pick you: Cause I could really help and if the server is fighting (Creative) I would be noticed and fighting could be stopped.
    Tell me something about you're self: (This is from me and once again, she's going to get mad D: ) She's emo....
    What are you doing for a living: (I don't know... I'm not a stalker...)
    What do you love about the server: It has lots of servers (i.e., creative, skywars, ect.)
    What do you hate about the server: It has lots of fights... And laggy.
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): Ok-ish...
    And what do you want to know about me: Your personality's...

    (I didn't write any of this. She doesn't have an account but she told me on Skype.)
  19. ByPassed

    ByPassed Dedicated Minetimer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    No thats fine I will let your application win for me.... If it wins its ment to be and i really thank you for doing this for me. True friends do this kind of stuff, Thanks -Jeremy
  20. lightning968

    lightning968 Elite Minetimer

    Feb 28, 2014
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    IGN: lightning968 [MVP]
    How old are you: 10
    What would you do for Timeless: Anything its awesome!
    What does the server mean to you: It means everything to me. I play on Mintime only and whenever I can. I even refuse to go off when I am playing sometimes!
    Whats the first thing you would do if you have the rank: I would look at all the epic features then build on survival and build for others and get all the awesome kits.
    Why you want to have Timeless: Because it totally stands out, I would also help others and use the features whenever possible.
    Why should i pick you: Because I love Minetime and I would love to get all the amazing features and be known better.
    Tell me something about you're self: I am in 4th grade and I love science and PE.
    What are you doing for a living: Well I am only 10 so I do not have a job but I love to ski, bike, and play minecraft.
    What do you love about the server: It is a greatly developed server and the staff are awesome!
    What do you hate about the server: It can get VERY laggy but I am used to it
    What do you think about me ( be honest or you wont get a big chance of getting it ): I think you are a amazing, epic, and awesome Minetimer! You are also a great builder!
    And what do you want to know about me: You are extremely awesome and funny!
    #160 lightning968, May 14, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
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